Chapter 22

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P. O. V. Bill

As the demons charged, I said to Pinetree, "Stay close to me, and you'll be fine." as I led the others into the charge. We collided midway between the shack and the forest and the sounds of battle broke out. I grew to my full size towering over the shack, and I saw that the others had grown in size as well some doubling their size and others tripled it as I threw fireballs at the demons watching as the fire disintegrated them with a single touch. When I heard a scream behind me, and I turned and saw Pinetree on the ground, his sword gone with a demon standing over him, holding a sword over him as he struggled to protect himself. I felt myself turn red with anger as I used my powers to send Pinetree's sword flying at the demon. Stabbing him through the chest and landing at Pinetree's feet and he sat horrified for a second before seeing me as I said “you alright?” and he nodded shocked before picking up the blade and turning to attack another demon as I turned my attention away from him. I caught a glimpse of Ella fighting from atop Jacob's shoulder swinging her sword at any demon, who dared to come close enough to attack. Then when Jacob locked swords with a demon, she reached out and touched the demon, and I watched captivated as she drew every last ounce of power from the demon and the demon slowly crumbled into dust. As Jacob attacked another and I noticed that she had her hand atop his head and it was glowing as she transferred power to him making him stronger. Then my attention was taken once more by a demon attacking me, and I summoned a sword and engaged...

P. O. V. Dipper

I charged into the fight behind Bill feeling tiny in comparison, especially when he grew full size, and I fought off the smaller ones even though they still towered over me. I cursed as one demon approached me, and I realized that he might be more than I can handle. I took him on anyway stabbing and slicing with my blade until he caught the edge of my sword with his and with a quick upward flick of his wrist he disarmed me leaving me weaponless as I backed away quickly and I tripped over a root falling to the ground as I screamed covering my head with my arms. preparing to die at his hand as he raised his blade above his head to kill me when I suddenly heard a squelch, and I looked up to see my sword had pierced through the demon landing at my feet and I was wondering how in the world that had happened. When I saw Bill standing above me with his arm outstretched and he turned to me helping me to my feet as he said “you alright?” and I nodded still shocked as he turned back to face another demon. I shook my head to clear it as I picked up my blade, which was covered in demon blood and turned to face another demon. This time I managed to deal a killing blow the first time and the demon immediately burst into dust exploding all over me. I shook it off before turning back to the battle. I could feel myself losing control as I fought off demon after demon till I turned around and my sword met thin air. I blinked trying to figure out what just happened. Then my mind calmed as I saw Jacob running toward me with Ella still on his shoulder and he said, "Nice job, kid! You may just be demon material yet!" I smiled at that as he turned to fight off another demon. Before he could kill the demon, he hesitated, and Ella grabbed the demons head, whispering something softly as the demon's eyes rolled back in his head. He fell to the ground, unconscious as Jacob muttered something that I didn't catch before picking up the demon. throwing it over the shoulder that didn't hold Ella as she spoke in a voice that said she didn't want anyone to hear but Jacob but I was close enough to hear it as well as she said: "He could be useful." Then she spoke to me saying, "Have fun with your demons, and if you see Bill let him know we'll be back in just a sec."
I nodded before my attention was drawn by a demon yelling a war cry. I held my sword in one hand as I drew my dagger with the other I glared at the demon before charging yelling my war cry and slicing at the demon who back-stepped the cut. Returning with one of his own which I blocked then feigned for his ribs quickly turning and hitting him in the ankle. He cursed then staggered backward falling when he put weight on his now injured leg. I took advantage of his fall stabbing downward, killing him, just in time as another demon took his place. I could feel myself tiring, but I wasn't about to give up as I raised my sword and charged the demon...

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