Chapter 16

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P. O. V. Bill

I needed to find them both of them but especially Pinetree. I couldn't live without him. The moment I got back to my ship I swore if they weren't back by sundown I was going to go after them, but I knew in order to do so, I would need a plan and a good one. If I knew Tad, he would have them both heavily guarded. Which wouldn't be a problem for me being a Dream demon and such the guards wouldn't be a problem the problem would be finding them for I knew Tad would undoubtedly hide them so I couldn't find them. Sundown soon came and went, and with it any hope that Ella and Dipper had escaped the guards. I quickly formulated a plan, but before long, I realized I had a crucial problem I still had no idea where they could be. It took some time, but I finally found a way to find out where they were. I would pop into Pinetree's dreams to find out; I can't believe I didn't think of that earlier. I tried it out late that night, but for some reason, I couldn't find Pinetree's dream anywhere it was as though he had dropped off the face of the Earth when I returned to my own conscious I thought about why I couldn't find him. The only logical explanation was that he was... No! He couldn't possibly be! Tad was smarter than that he would use Pinetree against me he wouldn't kill him! So why couldn't I find him?
The question remained in my mind throughout the night and into the next morning before I figured it out. Pinetree must have unicorn hair on him that was it! He wasn't dead he just had unicorn hair yeah that made perfect sense. But now how was I supposed to find Ella and him? Wait a second Ella! She can help me find them but what if they put unicorn hair on her too? No, I had sensed her mind last night they hadn't put any on her yet, but there was no time to lose. I had to speak to her now! So I went to my captains quarters and sat crisscross on my bed. Knowing that her mind would be difficult to get into, I gathered all the power I thought was necessary and began. As I entered the dreamscape, I searched for her conscious, but I knew she would be hard to find from the start, so I called for her aware to come to me, and it answered. I hadn't expected that considering it was the middle of the day I thought she'd be wide awake maybe she was weaker than I had previously thought, but I couldn't focus on that right now. I needed to focus on the task ahead of me I knew this would be difficult and would likely take a lot more power than I could give, but I needed to know where they were so I touched her mind. Immediately I was stopped from going in by a thick shield around it, but I was determined to succeed, and I pushed with my hand into her mind. Causing the surface to become harder than diamond and push against me, so I began chanting adding power to my push. The shield responded in kind pushing back as hard as it could, but I could feel it getting weaker, and I drew energy from the shielded mind resolving to later give it back to her until finally with a loud BOOM! The shield around the mind popped, and I fell in laughing at the pain that flashed through my hand and head as I said: "Pain is hilarious!" Then continued through her mind carefully skirting the edge of her subconscious the most delicate thing in the mind one touch and it would break, but it was also the most shielded and if you tried to mess with it before first breaking the person well let's say it wasn't pretty.
I continued carefully through her memories, most of which were of the ship, but the most recent ones shocked me. They were of a dark room and immense pain and confusion. I stopped and watched one. It was of her hanging by her arms too weak to stand as a muscular man stood in front of her holding a whip, and he kept saying the same thing "What's your name?"
But she never spoke not once instead she stared at the back of the wall until he went behind her and I heard the snap of a whip, and she cried out as he yelled: "Tell me your name!"
she said, "Never!"
he cracked the whip on her again as she screamed so loud that her voice went hoarse and he said, "Name!"
But she only shook her head, and I had to turn away from the memory as I felt anger boil inside me. How dare he?! How dare Tad have her tortured! How dare he even have the gall to touch her?! Ella was my demon! How dare he?! I calmed myself telling myself I could get revenge on him later once I rescued the others. It worked soon I was calm once more, and I left her memories traveling through her knowledge. I quickly realized just how smart she was I had always known she was smart, but this? It was huge! I quickly realized that she knew a lot more than she let on, but I also knew I had to move soon as I saw her mind go dark a sure sign that she had fallen asleep. I ran through the knowledge and burst into the dream section just as she was beginning to dream, and I found myself in a green meadow with wildflowers growing all around me and a cool breeze blowing through the field as I spotted Ella. She looked utterly at peace as she sat watching the sunrise. I walked behind her, making sure I didn't startle her as I sat down next to her and said: "Beautiful morning, isn't it?"
she squealed in surprise, tackling me, and I chuckled at her happiness as she said: "You came!"
I said, "I needed to know you were safe plus this way, I can also find out where you are, but right now, you're crushing me."
She quickly got off of me as she said, "Sorry! It has just been a very long time since I've seen a familiar face!" Then the mood of the dream became sacred as she said quietly, "I'm scared, Bill. For the first time in a long time, I feel powerless." She looked me directly in the eyes, and I saw there all the pain and fear that she felt as she said: "I don't have a plan."
I was shocked by her words because she always had a plan. Always no matter what state of mind she was in, she still had an idea. I felt fear for her knowing that she was genuinely terrified. I put my arm around her in an attempt to comfort her as I resolved to rescue her from the Hell hole known as King Tad's palace. I held her for a while as I put the pieces of my plan together and I continued to hold her as I whispered: "This time you don't need one, because I have one and all it's missing is your location so can you tell me where you are?"
She closed her eyes for a moment, and I felt a newfound calmness in her mind as she said "I don't know where I am at the moment all I know is that I'll be back at the castle sometime tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't give you any more info."
I smiled as an idea formed in my head, but in order to do it, I needed to be sure I could get into her mind again even with unicorn hair on her. that required an oath of permission, and these thoughts crossed my mind as I then said: "I have an idea that may or may not work, but it requires your permission to do so will you give me the permission I seek?"
She pulled away from me looking me directly in the eye as she said: "You're being cryptic about this plan of yours why?"
I held her gaze hoping to convey the magnitude of what I was asking her to do as I said: "Because if I'm not cryptic then they could drag information from you and I don't want this plan coming into anyone else's grasp now do I have your permission or not?"
she looked at me with absolute trust as she gave the oath "I Ella McLean from the household of Jade and Caleb McLean and demon category twelve hereby give you Bill Cipher of the Cipher household, demon category one permission to do whatever you need do to my mind." She paused and said quietly, "Don't do anything that isn't completely necessary, please."
I said with absolute sincerity, "I won't that I promise."
I knew I had to seal the oath with a deal as I held out my hand which had burst into blue flame and said, "Deal?"
She hesitated slightly before saying "I'm trusting you." and placing her hand in mine we shook on it, and I suddenly remembered the power I had taken from her and decided that then was the time to give it back but I knew she wouldn't take it back willingly. Knowing that I still needed to get back to my own body, but I intended to keep my promise to myself, and I gave her back the power I had taken, but she took more energy than I had anticipated and left me feeling weak as she quickly pulled her hand away and said "Sorry! I swear I didn't mean to do it that time!"
I realized I had scared her and recovered faster than I usually would have as I said: "It's fine, I know you can't control it yet."
She said, "What now?"
I smirked and said "Now you sleep and I put my plan into action." the smirked slipped off my face as concern replaced it and I said, "Just hold on for a few more days I'll be there soon."
Her eyes closed as her dream ended. I made sure she had no other dreams as she slept, and I exited her mind faster than I had entered it, for now, my plan could go into action. Now I had a location...

a/n: I'm sorry for the lack of updates last month I'm just going through a tough time right now, but I should hopefully be back to regular updates now.

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