Chapter 25

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P. O. V. Ella

As soon as Dipper was gone one of the demons picked me up and speaking, demonic said: "Not one word unless you want your human to die when he gets back."
I glared at him as another demon spoke to Jacob in demonic, "Your coming as well, so get up!"
Which he did then the demon commander said again in demonic. I was beginning to realize that very few of the demons here actually spoke English, "Since you two aren't human you'll be going on ahead with the majority of the group while a small group stays here with the human."
I swore at him once more than said: "You think I'm gonna let that happen?"
the commander got in my face as he said: "You'll let it happen or your little human won't make it through the night understood?"
I growled at him, "You're dealing with things that you couldn't possibly understand."
he laughed saying, "I understand enough to know that you care for the human enough to sacrifice yourself for him."
I leaned closer as I said, "I'm not the only one."
I saw fear flash in the commander's eyes, but he quickly covered it up as he sneered at me and said, "Who else your little captain? Please, your captain could barely walk the last time I saw him let alone fight."
At his words worry flashed through me as I realized it would be hard for the captain to heal from his injuries after so long away from Dipper. when I noticed the commander looking at me though I quickly hid my worry as I said: "If you think you can mess with the human and get away with it you've got another thing coming, it doesn't matter how injured the captain is he'll still kick your ass."
To which the commander laughed and said to the demon holding me "Take them away and I'll catch up in the morning."
the demon said, "Yes sir!" Then took off with me in its arms and Jacob attached to its hip by a chain. Jacob ran to catch up as I carefully sucked power from the demon who faltered for a moment then shook it off as I took a bit at a time never taking more than was replenished, and as the night wore on my power grew. I knew soon enough I'd have enough energy to contact the captain who I hoped was back on the ship by now...

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