Chapter 32

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P. O. V. Bill

As I made my way back to Pinetree's room, I was hoping that he didn't think about escaping again because there was no way I was going through that crap again and I opened the door to his room sighing in relief when I saw him there, and he said "Bill?"
I could sense that he was in a mood and that this could take a while so I sat down on his bed right next to him as I said "Yes?"
"How did you manage to find us?" He asked, turning toward me sitting criss-cross with his hands in his lap similar to how Ella had been sitting a minute ago.
He watched as I thought for a moment before saying, "Well, it's a long story..."
"We got time." He said, getting into a more comfortable position.
I chuckled slightly at his words then said: "Alright if you really want to know-"
"I do!" He said sitting forward intently
I nodded, then said, "One week ago...
I searched and searched, but no matter how many times I went into the dreamscape, I couldn't find either of them. as I tried once more to reach them, a force slammed my brain back into my body with a strength that drove the breath from me. I swore then sat up cursing as I stood off the bed and started pacing trying to think of any way I could possibly reach either of them. When suddenly I felt the unmistakable call of Pinetree's mind, and I stumbled as his mind crashed into mine and I was sucked into the mindscape.
As soon as I entered the mindscape, I realized that slowly the power of Pinetree's mind call was weakening, so I had to act fast. as I quickly searched and found his mind I entered it without any trouble as was so often the case with human minds they were so easy to break into. as I traversed the familiar mind of pinetree, I felt an overwhelming sense of fear here which ignited my fury, but I kept myself in check knowing that if I lost my temper in here, it would cause catastrophic damage. so I kept my temper under control as I rummaged through his memories trying to find out where he was, and I came across some fairly awful things that had happened to him. one thing I noticed was his attitude toward Ella had changed significantly the memories of her instead of being surrounded by the red light of fear were now enclosed in the light blue light of a protector and a friend. as I turned this new information over in my head, I continued my search until I finally found the memory I was looking for. This memory was surrounded in reds and yellows signaling adrenaline and fear, and I watched the memory of when we got separated play out until I saw Ella jump on top of him and the memory glowed yellow than light blue as he looked at Ella. I heard his thoughts from that moment 'she saved my life. I can't believe it, she saved me.' then his attention was drawn to Jacob. As the memory tinted red as his thoughts went into a panic 'oh no Jacob's gonna kill me for letting her get hurt like this. what do i do what do I do!' then Jacob turned to him asking what happened he stated that she had jumped on top of him just before an arrow pierced her in the shoulder and I said out loud "This isn't what I want." before I fast-forwarded the memory stopping it when a demon that I recognized came up to the small group. I paused the memory zooming in on the demon as I searched my own brain for where I had seen him before. As my thought reeled in my head, it hit me like a ton of bricks where I had seen him before. it was Kyrion the only evil zero (the other zero's mainly left people and demons alone. preferring not to involve themselves in things that don't concern them) and a bane on my existence. I cursed as I realized who had taken them but luckily I've been around Ella long enough to know exactly where they were.
I slipped back into my own body a plan fully formed in my head as I stood slightly shaky from spending so much time in the mindscape, but I quickly adjusted then opened the door to my cabin issuing orders to the others "Hoist the sail! Be ready to sail!"
as I shouted orders to the rest of the crew, Pyronica came up to me and said: "Captain, what's going on?"
I smiled grimly at her as I said, "I found them Pyro, and now we're gonna go get them," and I muttered under my breath " Then I swear I'm never going to let those three troublemakers off this ship again."
She laughed at my empty threat as I climbed the stairs to the steering wheel. The wind caught our sails as we moved away from the port and out to open sea as Gregory, my least favorite of the bunch yelled up at me "Where are we heading captain?"
I narrowed my eyes shielding them with my hand as I scanned the horizon. allowing my memories to guide me from the few times that Ella had told me where Kyrion's castle was and I said "We're going to Kyrion's castle and we're gonna go in fighting." and I raised my voice to the rest of the crew as well "So unless you want to die I suggest all those who haven't already heal up as quick as possible then regain as much energy as possible in the next four hours because that's when we'll get there."
Everyone on board saluted me at once before saying "Yes sir!" and going below deck to rest up all except Pyronica who stood by my side and I turned to her and said "That means you too Pyro."
She shrugged saying "I'm as rested as I'm going to get. four hours of laying in bed staring at the ceiling isn't going to change that."
I nodded at her before refocusing my attention on the horizon, which was painted red and gold by the setting sun. As I watched the sun dip below the horizon, I felt a sudden pang of panic that didn't come from me but from dipper and as my mind wandered into his. Our consciousnesses melded and we became one as I saw that he was inside a dark cage and he turned our heads toward the door where I could faintly hear the sound of a conversation going on. Before the door was opened and a giant of a demon entered the cage and picked him-me-us up, and the demon started tossing us from hand to hand. as I slammed back into my body gasping and I clutched at my heart which was beating incredibly fast. I heard Pyronica say "Captain! Are you ok?"
I nodded shakily still disoriented from what I had just seen as I said to her "Increase speed!"
She nodded then went to the sails rigging them so that we sped along at twice our previous speed then she slid down the mast saying "That's as fast as she goes captain."
I nodded at her words but knew we still weren't going fast enough to get there in time as Pyronica rejoined me at the helm and I said: "She still needs to go faster or we won't make it."
Pyronica sat down next on the floor next to me, closing her eyes and chanting in a language, not even I could understand. As she did so, I felt the ship speed up even more as a light pink glow surrounded pyronica and the boat. I could see her struggling with her power, and her breathing becomes slightly more labored. As she squeezed, her eyes shut tighter continuing to chant until we were going the needed speed. As we speed along, I felt a bolt of pain run through my body, causing me to bend forward and panic raced through my body as I realized we were still too far away to help. With that thought forefront in my mind I gripped the steering wheel tightly with both hands and stood straight before yelling "All hands on deck! This is not a drill! All hands! This is not a drill!"
I heard a scramble of activity as the others raced to complete my orders and when they were all assembled before me, I said: "I need all who are healthy on those oars now!" Then I watched three of them go namely Rebeca, Gregory, and Fiona to the ones who were left I said "Kate!" and she looked at me expectantly her pale skin looked even paler now that I could fully see her "Set the rowers at a pace of 25 knots more than what we're going!"
She saluted then ran to obey, and I watched Pyronica stop her chanting as the boat continued to move. She stood shakily but before she could go more than a few steps, I stopped her saying gently, "You need to rest Pyro. You've done enough for now." then I looked to the rest of the demons that were still there and said "Moonstone!" and he looked at me as I said "Take Pyronica down below and take care of her there." he climbed the stairs letting Pyronica lean on him without a word as he led her down below to heal. I turned to the last demon there Jane who was still healing from her injuries and said "Jane!" and she looked at me expectantly as I said, "Your job is to help moonstone and rest up yourself."
She moved without hesitation going below. As she did that I felt the boat speed up slightly.
We reached shore shortly after and I ordered the rowers to stop. hidden nearby behind an outcropping of rock, which they did barely exhausted. as I sent Kate down to check on the others whom she brought up soon after. They all looked fully healed and ready to fight as I gathered them closer and said quietly "Everyone, stealth mode." before snapping my fingers turning my usual bright yellow suit into a dark black skin tight ninja suit pulling a black hood over my brightly colored hair and putting on a pair of dark goggles to hide my eyes. As the others did the same I continued "Everyone know the plan?" and I saw nods all around before I said "Good team one go."
Gregory, Moonstone and Jane disappeared in a puff of multicolored smoke and I soon heard 'All clear.' echo in my head from Moonstone before I said, "Team two head to shore."
Kate Rebecca and fiona disappeared in the same manner and as soon as I received their 'all clear' I turned to Pyronica and said "You ready?"
"As I'll ever be." she said before I grabbed her hand and we disappeared to shore landing in a nearby patch of tall weeds near the front of the castle as I spoke to the others through my mind 'Everyone in position?' And I heard an affirmative from everyone before continuing 'now remember, the goal here is to get them and get back to the ship before we're noticed. Stick with your group and search the castle, alert the others when you find one of them and try to stay invisible.' and I heard an affirmative from the others before saying 'group one head in.' then I waited until I heard them say they were in before saying 'group two...' but before I could send them in as well, I was gripped with an overwhelming sense of danger and fear, and I felt the need to flee to safety before I forcibly grounded myself in reality once more and I said quickly 'group two go in.' then I waited until they said they were in before I turned to pyronica and said, "Ready pyro?"
She gave me an evil grin before saying, "Let's kick some butt."
Then I grabbed her hand, and we teleported inside.

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