Chapter 21

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P. O. V. Ella

When I awoke it was to excruciating pain in my legs, and I cried out grabbing them as I looked up expecting to see Ford, but instead, I saw Dipper bending over me, and I said "Dipper!" As I reached up and hugged him around the neck pulling him off balance so that he fell over on top of me as I whispered: "I thought I'd never see you again." Then I realized what I was doing and broke away from him pushing him off me, and I said:" Why are you down here?"
he shook his head and said, "Originally I only came down here because I was curious my great uncle Ford doesn't let me down here anymore and I wanted to know why so here I am."
I said, "Last time I saw you, you were a brain dead zombie what happened with that?"
I saw him shiver a bit at the memory as he said, "My great uncle Ford thought I was a demon and he was only trying to protect me from myself. That's why I acted the way I did, but then he did something, something that had I been a demon wouldn't have even hurt but me being human; it almost killed me. so he took off the necklace of unicorn hair, and I've been myself ever since, but what about you last I saw you were being dragged off into Tad's chambers."
So I told him all that had happened to me since then, and I tried to dull down some of the parts such as the whipping and the shocking and I didn't tell him about the dreams but I could tell he was still horrified when I finished as he said "That's horrible! I can't believe you went through all that!"
I realized he was worried, so I tried acting calm about it as I shrugged and said, "It probably sounds a lot worse than it is. It's not like I haven't been through this before."
But I think I just made him more worried as he shook his head, then he said: "Hang on a minute I'll be right back."
Then he left, leaving me in the dark alone.
he returned several minutes later with some soup, and he set it down in front of me and said: "It's for you."
I took it hesitantly, but instead of eating it, I said: "What about Ford?"
Dipper shrugged saying, "He hasn't been out of his room all day, so I assumed he doesn't care what I do today."
I nodded then ate the soup. When I had finished, I gave Dipper back the bowl saying "You better go now before he comes back and finds you here with me. That would not be good for either of us."
he nodded saying, "Ok, but I'll see you later, ok?"
I nodded as he turned and left. Leaving me to my thoughts...
later that night, I was asleep, and for once, I was having a pleasant dream. When I was awoken by a loud bang coming from upstairs, and I jolted upright jumping in surprise. Gasping as pain shot down my legs, and I prepared for the worse, but nothing happened for such a long time that I was beginning to think I had imagined it. Till I heard the beeping of the password being entered and I was overcome with fear as I backed away as close to the wall as I could get, pulling my legs up to my chest as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. the steps stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and I heard shuffling and whispering then a familiar voice called out "Ella, are you down here?"
I called softly, "I'm here!"
I heard footsteps running toward me as I saw a light in the distance, and I squinted hissing in pain as the light illuminated the darkness burning my eyes. The light immediately dimmed down, but I still had to squint in it as I made out the face of the captain and I saw that he held a ball of blue fire which was the source of the light. As I said, "Captain! How?"
Instead of answering me, he grabbed the door and pulled, taking it off its hinges and throwing it across the room as he stepped into the cage and started working on the chains on my wrists. When he had unlocked the last of the chains, he stood pulling me to, my feet letting me lean against him as he took off the necklace around my neck. I felt myself start to draw power from him, but I resisted refusing to draw any power as he said, "Can you walk?"
I shook my head as I heard him mutter something under his breath before he picked me up, putting me on his left shoulder as he carried me one-armed upstairs his other hand still holding the flame. When we emerged from the underground, it was pitch black, and he extinguished the fire then said quietly, "Pyronica, you got Pinetree?"
I heard her say back, "Yeah, took me a while to find his room, but I got him."
"Then let's move!" they moved out of the shack we were in but when we got outside we were met with a scene that only came from nightmares the house surrounded by demons of varying degrees and the captain swore, then drew a sword handing it to me and I took it immediately feeling stronger at its touch. Then he summoned flame in the hand that wasn't supporting me as one of the demons whom I assumed was the leader said: "Stand down!"
I saw Pyronica out of the corner of my eye as she summoned a six-foot pole with a sword-like blade at the top then she handed Dipper a small sword and dagger as she said: "Prepare for a fight."
At the same time as Bill yelled back, "What quarrel do you have here? We've done nothing to you!"
The leader snarled "We hast nay quarrel withal the others but thou cipher! thou hast caused chaos for the last timeth!"
I saw the captain ponder this for a moment as he muttered: "I haven't caused any chaos lately."
As the demon said, "Surrender, and we might let thou live!"
Suddenly as though it had been planned a wall of fire burst up in front of the demons and I looked up and saw Jacob in the trees sitting with his legs tucked under him and his arms held out as he chanted under his breath and the sight of him made me smile as he continued to chant. Then when he finished there was a wall of flame that reached well over a hundred feet into the air and he jumped down from the branch landing with grace on our side of the fire before he ran up to us and said to the captain "It was just like you said they were waiting for you." Then he caught sight of me, and he said: "I'll take her so you, can focus on the rest of the task."
The captain nodded, then Jacob lifted me gently off his shoulder and onto his own where I grabbed the top of his head with one arm to steady myself. As he turned and summoned a six-foot sword preparing himself for battle as he held it with both hands and I raised my blade which was only three feet and seemed tiny in comparison as the others joined us from all over. I saw Gregory(bow and arrows that never ran out), Jane(mace), Caleb(chain and ball), Fiona(double swords), Rebecca and Kate(nunchucks, both of them: btw. They are always together never separate) , and Moonstone (spiked whip) all there and prepared for the fight that was to come. Then I heard Jacob in my head as he quickly explained the plan to me then he said, 'Are you ok up there little one?'
I smiled at the nickname as I said 'I'm fine Jake no need to worry.'
His reply sounded worried, 'Are you sure?'
I said back, 'Yes, Jacob. Now pay attention .'
he said 'you can't walk that's not ok, Ella.'
I replied, 'I'm just tired is all, you would be to.'
he said, 'maybe.'
Then he turned his attention back to the captain who now had Dipper behind him as he nodded and Jacob started chanting as the wall of fire lowered and when it had finally disappeared, I saw that the demons on the other side were ticked beyond reasoning as the leader said "Thou hast sealed thy fate! now thou'll all die!"
Then they charged...

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