[10] - Alcohols and Hugs

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When we entered the restaurant that Cheska gave to Josh, we immediately saw the two on the side and they were waiting for us.

When we approached them, only Cheska stood up to greet and greet Josh and me.

"I miss you!" Cheska told me while hugging me.

I returned Cheska with a tight hug. Despite what happened between me and Gian, she remained fair and square. He didn't take sides and that's a good thing.

Cheska made us sit opposite him and Gian, Josh was literally opposite Gian and I was opposite Cheska.

"Gian and I have already ordered since it's my treat because my birthday is coming up." Cheska said when we were all seated.

"We should go straight to the point now. Or maybe we have to wait for the food before starting the conversation?" Gian said flatly.

What the hell happened to her? He is not the Gian who became my friend a few years back. To make it simple, the size of what he changed. Is that really the effect of time?

The three of us, Josh and Cheska looked at each other because we were both surprised by him.

Josh was about to say something when I stopped her by stepping on his left foot lightly, "Gian." I called him. Her attention and her eyes are on me immediately, "I don't know how to start this because I have no idea why you got mad at me and why you said the things you said to Dennise last week."

"Really?" The sarcasm was evident in his voice, "You don't know? Or do you want me to remind you?"

I didn't answer right away, so he continued to speak.

"Okay." she adjusted her seat and faced him, "Remember when I told you that I still love Josh? That was before you left for the States. And if I'm not mistaken, you told me that there was nothing you could do to help Me. By the way, something is happening between you two." Gian shifted his gaze to Josh but he quickly returned his gaze to me, "Rhianne I trusted you. Of all people, you knew how much I love Josh. I didn't expect you to betray me."

"Let me stop you right there Gian." this time Josh didn't stop me. Even though I touched her leg several times, she didn't budge from me, "I don't think Rhianne betrayed you. She said she can't help you anymore because she's leaving and above all, she knows I don't have feelings for her anymore That time. She was just protecting you from getting hurt." Josh said boldly.

Gian laughed sarcastically, "You don't have feelings for me anymore because he has already dared you."

"Look Gian." I raised my voice because of what he said last time, "We were friends, it's just surprising that such words come from you." I felt Josh holding my arm but I ignored it, "For your information, we are in grade 11. I have had feelings for Josh for a long time, but because I have high respect for you, him and myself , I never came between you. After all, I had a choice to destroy you, I could do something to convince Josh to stop, but because I know he loves you, I supported you. Even though every time I see you, I'm crushed, even every time I see you talking and being together, I'm slowly getting hurt. I ignored my feelings because you're my friends, especially Gian." 

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