Missing You

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Here are some updates on how Sofia and the children are doing while Klaus is being held prisoner. The italics are letters Sofia writes to show Klaus one day and one way she found to cope with the loss of the love of her life.

Today marks one month without hearing your voice. Hayley and I have been working non-stop looking for a cure for your siblings. We've run into a dead-end but we will not rest until our family is back together. I miss you more than you can know. Our children are adjusting to life here in the middle of nowhere. Hope looks for you. Every time a door opens she searches for you. She is still too young to understand you're not here. I know she misses you telling her stories before bedtime. Henry is growing every day and he looks so much like you that it hurts. I tell our children stories about us every night just so they can know their father and how much he loves them. I miss your complaining about the simplest things. I miss you Nik. I wish there was something more I could do to ease your pain. Until I see you again.

Nik, today marks five months. Henry is such a good baby. He rarely is fussy even if his nap is disrupted. I just told Hope and him the story of when we fell in love. I told them both of our versions. I told them of our fairytale moment at the ball where we danced the night away. And I told them the moment you saved me from the evil witch who they don't know is their grandmother. I told them the amazing things you've done for us and continue to do. Whenever you get to see your children know they will love you as much as I do. Until I see you again.

It's now a whole year without you. It's hard for me even to say this. I've gone a whole year without being in your arms. A year of you not seeing our children grow into independent beings. Hope is running around the house making it hard for Hayley and me to keep up with her. She is so full of light and pure joy it would make you proud. She has also found a love of art which I know would make you smile. She loves painting the beautiful scenery from our house. I show her pictures of you holding her as a baby and she loves painting the perfect picture. She has them all dedicated to you in some way or another. Where can I begin with Henry. He's such a happy little boy. His laughter could put a smile on anyone's face. Like his sister, he loves running. I swear if I wasn't a hybrid I would be exhausted trying to keep up with our kids. Hayley and I have been taking turns on who will leave to find another clue for the cure. Believe it or not, it was easy to find the first member of the 7 wolf packs but after that, we're left with nothing. Until we meet again my love.

Henry is talking non-stop. He tells me things like it's the most exciting thing in the world. Hope was more reserved at his age. It's amazing to see the difference between our children. Henry has your eyes. He's so handsome just like his father. He's finding an interest in music. Every time I play the piano he is right there with me observing and wanting to play along with me. Hope asks me every day about you and how we fell in love. She loves hearing our story. I walk by her room and her dolls she plays with her names after us and plays our love story. Of course without all of the death and gore. She loves fairytales and every time Hayley and I leave the house in search of the 7 wolf packs we always bring her back a new book to fall in love with. Henry loves anything to do with animals. His room is full of stuffed animals from every zoo in the country. Well at least all of the ones from where our travels took us. Until I see you again.

Well, it's official. Henry is a gifted pianist. He picks up notes quicker than we've ever seen. Hope loves singing along to the notes and Hayley videos every second of it for you to see it one day. We want you to know how happy your children are. Henry wants a dog and we've talked about getting one but with us not being home all the time with searching for the cure it makes it hard to make such a big decision for the family. Hope still paints you every chance she gets. I can't believe she's four years old already. She's grown so much since you last saw her. She is beautiful, strong, independent and everything we've wanted her to be and more. I can't wait until you see our son. He is sweet, loving, and brave. I have to speed to catch him from jumping from the top of the fridge. He reminds me so much of you. Henry has these beautiful dark curls and striking blue eyes. His laugh as I told you brings a smile to me on my darkest days. Until I'm I see you again.

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