Chapter 8

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P. O. V. Ella

I woke the next morning to yelling outside my door and I was trying to go back to sleep when my door busted open and I shot to my feet instincts kicking in as my eyes opened and I crouched in the ready position as I saw three pirates standing in my doorway one of which wore an eye patch similar to the captains but this was very obviously not the captain for one thing there was no energy coming off him so he was undoubtedly human and for another thing the captain didn't have a beard the other two looked to be twins but the had some demonic energy coming off them but not enough to call them anything but category fourteen the weakest and most common of the demon categories and all three of them looked ready to kill as I quickly dashed into the bathroom connected to my room shutting and locking the door behind me and I heard them yelling for me to come out but I remained where I was running to the back of the room and searching for anything I could use as a weapon and I spotted the shower rod which I could use as a staff and I climbed up reaching for it and just as my fingers curled around the pole I heard the captain's voice and he was talking gently as he said "Ella? I know you're in there I need you to come out now ok?" he distracted me just enough for me to slip off the side of the tub where I had been standing causing me to fall  forward my hand still gripping the shower pole before that slipped as well and I fell into the tub below me with a very loud thud and I heard the captain's worried voice say "Ella? You alright in there?"
I muttered a small curse before pulling the shower curtain off of me and yelling back "I'm fine! Just slipped is all!" Before I pulled the curtain away from the pole and held it in a manner that would allow me to defend myself if necessary as the captain said "Ok! Well can you come on out now?"
Before I felt him in my head say 'Ella you need to come on! We've been boarded by one of the zeros! And he's ticked about something!'
I said back 'I'll be there in a minute! I just gotta finish!'
he said ' finish what? I know you're not on the toilet. What are you doing?'
I said 'coming up with a plan.' Before I blocked him from my mind then looked around the room before quickly pulling my hair up into a bun and secured it with a ribbon onto which was attached a poisoned needle which I hid in the base of the bun then I cautiously opened the door to the bathroom just a crack but that was all the pirates needed to barge in and they grabbed me disarming me from the pole in my hands and pinning my hands behind me as they dragged me upstairs. the captain had been long gone from my room as I was forced to my knees on the deck and I heard a familiar chuckle come from above me as I looked up into the purple eyes of the one demon who I feared the one demon I thought was dead one of the few zeros alive my old master Kyrion Jones, he had a smile on his face showing off his pointed teeth and I flinched as he said "Well what hast we hither?" he held the flat of his dark red blade under my chin forcing me to look up at him as he examined me with those unforgiving eyes his short black hair blew in the small breeze as he said "Aren't thou a quaint one, might just keepeth thou."
that's when I realized that he didn't recognize me, did I really change that much? I mean sure my hair was longer, and I was cleaner than I had ever been with him and I didn't look quite so beat up, and I had a lot more confidence, plus I was taller and a lot tanner- and now I know how he didn't recognize me. Then I realized that the captain was talking as he said "What do you want here Kyrion?"
Kyrion turned toward the captain removing his blade in the process and said "I did hear from a dram bird yond thou art the one who is't did take mine dram prize from me and anon I'm hither to taketh 't back."
the captain glared at him and said "What little prize? I've never taken anything of yours!"
Kyrion stepped closer to the captain who was the only one of our crew standing getting right in his face as he said "Don't playeth dumb withal me little boy! I know thou did take that lady!"
the captain thought for a moment before saying "Oh! You mean the weak crying girl I found at the foot of Tads castle? I only took her because she looked pathetic, thought she was a demon turns out she had no powers and she was too weak for me so I threw her into the ocean and left her there." he shrugged nonchalantly then gave his signature smirk as he said "I doubt she's still alive."
Kyrion shook his head saying "Thou're falsing I can sense that lady hither." he leveled his blade at the captains throat and said "This blade wilt killeth aught demons included so I suggest thou start telling the truth. Whence. Is. The lady ?"
he smirked and said "Don't know don't care."
Kyrion snarled at him but a small whimper from Dipper caught his attention and he slowly turned toward him saying "Well, well what hast we hither? a human?" he leveled his blade to Dipper's throat as he said "Stand boy!" Dipper did so shakily as Kirion studied him with an air that I recognized with dread as I realized what was going through his head and he said, “So thee claimeth to has't thrown her overboard because the lady wast human yet here thee has't a little boy human on thy ship” he stared at the captain who glared back as Kyrion smirked before turning back to Dipper saying “in yond case alloweth me to taketh him off thy hands I'll taketh him instead. "
the captain took a half step forward before being stopped by another pirate with a sword at his chest as he said "No! Leave him be!"
Kyrion turned his head toward the captain and said "Oh? Thou care for the human doth thou? Well then yond maketh this prize doubly worth 't for thou see Cipher I cared for mine prize as well."
I could see where this was going but before Kyrion could lay a hand on Dipper, and even though I knew it would cost me I yelled, “WAIT!"
Kyrion held the blade mere centimeters from Dippers chest as he paused and said "I know that voice."
he turned away from Dipper coming back to me as he leveled the blade at me and said "Stand!"
Which I did and said "leave them be."
he sneered at me as he said "And where's the fun in that princess?"
I shuddered at the familiar title then I steamed myself for what was to come from my next words as I said "Leave them alone Kyrion, and in can take me back."
he seemed to think that over then he said "So thou found something to care about did thou?"
my eyes widened as a memory of my dead mother ran through my head in the briefest of moments and his meaning clicked in my head as I glared at him saying, “Not exactly."
he raised an eyebrow at me and said "Oh? then why can't I dispatch him?"
I shrugged and said "Got a contract I gotta keep, you know how contracts are right?"
he growled at me as he said "Thou know I doeth, and that was years ago! besides that though I seeth nay sign of a contract on thou!"
I shrugged and said "That's because I don’t like to show it off ." Then I freed my hands from the guards behind me and rolled up my sleeve exposing the Cipher wheel there which was the sign that was agreed upon for the contract (contracts can only be made by demons with other demons they are kind of like deals except that if either one of the demons breaks this particular kind of deal then they die in the most horrible way known to them and contracts last for life(for this particular contract Bill has agreed to protect her from any harm and in return she has agreed to do whatever he says) and I heard Kyrion gasp then say "So thou doth hast a contract. And who's the contractee?"
I said "None of your business!" As I felt something trying to prob my mind but I hardened my defenses knowing that it wasn't the captain having felt him for years now as I said "You'll have to try harder than that."
Kyrion smirked saying "Nay problem, but before we begin care for a little wager?"
I said "Hit me." he smirked but before he could actually hit me I said "Not literally!"
he looked disappointed but said "Alright then. Hither's the wager, a two way mental battle," and the others gasped for a two way mental battle meant that both parties would be simultaneously trying to get into each other's minds while also blocking the other out  in all the cases that it had happened at least one of the parties has gone insane I know the captain participated in one once but he was up against a much weaker demon and it was a simple task for him to win neither side went insane but I can tell you it's not a good idea to mentally battle a dream demon and Kyrion continued "a two way mental battle, first one to taketh over wins."
I thought it over for a moment before saying "What happens when you win?"
he smiled evilly as he said "I get to doeth whatever I want withal the crew hither."
I nodded thoughtfully and said "Ok but that's not really my call considering this crew actually belongs to Cipher, how about instead of the whole crew you can do whatever you like with me?"
he said "Fair enough point but thou alone won't art enough for me how about thou and a demon of mine choice?"
I glanced at the captain who was glaring at me and said "Deal, now if I win," and I smirked at Kyrion "You and your demons have to leave the ship for the rest of eternity you can never come back here."
he said "Thou make a hefty bargain little girl, but since I highly doubt thou can beateth me," and he held out his hand which burst into a dark purple flame as he said "deal." And just as I was about to grab his hand the captain said "Ella don't."
I looked at him and said "I don't have a choice captain, if I don't win run."
he glared at me and said "I never run."
I sighed and said "And I never back down." Before I grabbed Kyrion's hand my own jade flames intertwining with his deep purple ones as he smirked and said "Begin." And before the word was even fully out of his mouth I felt an immense power press down on my subconscious and I felt the shield I constantly kept up breaking as I rushed to repair it. Drawing into myself and allowing my body to fall limp as I focused all of my energy into defending my subconscious. Resolving to wait for him to exhort himself trying to get in before I tried to attack him and as I drew myself into a small ball around my subconscious I felt him enter my mind and a darkness fell over my brain. Before he could get to my memories I darted out behind him our subconscious attacks formatting into subliminal versions of ourselves and I saw him wreaking havoc in my brain destroying as much as he could. I winced as he punched in driving a nail of pain through my head as I darted out of the hole in my shield and as I did so Jason (the commander of the subconscious, which is the most carefully guarded and the most sensitive part of the brain) appeared and he said "Ma'am! The brain is-"
I cut him off saying "I know it's under attack but I have to win, listen I need you to distract the attacker understand? Don't engage with him because if you try to you will only lose all you have to do is stretch him out make him use as much power as you can without making him go full power and I promise I'll be right back. Keep the resolve strong and keep him here got it?"
He saluted saying "Yes ma'am!" Then turned to leave.
But before he left I said "Wait." He turned back to me and I said "Get me the three strongest soldiers you have." he saluted once more then left returning a minute later with three soldiers and I examined them closely making sure they actually were the strongest before I nodded as my mindscape shook and I said "These'll do now get back in there!"
he saluted one last time before leaving and I turned to the three soldiers and said "Come on!" Before climbing out of my mind the three soldiers following me.
I found Kyrion's trail that kept him connected to his brain and I followed it back to his brain as quickly as I could. The three soldiers following behind me and when I reached his brain I landed gently on his shield tapping it with my fingernail three times before turning to the soldiers behind me and saying "Ready?!" they raised their weapons and nodded and I pointed to the shield and said "Fire!"
Which they did hitting the shield as forcefully as they could and causing a large amount of dust to rise. When it cleared there wasn't even a scratch on it which made me slightly nervous and I punched the shield as hard as I could causing pain to shoot up my hand which I grabbed rubbing the bruised knuckles then imagining the pain going away resulting in it then I remembered what the captain had told me once about the mindscape that brains won't let anything in or out without some kind of hole. Find the entrance to the brain and there's not much else to do. So I retraced my steps then found his mind trail again and followed it to its exit hole which was just barely big enough for the trail to get out of but I did notice a minuscule hole and I turned to the soldiers and said "On three shrink." they nodded as I said "One. Two. Three!" And I shrunk down as small as I could go at which point the minuscule hole looked like a giant gaping cave which I easily slid into passing through and growing to a normal height on the other side same with the three soldiers with me then I whispered "Stay quiet and move quickly." Before I moved as quickly as I could but I had never been in his mind before and it took me quite some time before I finally found his subconscious but right as I did I felt a stabbing pain in my head.
The soldiers said "We are needed!"
I said "Go!" they did disappearing into thin air as I continued forward on my own feeling vulnerable all alone as I floated in his mind. I approached his subconscious but ten feet away I ran into a shield around it and I heard a call of "Intruder! Sound the alarm!" Before I swore hiding quickly as well over a thousand soldiers stood between me and the subconscious.
I cursed again before running to a rock that was just tall enough for me to hide behind when I sat and I peeked over the edge of the rock and upon seeing that the soldiers hadn't moved I imagined a giant horse running toward them with an army behind it on the other side of where we were and a cry went through the soldiers as they spotted my imaginary army and they rushed to that side as the shield around the subconscious weakened where I was to compensate for strengthening on the other. I knew that was my chance and it was surprisingly easy to break through what remained of the shield then I ran as fast as I could toward the base gaining entry just as the soldiers realized I had made it inside and I shut the door behind me bolting it shut as the soldiers slammed into the other side and I walked down the long hallway following the slight green glow in front of me which steadily grew brighter and as I ran down the corridor I chanced a glance at my hands and I noticed they were becoming transparent which meant that my subconscious could have possibly been breached and I was fading quickly away I knew I had to hurry or he'd win so I pushed myself to go faster flying down the hallway at supersonic speeds as the green glow became unbearably bright and I stepped into a room at the end of the hallway which held a green glowing transparent gem. I ran toward it but before I reached it I bounced back and I swore as I said, "Another freaking shield! Gosh darn it how many do you need?!"
I heard a growl come from my left and I turned toward it and saw a shield wolf (A vicious creature whose lifeline is connected to a shield and  you need to kill the animal in order to break the shield) and I cursed again as I rushed the animal not having time for games and it quickly dodged me as I skidded to a stop bouncing off the shield once more as the wolf rushed me this time and I dodged it but it managed to latch onto my nearly nonexistent arm and I cursed as I felt razor sharp teeth sink into my skin and I rammed the wolf into the shield and it went through the shield as I summoned my weapon of ninja stars and grew one to five times its size stabbing one end of the star into the exposed stomach of the wolf and it yelped once then was still and it slowly faded as the shield left as well and I ran forward jumping into the gem which broke on impact as I thought no wonder there's so much protection around this it's quite weak before I felt myself take control and I heard a roar of anger as I forced Kyrion back to his own subconscious and out of mine then I said "I've won! Now you'll leave this ship and leave my friends alone! Have I made myself clear?"
I heard his strained reply of "Yes!"
Before I left fading out of his mind and allowing my conscious to pull me back in too weak to do much else and as I returned to my brain I saw it in disarray and I realized that it could take weeks before it was back to normal but I had to make sure he left the ship so I quickly made the necessary repairs to be functional again then I woke up and as I did I coughed and I heard a gasp as I shifted until I was standing and I faked a strength I didn't have as I faced the pirates that weren't apart of my crew saying in a voice that betrayed my weakness "I've won. Now I want you to take your captain and get the hell off this ship and back where you came from, and if I ever see you here again I will break every bone in your body. Have I made myself clear?"
I heard a fearful "Yes ma'am!"
"Then get going!" I said as I pointed back to their ship which was next to ours and I waited until Kyrion was back on his own ship to fall back and Jacob caught me from behind preventing me from falling as he said worry lacing his every word "You ok?"
I leaned heavily on him as I said "Yeah I'm fine I just need some time to heal it'll take me a while but I'll be back to normal before you know it."
he said "You need to lie down.”
Dipper looked at me worriedly saying “She’ll be ok right?”
The captain said "She shouldn't have woken up yet." As he grabbed my chin looking directly in my eyes as he continued "You should have waited longer why'd you wake so soon?"
"I needed to know they would leave." I said as I felt myself start to fade back into unconsciousness
"I could've made sure of that you didn't have to." He said worriedly
"I know," I said breathlessly "But I wouldn't have been able to focus on repairing if I hadn't."
He nodded then growled at the few remaining other pirates Kyrion having been long gone and the few remaining pirates scurried off the ship and the minute they were gone he cut the cords connecting the two ships and we sailed along as my vision started to fade and I said "Jacob take me to my room and lay me on my bed I'm gonna pass out."
He nodded then picked me up and the last thing I felt was his strong arms before the darkness took over and I retreated into my mind to make repairs...

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