Chapter 18

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P. O. V. Ella

I dragged myself to my room completely exhausted from a day of running around doing things for Tad. I wish he didn't have that stupid remote! Every time I even showed the slightest bit of resistance, he pressed it, sending a shock through the unicorn hair and sending me to my knees until I apologized to him. I waited patiently at the door as the guard unlocked the barred door to let me through and I walked through the door opening the regular wooden door and moving toward my bed which was the only thing in the room. I immediately flopped onto the bed as sleep overcame me...
I awoke to a loud clang outside my door, and I shot upright and carefully made my way toward the door, and I opened it to find Bill! He was trying to open the barred door, but I knew he couldn't I had tried before, and I ran to the door ecstatic that he was there in person, but that feeling quickly left as it was replaced by worry, if Tad found him here he'd be dead. I gripped the bars in my hands and whispered, "Captain!"
Causing him to look up from his task as he said, "Ella!"
I whispered urgently, "Captain. You have to get out of here; it's not safe!"
he said, "I'm not leaving without you!"
I started to speak, but he cut me off sharply "Don't try to change my mind you won't succeed." Then he paused as he pulled at the bars, and I said quietly, "That won't work I've already tried."
He stopped glaring at the bars then he said: "Get as far from the bars as you can."
Which I did and when I was as far as I could go I heard him start to chant and as he changed the bars began to glow red hot and Bill began to shake. Telling me that the spell he was attempting was potent, then just as I thought all was lost the bars exploded inward, and I dove behind the bed to avoid the debris but still got a nasty cut on my calf which caused me to gasp in pain and clutch the wound trying to stop the bleeding. When the debris cleared, I heard the captain call out "All clear!" I peeked my head around the bed and saw Bill standing in the doorway, and he looked pale as he leaned against the frame of the door and I stood wincing as my leg burned in protest and walked over to him putting his arm around my shoulder I said "That was quite the spell there. I bet Tad wasn't expecting a category one demon to come and get me."
Bill chuckled quietly as he leaned his weight on me and I took it with some difficulty. When suddenly I heard footsteps in the hallway, and I said: "Hide!"
He supported himself as he said, "What about you?"
I pushed him around the corner as I said: "I'll handle it, don't worry, just go!"
He turned the corner, but I could tell he was still watching me as I ran back to my room conjuring up an illusion of the same barred door that had been there before. Sweeping as much of the debris from outside the wooden door as I could before shutting the wooden door quietly and quickly jumping back into my bed. The footsteps stopped just outside the door, and I heard shuffling outside then a click, and suddenly the wooden door was blown off its hinges, and I yelped in surprise. Then as the debris cloud settled, I saw standing in the doorway the same old man who was responsible for the fact that I was forced to serve Tad, and anger overcame me as I stood walking over to him as I said "You! What the hell do you think you're doing here!"
The old man ignored me though instead as he muttered to himself then pulled out a remote that looked almost exactly like Tad's except for the fact that he had three buttons. the third one was purple and medium-sized; the other two looked the same, and he pushed the third one, and I heard a slight pop as he said: "Come with me."
I crossed my arms defiantly as I said: "And what makes you think that I'll do that?"
he muttered, "I don't have time for this." As he pushed the big red button causing an electric shock to pulse through the unicorn hair around my neck sending me to the ground as I gasped in pain and through the pain, I heard the old man say "Submit!"
I shook my head, and I heard a whir as the pulse became stronger, and I grabbed my neck in pain as I heard him say, "Submit!"
I said, "Turn it off!"
he said, "Not until you submit!"
I felt tears prick my eyes as I finally gave in, and I gasped out, "I submit."
the pulse immediately stopped as the old man grabbed my wrist and said, "Good." Pulling me out of the room and down a hallway
I said, "What of Tad?"
the old man didn't break stride as he replied: "You won't have to worry about him; I've destroyed his remote."
I remained silent at that as a flash of pink caught my eye, and I smiled to myself when Pyronica (Bill's second in command (also demon)) jumped in front of the old man causing him to stop as she said: "Let her go!"
the old man pulled me closer to him, gripping my arms tightly behind me as he said: "Out of the way, demon!"
she repeated, "Let her go first!"
I saw him pull the remote out again and I felt cold fear flood my system as he hovered his thumb over the button and said: "Out of the way unless you want to cause her harm!"
Pyronica scoffed "What can you do to her? She's a demon and your human."
his thumb lowered but didn't press the button as he said: "You don't want to find out!"
But Pyronica ignored him and stepped closer, but before the old man could push the button I yelled, "Pyronica! Listen to him that button causes extreme pain!"
Pyronica froze in place and backed away from the old man disappearing in a flash of pink and yellow. Which confused me for a second until the smoke cleared, and I saw Bill in her place, and the old man growled out "Cipher!"
Bill laughed maniacally and said, "Seems like your eyesight isn't as bad as they say."
The old man said, "Step aside, Cipher! I know you care about her!"
He scoffed and said, "Her? Nah I could care less if it weren't for the small fact that I marked her already." And he pointed to my wrist, causing the old man to grab it and push up my sleeve to reveal the tattoo of Bill's summoning wheel. as well as the scars and bruises that covered my arm from both my recent and past experiences and the old man, paled as he saw the tattoo, but I knew he wouldn't let me go yet as he muttered under his breath "Should've checked for that."
Bill heard him and laughed again "Now I've already got one demon on my list to kill I don't want to have to add your name too old man. All you have to do is let her go."
But instead of doing that he pulled me closer to him as he pushes the green button on his remote setting off an alarm throughout the castle and immediately guards flooded the hallway and I soon lost sight of Bill as the soldiers surrounded him, but they ignored us as we made our way out of the castle.
The moment we were clear of the castle, the old man whistled, and two horses came galloping out of hiding. He helped me mount one then tied my hands to the saddle then tied the reins of my horse to the back of his horse. which he mounted soon after, kicking the horse into gear as we galloped back to his house

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