Chapter 11

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P. O. V. Dipper

I don't know how long I've been in her brain but it feels like weeks as I've barely slept working as much as I can to help rebuild her brain. I was helping get a particularly big piece out of the ground when a hand on my shoulder startled me and I stood straight turning around before recognizing Ella behind me and she smiled before saying "It's midnight in reality you need some rest."
I was incredulous that it was only midnight that meant I had only been here for five hours she must've sensed my surprise for she said "Time passes differently here then it does in reality it tends to speed up here otherwise it might take me years before I'm finally functioning again, but this way it'll only take one more day."
"One more day!" I yelled "But I don't want to spend another day here!"
She smiled at me and said "Unless you want to risk being stuck I suggest you do."
I huffed before saying "Fine."
"That's the spirit!" She said slapping my shoulder hard enough to make me fall over "Now to relax you need to meditate because sleeping wouldn't be good for you." I grumbled under my breath as I sat criss cross on the ground closing my eyes tuning out everything around me untill she startled me again by saying "Morning time!" I jumped three feet in the air as she continued "You've been asleep till noon now come on up! Back to work!" I groaned as I got back to work fixing the brain until Ella was completely satisfied that everything was as it once was then as she placed the last memory back where it belonged she said "There that's the last of it now you can go back without any complications."
"What about our deal?" I asked slightly suspicious of her motives.
She laughed then sat on the ground next to me saying, "I'll tell you anything you want to know as soon as we both wake how about that?" I nodded as she said "Great now sleep and I'll see you on the other side."
I did as she said falling asleep with ease as I was exhausted from a hard day of work. I woke up to someone calling my name and I followed the voice until I became conscious as the voice which I now recognized as Jacob said "...He's waking up!"
As I opened my eyes and groaned I saw Ella's face in my view as she said "Come on, Dipper it's ok. There we go!"
I grabbed my head as it began to throb and I said "What? How are you awake already?"
she glanced at Jacob then said "I just woke up I'm surprised you took so long to wake up."
I noticed she had her arm around Jacob's waist and I said "How long was I out for?"
Jacob answered me and said "About a day and a half why?"
I shrugged as I said "No reason, just curious." Then I turned to Ella and said "Speaking of just being curious."
I watched as she kissed Jacob's forehead murmuring something to him as he rose to leave and after he had left she sighed saying "Well what do you wanna know kid?"
So it began "How do you know if someone's your soulmate?"
"You don't really." She said a curious expression on her face "At least not until you separate from them then you'll start to feel weak without them and after about a month or so you'll die or at least your soul will die, a body can live without a soul but its like being trapped in a hole and the only way out is death."
I shivered at that then said "How did you find out you and Jacob were soulmates?"
She glared at me then muttered something under her breath before speaking louder and saying "We fought I nearly killed him, I felt a tug and he felt a tug, and we stopped fighting as I healed him. End of story."
I hesitated but asked the next question anyway "How did you heal him I thought you couldn't do that."
She said "That's not any of your business ok? I told you I would answer soulmate questions not this." And she got very close to me speaking in a quiet voice that chilled me to the bone "So stay on topic."
"I- I think I've um- I've got enough information now I uh- I won't bother you again." I said as I slid off the bed I was on and walked quickly to the door leaving as she gave me a creepy smile.
I backed out of the room not taking my eyes off of her and as I closed the door the captain spoke behind me causing me to jump as he said "So you went into the mindscape huh?"
I turned quickly pressing my back to the door and a hand to my heart as I said "You scared me!" As he grabbed the hand over my heart and pulled me closer to him sniffing me and I pushed him away saying "Stop it! What is it with demons and the sniffing!"
But he wasn't paying attention to me as he said "Definitely been in the mindscape. Not good."
"Why?" I asked worry making my voice slightly higher than normal
Instead of answering he grabbed my wrist tightly and said "Come!" Pulling me down the hallway to his cabin where he sat me down in a chair turning on the lights as he did so and shutting the door before he said "Dipper?" I immediately became worried he hadn't called me Dipper since we met "How did you get in the mindscape?"
"I fell asleep next to her." I said slightly worried now as I said "But she said it was ok she didn't seem worried about it why are you?"
He thought for a moment before saying "She's never worked with the human brain before, but that is my job I know human brains like the back of my hand and most human brains when they enter the mindscape of a demon they tend to fade away. Which is why I never take humans out of their own dreamscape, but," he said looking directly at me "She never would have done that on purpose, but in her current mind state then she couldn't control that," and he grabbed my head pulling it toward him as he muttered to himself "His brain power is above normal for a human, it's possible he did it unknowingly, hmmmm," and he released my head grabbing my hand instead examining it as he continued muttering to himself "His bodily functions seem normal enough and his brain power isn't all out of whack so he should be fine, but just to be sure..." and he trailed off before he stood saying "Your dismissed Pinetree but I want you to stay in your room till I tell you otherwise ok? Ok. Cool lets go!"
He pushed me out of the cabin and back to my own where he shut me in there as I said "Hey! You can't keep me in here! Let me out!" And I pounded on the door to my cabin as
I heard the captain from the other side say "It's for your own good!" Then he walked away yelling "Meeting on the poop deck! All demons required be ready in five minutes!"
"Hey! I'm not finished with you! Let me out of here!" I yelled at him but I knew he was too far away from me to hear me so I ran to my window attempting to open it but that was locked too so I sat on my bed in a huff upset that I couldn't leave my room but at the same time completely confused with this whole thing...

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