Chapter 12

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P. O. V. Ella

I was still weak from repairs when the captain called a meeting and I groaned then said to Jacob who had since returned "Would you mind helping me?"
He nodded then silently helped me stand and I swayed for a moment as he held me steady saying "You good?"
I nodded then let go of him walking carefully to the door still slightly dizzy but slowly getting better and eventually I was able to move out of the room without my head swimming going from there to the poop deck, Jacob never more than a few feet behind me and when we finally made it up to the poop deck he dragged a chair over to me saying,"Sit. Your still weak."
I sat too tired to argue with him as the others stood and the captain started the meeting by saying "Alright, we have a problem." He paused glancing at me for a split second before gazing back out to sea as he continued "Dipper's been in the mindscape." I heard a collective gasp go through the others but I already knew this so the news didn't surprise me as much but his next words did "We have to go back to Tad's kingdom-" but the rest of his words were cut off by the uproar of protests at this news which continued until he yelled "SILENCE!" Effectively silencing the protests as he continued "I want no further noise until I finish understood?" we nodded as he continued "Now as I was saying, we're going back to Tads kingdom, I know a demon there who specializes in making Human brain potions, one of which I need just in case Pinetree starts to fade. Understood?"
A resounding "Yes sir!" Echoed around the ship before he said "Then what are you scallywags waiting for get to work!"
A flurry of movement followed his words as everyone worked to get the ship turned around and on course to Tads kingdom, but when I moved to stand Bill said "Ella. I need you to keep an eye on Pinetree for me I don't want him running off on me. Got it?"
I saluted then said "Yes sir!" Before leaving him to the ship heading to Dipper's room.
We arrived at shore a short hour later at which point I had regained plenty of strength to stand and such when I heard the cry of "Land ho!" Come from above and the others prepared to go ashore as the captain gave them the rundown making sure to say that they were not here to plunder only to get the potion before they left the ship. The moment they had left I opened the door to Dipper's room as I said "Dipper?" I looked around the room but it was empty and I started to panic before I spotted the open window and I looked out it to see Dipper already on shore. I watched as he disappeared into the city before I sent a quick message to the captain diving into the water and swimming to shore where I met the captain and crew as the captain said "You were supposed to keep an eye on him Ella!"
I yelled back "I would've to had the door not been locked!" Then I calmed myself as I said "Arguing and throwing blame won't get anyone anywhere, you focus on getting the potion first and let me focus on Dipper ok?"
He was glaring at me, but agreed to the plan but before he left he said "Fine, but if you don't find him before Tad it won't be pretty."
I nodded ignoring the obvious threat in the statement as I said "Yes sir!" And ran off...

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