Chapter 2

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P. O. V. Ella

I watched as the guards dragged the boy off to the palace and I wanted to help him but the captain spoke in my mind saying "Don't help, just observe for a while. don't let anything happen to the boy I've got a weird feeling about him."
"So does that mean that we're going to rescue him from that tyrant?" I asked excitedly,
I detected the slightest hint of a smirk in his voice as he said back "We'll see Ella. We'll see."
Which made me smile in anticipation then I focused my attention back on the boy who was now being forced into the back of a wagon. Which I followed from above jumping from rooftop to rooftop as I made my way through the city heading towards the palace. The wagon stopped a few feet in front of the palace gates which I was not allowed in considering I was a pirate. So I carefully made my way to the wagon, jumping from the rooftop to the ground and rolling under the wagon to break my fall. Where I waited until I saw the boots of one of the guards and grabbed them pulling him under the wagon, tapping into my powers to knock him out and change clothes with him. Then I carefully climb out from under the wagon pulling the guard with me to a nearby bush where I hid him. Then I quietly slipped into place with the other guards who are standing just outside the wagon and I move so that I will be right next to the boy when he comes out and when he does we walk forward toward the door where he hesitates and I pushed him forward saying in a deep voice "Keep moving!" Which he did stumbling forward as the other guard pressed his sword against his back and we moved through hallway after hallway me following the other guard till we stopped in front of a pair of purple doors which the other guard knocked on and I heard a voice that sent a shock of recognition through me as I realized why this palace had seemed so familiar it was where the captain had found me after one of the guards here took me into the castle, having had found me on the front steps injured and crying having just ran away from my master and having no where else to go I came here seeking shelter and a place to rest when one of the guards found me and the rest was history all this plus other memories flashed through my head in the split second it took Tad to say "Enter!"
I shook my head as the guard opened the door and we marched inside where I forced the boy to his knees and Tad said to the boy who was now staring at the ground not meeting his eyes "Did you really think you could escape?" the boy kept his gaze lowered not answering him until he spoke again and this time I could hear the anger in his voice "Look at me when I talk to you boy!" the boy reluctantly looked up at him as he slowly nodded his head and I saw anger light Tad's eyes as he leapt to his feet causing the boy to flinch away as Tad grabbed his hair pulling him to his feet as Tad said "You did, did you?" I heard the boy wince in pain as Tad pulled his hair again forcing his head back as a dagger appeared in his right hand and he said "Leave us!"
I bowed then left the throne room with the other guard next to me and as the doors closed behind us the other guard turned to me saying "Wanna go grab a drink we could probably sneak in a few at the tavern if we're quick what do ya say?"
I pretended to think it over before saying as deeply as I could "No thanks maybe later."
the guard shrugged saying "Your loss." Before heading off into the long hallway shortly after he left I heard a loud scream come from inside the throne room followed by a chuckle and footsteps heading my way and I quickly ran from the door hiding behind a pillar as the doors to the throne room burst open and Tad strode out straightening his shirt as he brushed himself off and walked down the hallway with his head held high and I watched him as he walked down the hallway and when he had disappeared around the corner I dashed to the doors of the throne room and opened the doors as quietly as I could closing them behind me as I entered the room which was dark with all the curtains drawn so I whispered a spell and a flame burst to life in my hand as I searched for the boy I looked everywhere but I didn't find him that is until I heard crying come from below me and I pressed my ear to the floor and the crying became more pronounced but before I did anything else I decided to ask the captain so I spoke with my mind and said "Captain I've found the boy."
I heard his reply come quickly as he said "Good bring him to me unharmed."
I said "Aye aye sir!"
But before I could do anything I heard footsteps behind the door I quickly extinguished the flame running behind the throne where I stayed frozen hardly daring to breath as the footsteps came closer then receded away and I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding as I quietly slipped out from behind the throne listening again for the crying.

When I heard the crying I lit my hand again standing over a specific spot on the ground and I stomped on the spot and I heard the crying stop suddenly and he whimpered but through all that I also heard an echo and I nodded then said to myself "It's a trap door. So that means there must be a lever somewhere."
I whispered a spell, and the fireball flew high above my head lighting the entire room as I searched for the leaver that would open the trap door. Then just as I was beginning to lose hope that I would ever find the stupid lever I looked behind the throne and found it. Immediately pulling it and running over to the door in the floor as it opened revealing a scared looking little boy I smiled at him and lowered my arm towards him as I said quietly "Come on we have to go now."
he hesitated for a second before taking my hand allowing me to pull him up as he said "Who are you?"
I said "Introductions later escape now!" Before whispering a spell which extinguished the flame as I grabbed his hand pulling him toward the doors closing the trap door behind me and I motioned for him to stay behind me as I cautiously opened one of the doors looking down both sides of the hallway before motioning for him to follow me as I bolted across the hallway to a pillar and I expected him to be right behind me but he was still at the doors and I heard footsteps coming down the hallway as I motioned quickly for him to shut the door quietly which he did as I ducked behind the pillar and the footsteps receded down the hallway as I breathed out a sigh of relief then peeked around the pillar and I was horrified to see that now the guard who had gone out drinking had returned and was now standing in front of the doors to the throne room but he looked extremely drunk as he stood next to the door and I knew that with him being drunk the smell of liquor would be strong on him but I needed it slightly stronger so I summoned a bottle of beer then I suddenly felt weak and I realized that I was running low on power and I needed the rest to get back to the ship with the boy. Looking around I spotted a small broom leaning against the opposite wall in a corner which had been left by a maid cleaning the hallway. I glanced once at the guard then dashed over to the broom grabbing it and hiding around the corner as my heart beat hard in my chest and my breath came short afraid that he had seen me, but when there were no sounds of alarm or anger my breathing slowed, and I peeked around the corner and saw the guard looking away from me and chuckling to himself. I rolled my eyes at his drunkenness then quietly slipped behind him and slammed the handle of the broom onto his head knocking him out cold then I dropped the broom and opened the beer gagging at its strong scent as I poured every last drop onto him and placed the bottle near his hand. Before I opened the door behind him startling the boy who yelped and I quickly hushed him then shut the door behind me as I whispered "I need you to close your eyes for a moment ok?"
he nodded but before he closed his eyes he said "Why?"
I thought quickly before saying "Because things might get a little intense from here on out and you don't need to see what I do."
he gave me a confused glance before closing his eyes and I grabbed his hand pulling him out of the throne room and across the empty hall and I checked to make sure his eyes were still closed before I tapped into my powers teleporting us both out of the castle and when we reached our destination he stumbled and fell as he said "What the hell was that?"
I helped him to his feet and said "Nothing you need to concern yourself with just don't open your eyes!"
As I glanced around us realizing that I had misfired in my teleportation and instead of being just outside the castle doors like I planned we had ended up on the other side of the town and I cursed as I realized I had no idea where I was and I turned to him and said "How well do you know this town?"
he spoke without hesitation "I know it fairly well, most of the time I'm kept in the castle under lock and key in my room but on occasion Tad let me out to run a quick errand or to get something for him. Why?"
I said "Because I need your help getting to the bay."
I heard panic in his voice as he opened his eyes and said "The bay?! I can't go there!"
I cut him off covering his mouth with my hand as I hissed "Keep your voice down or you'll get us both killed!" Then I dragged him into a nearby alley and pinned him against the wall as I spoke in a harsh whisper "Listen up kid, I don't care about what you think you can or can't do and I don't care why. You're mine right now and unless you want me to put you right back where I found you, your going to do exactly as I say, got it?" he nodded his head shakily as I released him and said "Good. Now tell me where to go."

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