Chapter 19

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P. O. V. Bill

I fought as many of the soldiers as I could, but there were too many of them, and soon they had me bound in demon proof chains. I could only hope that Pyronica had made it out of here. Then they dragged me toward a pair of purple double doors which they knocked on, and I heard Tad say "Enter!"
The sound of his voice made me want to strangle him, but with these chains on, there was no way I could. the guards dragged me to the center of the throne room where they forced me to my knees. I looked up at the one demon who at the moment I hated more than anyone or anything else as he said "Well, well, well, what do we have here?" he sat up straighter in his throne as he continued "Bill Cipher. Demon of the sea. Category one. Well, well, what a treat."
I moved to stand, but the guards held me back as I spat out "Why don't you remove these chains then we'll see how much of a treat it is when I rip out your intestines and shove them down your slimy good for nothing throat!"
Tad tisked at me as his guard punched me in the stomach causing me to bend forward and Tad said "Such disrespect. Is this how you treat all your hosts?"
I straightened and said, "Only those who touch my stuff."
I saw Tad's eyebrow raise at that as he said: "I haven't touched anything of yours Cipher."
I glared at him as I said two words, "Ella, Dipper."
I saw fear flash in his eyes as he said, "I had no idea the girl was yours or I swear I would never have touched her. As for the boy he was mine long before he was yours so you can't do anything about him, plus technically I didn't harm him."
Then I stood as I said, "That doesn't matter to me right now all I care about is getting them both back!"
Tad thought for a moment then said "I'd give you the girl without a second thought she hasn't done anything but defied me. Which now that I know who and what she is, it makes sense the only problem is I'm not sure where she is. The boy, however, disobeyed a direct order from me, and I can't let that slide Cipher you know as well as anyone the laws of the land."
I said, "Wait. You don't know where Ella is?" he shook his head, and I cursed then said, "Great. Now I've gotta find her again."
As Tad said, "Put him in the dungeons for three days as punishment for breaking into my palace, then Let him go he's of no use to me."
The guards took me out of the throne room and down to the dungeon where I spent the better part of three days before they dragged me out back to the city where they warned me if ever I was to return they would kill me which I laughed at. Knowing that they could never possibly kill me as I teleported back to my ship and I passed Pyronica on my way to my captains quarters, and I said to her "Keep an eye out and don't leave this dock!"
To which she replied, "Aye! Aye! Captain!"
As I opened the door to my quarters, I realized I would have to enter the mindscape. So I laid down on my bed close my eyes, and I called to Ella's conscious which came at my command but something was off about it, and as I entered it I suddenly became afraid, but I couldn't figure out why until I realized it was her mind. The fear in her mind was so intense that it was making me feel the same, which was unusual even for a demon. As I went through her mind, I attempted to calm it by bringing forth good memories, but every memory I brought forth became more and more clouded until it faded away completely. So I dove deeper into her mind trying to find the dreamscape or if she was awake the awakening. Eventually, I found it, and I tapped it, allowing her to hear me as I said, "Ella?"
She jumped at my voice, but almost immediately the fear fled her mind and she could think clearly again as she thought back to me "Bill?! What are you doing here I thought Tad caught you I thought... I thought you were dead!"
I scoffed as I said, "Tad kill me? Please, Tad couldn't kill my pinky toe."
Through her, I heard the noise of a door opening as panic overtook her mind and she thought quickly "You have to leave, now! Come back tonight we can talk more than. It's the only time he leaves me alone."
I said, "Who? Ella, where are you?"
I felt the panic turn to overwhelming fear as she thought, "I'll tell you later just go!"
a shield blocked my next words from her as she shut her mind to me, and I exited her mind just as immense pain ripped through her mind.
I woke up breathing heavily and sweating as thoughts raced through my mind, but they were so confused and reckless that I couldn't make sense of them. That is till I calmed myself enough to think straight where Ella could be where she feared for her life? Who could've been coming down those stairs who scared her so much that she pushed me out? But I guess all these questions would have to wait till nightfall when I intended to get answers one way or another...

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