Chapter 17

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P. O. V. Ella

My dreams were of the captain. I was sitting in a meadow relaxing and enjoying the cool spring air when I was joined by the captain who sat down next to me saying "Beautiful morning isn't it."
I squealed in surprise as I tackled him and he chuckled as I said: "You came!"
he said, "I needed to know you were safe plus this way I can also find out where you are, but right now your kind of crushing me."
I quickly got off of him as I said "Sorry! It's just been a very long time since I've seen a familiar face!" Then I said quieter "I'm scared, Bill. For the first time in a long time, I feel powerless." I looked him directly in the eyes hoping to convey all the emotions of fear and hopelessness that had come on suddenly as I said: "I don't have a plan."
the captain looked shocked by what I said for he knew better than anyone that I almost always had a plan in these kinds of situations and he seemed at a loss for words and I saw his expression harden into determination as he put his arm around me and I leaned into him drawing comfort from his presence as a child would from a father's embrace I'll admit our relationship was an odd one but at the moment I didn't care I was terrified and need the comfort as he continued to hold me and whispered "This time you don't need one, because I have one and all it's missing is your location. so can you tell me where you are?"
I closed my eyes for a moment as I calmed my mind enough to say "I don't know where I am at the moment all I know is that I'll be back at the castle sometime tomorrow. I'm sorry I can't give you any more info."
he smiled and said, "I have an idea that may or may not work but it requires your permission to do so will you give me the permission I seek?"
I pulled away from him looking him in the eye as I said: "You're being awfully cryptic about this plan of yours why?"
His eyes never left mine as he said: "Because if I'm not cryptic then they could drag information from you and I don't want this plan coming into anyone else's grasp now do I have your permission or not?"
I tried to convey all the trust that I had for him in the single look I gave him as I said "I Ella McLean from the household of Jade and Caleb McLean and demon category 12 hereby give you Bill Cipher of the Cipher household demon category 1 permission to do whatever you need do to my mind." I paused and said quietly "Don't do anything that isn't completely necessary please."
he said, "I won't that I promise." As he held out his hand which had burst into flame as he said "Deal?"
I hesitated slightly before saying "I'm trusting you." placing my hand in his we shook on it and I felt power flood my body from the contact and I quickly let go of his hand as he started to look pale and I said "Sorry! I swear I didn't mean to do it that time!"
he recovered faster than most demons did as he said: "It's fine, I know you can't control it yet."
I said, "What now?"
he smirked and said, "Now you sleep and I put my plan into action." And the smirked slipped off his face as concern replaced it and he said: "Just hold on for a few more days I'll be there soon."
my eyes closed as the Dream ended leaving me to dream of nothing.
When I next woke up it was too freezing cold water on my face and I coughed as I woke to attempt to move but finding myself unable to do so and I quickly realized I was chained to a table and the man from earlier was standing above me holding a bucket and he said "Good your not dead."
I glared at him as he continued "Now tell me demon what are your powers?"
I said in my best pirate accent "I ain't got no idear what chu be talkin' 'bout mate."
the man sighed and muttered, "It's going to be a long day." Then he spoke more directly to me "Listen up demon you can't play dumb with me I know everything there is to know about the supernatural so you best give me the information I seek else I'll have to force it out of you and you really don't want me to do that little girl."
I dropped the accent but held my own as I said back "And what makes you think I have powers?"
he said, "You're a demon all demons have some kind of power."
I laughed at that and said, "Do your worst I ain't talking to you anymore you ignorant old fool."
he smiled grimly at me and said: "I was rather hoping you would say that."
I sneered at him but kept my mouth shut as he pulled out an array of sharp tools and I swallowed hard as I saw the tools my confidence replaced by worry as he said: "Now this won't hurt at all." And he picked up what looked like a scalpel and started cutting into my arm causing me to wince but nothing more as he cut off first one layer than another of my skin watching as it healed itself and he said "Fascinating." Before writing down something in a journal that lay open next to the table and he spoke to me and said: "Can you make deals?"
I said "Of course I can. Even a human can make a deal. Idiot."
he said, "That's not what I meant."
I said, "Then what did you mean old man?"
he said, "I meant are you bound by your deals?"
I said "All demons are bound by any deal they make with a human. Duh." And I rolled my eyes at him
he mumbled: "Great I got a sarcastic one."
I said "What did you expect? Demons live for thousands of years. Once our powers are fully grown there's nothing left for us to do we have to find entertainment somehow."
he said "Interesting." As he scribbled something down in his journal then he asked a question "And how long does it usually take for a demons powers to become fully grown?"
I said "Anywhere from 6 days to 6,000 years depending on how powerful the powers of the demon are. Why?"
he said "Just part of my research is all. So how long did it take for yours to fully mature?"
I said, "They still haven't and I'm 2,000 years old."
he said, "So the longer the powers take to mature the less powerful they are correct?"
I said "Sometimes."
he said, "What do you mean sometimes?"
I said, "If your a less powerful demon but your parents taught you how to control and use your powers then your powers will mature faster than say a less powerful demon left on their own."
he said, "So demons left on their own their powers mature slower than those raised by a family?"
I said "Correct."
he said, "So then you're a less powerful demon whereas someone like Bill Cipher is a more powerful demon?"
I said, "One of those statements is true the other is incredibly false."
he said, "Which is which?"
I said, "I'll never tell."
he said, "I'm betting you will."
I sneered and said, "And what makes you think that?"
he smiled and said, "You'll see."
Then he left walking over to the array of tools and fiddling with something there but I couldn't see what it was because he had his back to me then he turned around and I saw in his hand a necklace made of unicorn hair and I laughed and said "That won't work on me! My powers haven't come in yet!"
he smiled and said, "I know my nephew's powers haven't either and this worked just fine on him look."
he moved aside revealing Dipper beside him and I gasped saying "Dipper what are you doing here?!" But he didn't answer me and I yelled his name again but he still didn't answer me and the old man said "Ha! I told you it worked! This necklace is a controlling necklace and whoever holds the controller is the only one they obey!"
I said "You evil old man!"
the old man chuckled and said, "Got that right!"
Before he placed the necklace around my neck and my world was plunged into darkness...

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