Chapter 3

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P. O. V. Dipper

I was terrified and grateful at the same time. Who was my mysterious rescuer that she had the power to terrify me with a few simple words in an alleyway? As we made our way to the bay I decided to ask her "So um... I never did catch your name..."
and she was looking around as though afraid of something as she said matter of factly "No you didn't."
I knew she was dodging my question but I pressed on any way "So do you mind telling me what it is?"
She stopped looking around and glared at me as she said "Yes." We continued to stare at each other as the awkward silence stretched on for what seemed like hours before I finally looked away not wanting to seem like I was challenging her. As we continued, but we weren't heading toward the bay no. I would never let her push me over there never. Instead we were heading toward the forest where I lived with my grunkle Ford and my twin sister Mabel, as we got closer to the forest I noticed her demeanor got more and more skittish before finally just before we were about to step into the forest she grabbed my arm pulling me down another alley as she whispered harshly "Are you sure this is the way to the bay?"
Suddenly I felt fear choke out the words I had so carefully crafted in case she asked I spoke shakily as the truth poured out of me for reasons I didn't understand "N-no. We are heading to my Grunkle Ford's house."
Then suddenly I found myself pinned against a wall by my shoulders as I stared into the fiery pits of her eyes and she snarled "What? This isn't the way to the bay! How dare you, think to deceive me!" she had a knife in one of her hands now and she pressed it against my throat and said "I should kill you right now, little boy!"
I shook with fear and said "N-no please! I'm sorry! I just... I just have this terrible, terrible fear of the ocean!" I was crying at this point as I explained through sobs how my grunkle Ford had instilled this fear of the ocean in me by talking about how if I ever went near it pirates would steal me away and feast on my eyeballs. As I explained myself I saw the anger that had lit her eyes slowly fade out and she let go of me and I slid to the ground cowering in a ball as she sat next to me and when I had finished she smiled saying "Well if that's what's keeping you from going to the bay then I guess the truth would absolutely terrify you." Then she chuckled and stood offering her hand out to me
I said "What do you mean?" As I took her hand allowing her to pull me to my feet
she ignored my question asking one to me instead "So where's the bay?"
I hesitated then sighed giving in and pointed across town as I said "On the other side of town. I'm sorry I lied to you."
she cursed under her breath in a language that I didn't understand then just as quickly she switched back as she said "It's getting too dark to cross all that way on foot!"
I felt sheepish at her anger as she grumbled under her breath in the same language as before then suddenly from out of the city came a large man with black hair and sharp blue eyes that stood out sharply against his tanned skin and as he turned the corner into the alleyway she ran up to him throwing her arms around his neck as she said "I didn't think you were coming!"
the man wrapped his arms around her and said "I will always come for you."
I smiled their happiness was infectious then the smile fell from my lips as longing replaced my happiness. I wanted someone like that someone who would always be there for me, my sister couldn't always be there because of my ex-employment and my grunkle was the one who said I should go work for Tad in the first place saying that I would be safer there than at the home. All these thoughts and more flashed through my mind as I lowered my eyes from them as they kissed embarrassment heating up my face as I heard them whispering in a foreign language then suddenly the girl switched back to English saying"Close your eyes again boy."
I looked up to see them with their arms around each others waists and looking at me as I said "What?"
she said "Close your eyes boy! Now!"
"Again, why?" I asked
I saw anger flash across her eyes but it was gone so quickly I thought I had imagined it as she stepped forward and said "So you don't see anything you don't need to."
I crossed my arms defiantly as I said "I can handle gore ya' know."
I could tell she was beginning to lose her patience with me as she said through gritted teeth "Not this kind."
even though I knew at that point I should just shut up and do as she said I couldn't back down without a fight and besides that I wanted to know what she was trying to hide from me so I said back "I think I can."
she stepped forward so that we were nearly nose to nose as she said in a dangerous tone "Either you close your eyes or I will."
I took a few steps back holding my hands out in a calming matter as I said "Ok, ok will do."
Before I closed my eyes and the world was plunged into darkness as I felt strong arms grab me and I panicked not knowing who it was then I heard the girl say "Relax boy it's just Jacob he's gonna carry you for a while."
I resisted saying "Wherever you plan to take me I can walk myself!"
she growled at me literally growled! Before she said "If you want to keep your tongue I suggest you hold it, and do as I say!"
I made no more protests as Jacob picked me up and sling me over his shoulder before he said to the girl "Will you be ok?"
I heard her take a step closer as I felt her hand brush me as she cupped his cheek and kissed him then said gently "I'll be fine." Before dropping her hand and saying "Now go, before the captain gets suspicious!"
I heard the sound of kissing before Jacob spoke "Till we meet again."
Then I felt Jacob turn then a sudden rush of wind which made me curious but I dared not open my eyes. 

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