Chapter 26

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P. O. V. Bill

Once more, I had lost them, both Ella and Dipper were gone. This was beginning to become an annoyance, and now I was weak. I had got a nasty slash on my side by the last demon that I fought, and it ached with every movement of my body. Despite that I took a deep breath then tried to pushed myself up off the grass I was lying facedown on, but even that caused me to cry out in pain. I dropped back to the ground as I heard movement beside me and I tensed fearing it was another demon. knowing I didn't have it in me to fight anymore but I quickly relaxed when I heard Rebecca calling for her twin panic in her voice as I felt someone else turn me over I groaned as I heard Jane above me say "Captain!" Then call over her shoulder "I found the captain! He's hurt!" Then she picked me up her mace hanging at her waist, and I tried to talk, but Jane hushed me saying, "Don't waste your energy on talking. We're gonna get you back to the ship."
As she walked, slowly, the rest of the crew joined us walking beside and in front of us. I spotted Rebecca who had her arm around her twin supporting Kate as she limped forward their nunchucks hanging from their belts swinging in sync, and Moonstone was next to them his spiked whip dragging in the dirt as he held it loosely in his left hand his right hand holding his head as black blood dripped from it. Fiona was directly in front of me, and I noticed black blood dripping from her arm which she attempted to hide with her hand, and I noticed she only had one sword instead of her usual two and she was holding it at the ready and scanning for any demons that might still be around. Gregory was on the other side of me limping heavily, his bow at the ready. An arrow nocked, and they were all tense and on alert.
We walked for hours before I finally spotted the bay and Jane said: "We're almost there don't die on me yet captain."
I groaned in pain as she stumbled muttering an apology and for the first time, I noticed how pale she looked and the way she winced with every step. I tried to talk again, but she hushed me, saying, "Save your breath, captain."
But this time I wouldn't be silenced as I said "Let me walk on my own Jane." she opened her mouth to argue, but I cut across her saying "That's an order." I saw the internal struggle of keeping me safe and following orders. Finally, her loyalty won out, and she put me down as she said, "Yes, sir." But she made sure I was steady as I walked forward one slow step at a time and it took another hour, but we finally made it back to the ship where we all were a bit stronger. I saw the majority of their wounds begin to heal and strength returned to me as I healed my own wound as best I could before I felt a sharp pain in my ribs which caused me to gasp and fall over and the others gave me a worried glance. That's when I realized the pain was from Dipper, which made me realize that unlike his uncle, the demons would not treat Dipper kindly. I stood up as straight as I could as another sharp pain ripped through my ribs then another in my head, but I ignored the pain. Burying the pain deep within me as I addressed the crew saying, "Heal up! We are going to go get those three and bring them back here one way or another!" Which caused a resounding cheer to go through the crew and after they had quieted down I said "And this time we won't fail!"
Which resulted in another cheer as I silently vowed that if this plan turned out the way I hoped it would. I would never lose anyone ever again...

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