Chapter 1

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P. O. V. Dipper

I was running for my life the guards right behind me, as I dodged an arrow turning a corner sharply and running into something warm and soft. I looked up and saw an unfamiliar face with gold hair and gold eyes well eye seeing as though one was covered with a triangular eyepatch he was dressed in a white shirt with black pants and a yellow tailcoat. I tried going around him but he stopped me gripping me firmly by the shoulders as he said "Whoa now where are you off to in such a hurry?"
"No time to answer gotta go now!" I tried getting around him again but he refused to let go. I started panicking as I heard the guards shouting a few feet away and I said "Please let go I have to leave or they'll catch me!"
But his grip didn't loosen as he spoke in a calm manner "All you have to do is answer the question."
I realized then that I would never get the man to let go until I told him where I was going, but the thing was I didn't want to tell him where I was going for fear of him telling the guards. So I quickly thought up a lie and said "I'm heading into the forest to hide. Just until the heat goes down. Now please if they catch me I'll have to go back!"
He released me saying "That wasn't so hard now was it?"
I ignored him running around him just as the guards rounded the corner and I heard one of them yell "There he goes!"
As I forced my legs to go faster I saw that the alley I had chosen as my escape route ended soon and I skidded to a stop just before I hit the brick wall that ended the alley. I backed away as the guards surrounded me in a half circle slowly closing in, I felt my back hit the wall behind me as the commander of the guards said "Dipper pines, by order of his royal majesty king Tad you are to be brought back to his palace come peacefully or we will be forced to use force."
I fell to my knees pleading "Please don't take me back! I can't stand it anymore! Please!"
But the commander would hear none of it as he said "Surrender!"

I quickly looked around trying to figure a way out of this mess but I saw none as the guards advanced closer on me, so I did the only thing I could I surrendered. Immediately they were on me chaining my hands behind me and dragging me to my feet they led me out of the alley, as we exited the alley I saw the man again and he was smirking at me as I passed him. Not that I cared, for I had bigger problems on my hands as the guards led me back to the palace I really hoped Tad wouldn't kill me for this...

We arrived at the palace late that afternoon and as we passed through the doors I hesitated suddenly afraid, but that didn't last long as one of the guards pushed me forward saying "Keep moving."
I stumbled forward kept going only by the sword point pressed into my back. It had been three days since I last saw those lavender doors slowly shrinking into the distance as I escaped on horseback. I was lead through hallway after hallway before finally the guards stopped in front of two large double doors. one of the guards knocked on the door and I heard a deep voice call from inside "Enter!"
The guard then opened the door and marched me through it stopping at the feet of the throne and forcing me to my knees as I stared at the ground not wanting to meet his gaze then I heard him say "Did you really think you could escape?" I kept my gaze lowered not answering him until he spoke again and this time I could hear the anger in his voice "Look at me when I talk to you boy!" I reluctantly looked up at him taking in his purple almost black hair which went perfectly with his dark purple cloak and bright purple eyes which I noticed were locked on me as he waited for my answer and I nodded my head slightly and I saw anger light his eyes as he stood walking up to me and I flinched away as he reached out to grab my hair pulling me to my feet so I was forced to look him directly in the eye as he said "You did, did you?" Then I winced in pain as he pulled my hair again forcing my head back he turned to the guards saying "Leave us!" as a dagger appeared in his right hand and he said "Well maybe I should teach you a little lesson then what do you think of that?" even though it hurt to do so I frantically shook my head as he brought the dagger up to my neck I tried to pull away but his grip on my hair tightened keeping me in place as he stopped the dagger at my chest and I froze scared of what he was going to do as he removed the dagger and said "I think we'll do something a little different this time what do you think?" I just looked at him knowing that this question was not one he wanted an answer to as he released me allowing me to fall to the ground at his feet and I landed on my back wincing from the impact. I sat up watching as Tad moved away fiddling with something behind his throne before I heard him say "A ha!" I flinched at the sound of his voice but he ignored me as he pulled a leaver causing the floor to open up under me and I screamed as I fell into the dark pit below me hitting the ground hard before the top closed leaving me in complete darkness.

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