Chapter 29

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P. O. V. Dipper

I was terrified beyond anything I had ever felt before. I was chained to a wall deep beneath the castle and I was completely alone in the cold dark cell which barely had enough light to see by, but that wasn't the worst of it the worst was the sounds coming from upstairs the pain filled screams of others was terrifying beyond words. It made me want to run away back to the warm and comforting white mary where Bill would be waiting for me with open arms which I would run into and never let go of him again,but that was all a delusion and there was nothing I could do. Not while I was stuck here chained to a wall in a cell, so I curled in a ball as far from the door as I could get, with my head on my knees, wishing that something good for once would happen, when I heard a bang come from outside the cell causing me to lift my head and press my back further into the wall as I heard voices coming closer and I caught part of their conversation "... the boy." Said the first voice which was deep and dripped with underlying malice
"He thinkssss the boy'sss her ssssoulmate at leassst that'ssss hisss claim." Said a second voice which was scarily similar to how you might imagine a snake sounding.
The first voice chuckled at that before saying "He can't possibly be her soulmate humans don't have soulmates."
"That's what I thought too," said the second voice "But the massster ssssaid he wasss, and who am I to argue with him?"
Then they turned the corner and I saw two demons one was huge at least eight feet tall with red skin that was so dark it was almost black and muscles everywhere as well as a giant spear which he held in his clawed hands in such a way that I knew he was familiar with it, he had on a cherry red helmet that was shaped around two blood red horns which came out of his head and were sharpened so that they looked ready to kill as his beady red eyes glowed in the darkness the rest of his face hidden in the shadow of his helmet as he stared at me intimidatingly. The other one was taller at least ten feet but he was a lot skinnier, with green scaly skin that covered the whole of his body, and he held a mace that radiated power with his clawed hand over his right shoulder, he also had on a helmet, but his was a dark forest green that covered his face making it impossible to make out any details, other than two dark green eyes peered down at me, but he didn't have any horns instead a long grass green tail slithered behind him and the tail had a giant spiked ball at the end of it, neither one of them were wearing anything but a loincloth. The tall one took a set of keys and unlocked my cell and I pressed myself even further into the wall as he laughed and said to the other demon in the second voice "The poor humanssss ssssscared..." and he seemed to be emphasizing the hiss in his voice as he spoke
Then the other demon stepped into the cell and said "It should be sssscared," he said mocking the other demon as he bent down to my level causing my to attempt to back further into the wall as he lowered his voice to a terrifying whisper "After all what else are humans for, but to terrify." And he drew the last word into a terrifying growl which made my heart pound in my chest as I let out a small whimper and he laughed at me as he unlocked the chain, and picked me up by the back of my shirt standing to his full height so that I was hanging in the air and I squeaked as my feet left the ground and I faced the demon saying “Put me down!” and I swung at him but he was too far away for me to reach him
the demon laughed at me as he said “My my you are fiesty I see why one could get attached to you little human. You have the attitude of a demon.” and he tossed me from hand to hand
before the tall one who couldn't fit in my cell said exasperatedly "Alright that'ssss enough Osssscar you don't want to kill him."
The demon called Oscar stopped tossing me from hand to hand instead holding me in his right fist which I pounded on with my fists as he turned to the other one and said, "Awww come on Lyryan, I can't kill him even a little?"
"No!" The demon called Lyryan said "That'ssssss not your job. It'sss the bosssssessss job, and you know what happensssss when you do hissss job for him."
"Fine!" Oscar said ducking out of the cell "but if he says we can torture him I call first dibs."
Which made Lyryan laugh as I struggled to get out of Oscar's crushing grip and they walked down a long hallway before going up the stairs and walking down yet another hallway till they arrived at an enormous pair of double doors which towered over even Lyryan who knocked on one of the doors causing it to open inward and they walked into the room which was twice as tall as Lyryan and big enough to hold the whole of Gravity falls within it with plenty of room to spare. At the very front was a giant throne on top of which sat the biggest demon I had ever seen he had black skin, with blood red armor covering his chest and legs and a dark cherry red helmet that covered his head, but not his face he had black beady eyes and sharp pointed teeth, he had one of his clawed hands on a blood red sword that laid across his lap as the other gripped a chain which was attached to a female demon who was laying at his feet and not looking at me her silver swirled with purple skin covered only by a bikini top and short skirt that glowed silver and her white hair was shoulder length tied back from her face in a ponytail as her silver eyes remained on her clawed hands as we walked into the room and the two demons fell to one knee their left hand coming across their chest and their head bowed as they said "Sire!"
Then Oscar spoke showing him me as he said "We have the boy as requested."
The demon sat forward in his throne as he sheathed his sword and said in a voice that was immediately recognized as Kyrion's "Well done. Now leave him hither and returneth to thy normal duties I wilt call thou again an I need thou."
Both demons rose at that and Oscar dropped me to the ground as they both turned in sync and left the doors slamming shut behind them as I laid on the floor trying to catch my breath and I heard the rattle of a chain causing me to look up and I saw Kyrion looking at the female demon who was still looking at her hands as he said "Seeth what happens when I don't get what I want? innocents get hurt."
The female was still refusing to look up from her hands until Kyrion grabbed her hands harshly and growled "looketh at me when I talk to thou!"
Which she did and he relaxed slightly before I felt something take control of my body causing me to fly toward them uncontrollably until I was floating in the air just above the female demon who glanced once at me before turning her attention away from both of us refusing to look at either of us as I struggled to move against the force that held me there as Kyrion said "Give me thy loyalty again or else I'll start on him instead!"
But she still refused to look at either of us as Kyrion released her hands and I was sent flying into a nearby column which I smashed into causing me to yell in pain as I hit it and I was slightly dizzy from hitting the column as I sat up leaning against the column and I saw Kyrion heading toward me the female demon directly behind him dragged along by the chain as she continued refusing to look at either of us, as Kyrion glared at me then he got this look in his eyes as he glanced at the female then said "Maybe," and he moved closer to her caressing her shoulders as he said "I wonder how thou would'st feel," and he whispered "An I were to turn him into a demon..." and he grinned creepily as she turned to him for the first time glaring at him as she spoke in a voice that I recognized as Ella's "You wouldn't."
And he grinned a sharp toothed grin as he said "Try me."
"You- you can't!" She said horrified "it's.. that's illegal!"
"Ohhh is it now?" He said with a sharp smile and drawing his sword "that's nice to know considering I make the rules."
"No you don't," she said as he attached her chain to the throne far enough away that there was no way she could have reached me "The counsel does!"
But he ignored her walking toward me as I ducked behind the column which made him smile yet again as I bolted from him running toward the double doors and trying to get them open before he caught me because there was no way I was becoming a demon that's not what I wanted from life. The doors wouldn't budge though as I turned around pressing my back to them and looking around for some kind of escape route as I saw Kyrion nearly on me then an idea popped into my head and when he was a few feet away I used my smallness to my advantage as I ducked between his legs popping up behind him and bolting away as he laughed behind me saying "So the mouse is smart! Ha! that won't help him for long I hast thousands of years of experience on him!"
I ignored him as a sudden thought popped into my head why wasn't he using his powers he could have easily caught me by now if he had but he wasn't then I realized something he was playing with me and he was enjoying it so I thought more then I spotted a sword leaning on the throne and editing my course I grabbed it turning and seeing him directly behind me I yelled charging him then jumping as high as I could slicing his calf open and he roared in pain as black blood poured from the wound and he turned to me but instead of anger on his face there was a smile plastered on his face as he said "That's the spirit! thou'll make a wonderful demon!" Before he reached for me with his left hand so I did the only logical thing I could think of I jumped landing on his hand and running up his arm as he tried to grab me with his right hand I cut at it slicing off one of his claws and black blood poured all over me which stung slightly but I ignored it continuing to run up his arm until I was on his shoulder where I put the sword in my mouth and grabbed onto his hair climbing it as he shook his head trying to get me off but I held on with everything I had as I grabbed one strand wrapping it around me until I felt secure then tying it in place as I released the hair dropping a good three feet before being stopped by the hair around my waist and he was still shaking his head trying to reach me with his hands now as well but I quickly grabbed some more of his hair climbing through it until I reached his neck where I grabbed the sword holding tightly to the hair at his neck I raised the blade to kill him but before I could make the killing blow I heard him bellow "ENOUGH!" And the sword flew out of my hands as I froze controlled once more by the strange force which pulled me out of the hair and in front of him where he grabbed me with his right hand which I noticed now had all of its claws, and he was glaring at me as he said "Thou hast caused enough troubleth for me now I wilt make thou a demon!"
Then he turned toward Ella, and I saw her pull against the chain as he said: "And thou wilt watcheth!" Before he snapped his claws and a chair appeared in the middle of the room which he sat me in. As the force removed itself from me and I was able to move freely again at least until the chair locked me down in it. I struggled to get out of the chair as I faced Ella who was struggling to get to me as she said, "It's gonna be ok Dipper. Just whatever you do, don't listen to the voice!"
Which confused me for a split second before Kyrion said: "All this could art avoided an thou just joineth me again!"
Causing Ella to glare at him as she spat, "Never!"
"Very well!" Kyrion roared before putting one of his giant claws on my head, and he started to chant "Den boreí poté na pethánei! I athanasía eínai exéchousa. Kathós metaféro ti daimonikí enérgeia. Tóra diatázo tis dynámeis na metatrépsoun aftón ton ánthropo se daímona!" 'May he never die! Immortality is eminent as I transfer demonic energy. Now I command the forces turn this human into a demon!'
I screamed as a burning pain coursed through my veins just before I passed out...

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