Chapter 27

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P. O. V. Dipper

I was awoken the next morning to a boot in my side which caused me to groan and open my eyes just as the boot hit my ribs again then my head and I groaned as stars flashed through my vision. I sat up hoping that would stop the demon, and surprisingly it did, and the demon said, "Get. Up. Human." I stood as my arms were forced in front of me; then they attached me to one of the demon's hips, and he said: "Hold." I grabbed the chain as he opened his wings and took to the air flying high above the trees for only a few moments before he landed. I stumbled, but he didn't give me a chance to recover before he started running, and I was struggling to keep up with him as he ran through the forest.
Untill finally he stopped, and I caught my breath as he looked around carefully then he picked me up, and I started to protest, but he threatened me with very undesirable things if I spoke as he slung me over his shoulder and took to the sky again. A short while later he landed again, but this time it was with the rest of the group. Which by now, I had realized went on without us. He set me down as the others detached me from his hip then attached me to a nearby horse all while still continuing forward then they left me and as I walked I spotted Jacob who was connected to a demon which was carrying Ella over his shoulder, but she had managed to turn herself over onto her back and sit up. So I hadn't noticed her at first as she sat upright on the demon and we continued like this for the rest of the day and long into the night before we were called to a halt. I stopped grateful for the rest and on the verge of collapsing again as I noticed I was next to Jacob. The demon commander spoke in demonic, and two of the demons ran off one way coming back a moment later with a deer. My mouth watered at the sight till I realized it was still alive. I heard a yell as something tackled me to the ground from above, and I felt two hands cover my ears as my face was pressed into the chest of Ella. Despite all of that though I still heard the keen of the deer in pain as something warm and wet splattered over me. It didn't end there though as I heard another keen and felt mo, e blood splatter me as Ella spoke in demonic. The captain didn't seem to happy with her comment as he spoke back harshly in demonic. Then Ella spoke and I recognized the words of a spell and the deer was suddenly silenced before Ella released me and chaos ensued the commander was screaming at Ella who was screaming back then Jacob got in the argument, but I was no longer paying attention to them as my vision began to swim and my stomach turned at the thought of what the demons did to that poor deer. I lost what little food was in my stomach on the ground in front of me which caused the arguing to stop short the commander said: "Is it sick?"
Ella said, "No. Not sick, just upset."
suddenly I didn't feel too good, and I groaned, and the commander turned to Ella and said: "Explain."
she said, "Let me examine him and I will."
The commander hesitated for a moment before speaking in demonic, and the demon carrying Ella walked over to me and set her down on the ground by me.  She pulled my head down to her level as she looked me over and she said, "He needs food, rest and water. He's not a demon ya know!"
the captain said, "What's the top priority?"
she looked at me then said, "Water and food the rest can wait."
The commander growled speaking to one of the demons, but Ella cut him off halfway through speaking the same language. Which seemed to tick him off, but he nodded, and two of the demons took hold of what was left of the deer. As Ella covered my eyes, so I didn't see the rest, but the sound made my stomach turn. Then as she removed her hand, I saw what was left of the deer had been put on the ground in front of me, and Ella spoke in demonic. The demon threw its hands in the air and said a spell and threw fire at the deer, burning it to a crisp as Ella said to me, "Eat. You'll need your strength."
I hesitated, but soon my hunger won out, and I tore into the deer as the commander spoke in demonic again and one of the demons ran off, coming back a little bit later with a bucket full of water which he set in front of me.  I was about to take a drink when Ella grabbed it away from me sniffing it speaking to the demon ‘what is this?’
who spoke back in the same language, ‘water what can it not drink that either?’
she put a hand out stopping me from drinking the water as she spoke again, ‘demonic water will burn a human to a crisp from the inside out so if you want him to live I suggest getting the liquid from the nearby lake instead.’ The demon looked horrified as he dumped the liquid which I could now see wasn't water onto the ground and immediately all the plant life that it touched shriveled and died. Suddenly I found my appetite was gone, and I shoved the deer carcass away, but Ella shoved it back to me saying "It's alright, the deer's fine, the poor demon didn't know that humans can't drink demon water is all. He's gone to get some regular water so keep eating. you may not get another chance."
I nodded then took a chunk of the charred deer carcass and brought it slowly to my mouth biting into it and feeling the juices run down my chin which I quickly wiped away. Then continued eating as the demon came back, and this time, he spoke to Ella before he gave me the water. She took the bucket he had sniffed it once then nodded giving it to me, and I took it cautiously before she laughed and said: "It's just water this time Dipper promise." I took a drink of it, and the liquid tasted wonderful as I downed most of it.
When I had finished my meal and was sufficiently full the demon commander ordered us to move ahead at least that's what Ella said he said and I stood as a demon came by and picked Ella up as we continued walking...

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