Chapter 24

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P. O. V. Dipper

The demon had managed to get the arrow out of Ella then they wrapped the wound and they had just gotten the last bandage on when she woke up and she looked groggy and disoriented as she said "What's going on?" Then her eyes widened as the memories came flooding back to her. I tried to go to her but the demon holding me was unrelenting in his grasp on me which was so tight that I knew there would definitely be bruises on my arms.
Then the commander looked Ella over with a curious gaze then turned to the guard who had gotten the arrow out of her and said "Carry her."
both the demon and Ella looked at the commander as though he had gone insane and said "What?!"
the commander narrowed his eyes at the demon and said in a tone that didn't allow argument "Carry her."
the demon started to say something but was cut off by Ella who spoke in the demonic language toward the captain. while I couldn't understand them I did glean that she was not speaking kindly toward him. as she spat with a venom I had never seen in her before. The commander responded in kind spitting right back at her before she responded angrily.
at this point Jacob made a comment which the commander laughed at before he spoke and I was beginning to become annoyed at their obvious disregard for me as I muttered under my breath "Ya' know it be really great if I could understand you guys."
Jacob had apparently heard me because he turned to me and said "Something's you really don't want to understand."  Before he winced slightly at a particularly sharp remark from Ella. as Ella and the commander continued arguing with each other then finally the commander spoke ges and Ella huffed crossing her arms in front of her as the demon picked her up and threw her over his shoulder not even bothering to chain her hands behind her as he had with Jacob and I. Then he switched back to English but it sounded more broken then before as he said "Come! now we hie!"
As we started walking forward surrounded by the demons who kept their weapons at the ready. We walked all day, and well into the night, and exhaustion started to set in so that I was having trouble keeping my eyes open until finally I collapsed unable to go any further. the process was called to a halt as the commander came up to us and said "What's going on hither?"
Jacob who I hadn't realized had come closer to me said "He's human he can't keep this pace forever he needs rest and food."
the commander sneered "Humans are so weak it's a wonder he beateth one of mine demons let alone three. an we must rest in decree to keep his pathetic hide alive then we must rest." Then he spoke in demonic and the others moved away leaving ten demons to guard us. Jacob helped me to my feet supporting me as I whispered "What's going on Jacob?"
he said "The commander ordered the others to make camp," then before he could say anything else the commander spoke to the demon carrying Ella and the demon threw her down to the ground causing her to wince slightly as they jostled her shoulder. Jacob turned to the demon speaking vehemently in demonic causing the demon to draw his sword and speak back with the same amount of venom in his voice. Until the commander said something else and both Jacob and the demon backed off as Jacob went to Ella's side and said "Are you alright?"
she waved off his concern as she said "I'm fine Jacob." And he helped her as best he could to get into a sitting position. then the commander spoke in demonic again and one demon grabbed me by my arms and I started to panic but Jacob said "It's alright Dipper they're just unchaining you relax." I did as I heard the click of the chains being unchained. I slowly rotated my arms forward my shoulders being stiff from remaining in the same position for so long. then they moved to Jacob and they unchained his arms from behind him chaining them in front of him instead, and he rolled his shoulders as I rubbed my wrists which were chafed from rubbing against the cuffs for so long. as the demons began setting up camp one of the demons came up to me and spoke in demonic pointing behind me.  I looked behind me but didn't see anything so I turned back to the demon and shrugged causing him to become frustrated with me. he reached to grab mebut before he could Jacob spoke to him in demonic and the demon calmed down then said something to Jacob who said to me "He wants you to go do your business then come right back."
I started to say something, but Jacob said: "It doesn't matter if you have to or not you should empty your bladder now because if you wake them up in the middle of the night, it ain't gonna be pretty."
I said, "Ok." Then I got up and walked into the forest doing my business and even though I could've escaped right then and there I couldn't leave Jacob and Ella alone back there. so I went back to camp where I saw the demons had set up camp and one of the demons came up to me and said in broken English "Come. Follow." I nodded then followed him to a horse which he chained me to. I didn't see Jacob or Ella anywhere, and I asked where they were, but none of the demons around me spoke enough English to understand my question. which made me feel slightly exposed and scared without them, but I was so tired at that point that nothing mattered to me anymore as I fell asleep......

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