Chapter 4

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                                                                                  P. O. V. Ella

I didn't like it not one bit something felt off about the direction we were traveling then as we approached a forest I realized why, none of it was familiar to me. I pulled the boy into a alleyway and hissed to him "Are you sure this is the way to the bay?" I could feel his body go cold with fear so I used a small amount of power to drag out the truth from him and suddenly he said "N-no. We are heading to my Grunkle Ford's house."
I felt anger flood my system such as I had never felt before and I lost control pinning him against the brick wall behind him by his shoulders as I snarled "What? This isn't the way to the bay! How dare you, think to deceive me!" I summoned a knife pressing it against his throat as I said "I should kill you right now, little boy!"

He shook with fear and said "N-no please! I'm sorry! I just... I just have this terrible, terrible fear of the ocean!" He was crying at this point as he explained through sobs how his grunkle Ford had instilled this fear of the ocean in him by talking about how the ocean was full of pirates who would steal him away and feast on his eyeballs. As he explained himself I felt the anger that had filled me so completely before slowly drain out of me as I released him and called out with my mind toward Jacob my boyfriend saying "Jacob I need your help with this."

I heard his reply come as he said "Where are you? I'll be right there."
I sent him coordinates and felt him acknowledge them before I closed the conversation as the boy slid to the ground cowering in a ball next to me and when He had finished I smiled saying "Well if that's what's keeping you from going to the bay then I guess the truth would absolutely terrify you." Then I chuckled and stood offering my hand out to him.

He said "What do you mean?" As he took my hand.

I pulled him to his feet ignoring his question instead asking one of my own, "So where's the bay?"
He hesitated then sighed giving in and pointed across town as he said, "On the other side of town. I'm sorry I lied to you."
I cursed under my breath in the demonic language then I switched back as I said "It's getting too dark to cross all that way on foot!"
I grumbled under her breath in the same language. Then suddenly from out of the city came a large man with black hair and sharp blue eyes that stood out sharply against his tanned skin and as he turned the corner into the alleyway I ran up to him throwing my arms around his neck as I said "I didn't think you were coming!"
Jacob wrapped his arms around me and said "I will always come for you."
I smiled speaking to Jacob in demonic as I said "I was so worried about you. when I saw you earlier."
"No need to worry Ella that's in the past." he said speaking the same language
I hugged him tightly before kissing him and then as we broke apart he said "Now what do you need help with?"
"I need to get to the ship with speed and I'm drained right now," I said quickly, "so I was hoping you could take the boy up and then I can use my super speed and meet you over there."
"Its within the realms of possibility," he said stroking his chin thoughtfully, "but your drained Ella you can't use your super speed."
"I'm in contact with you remember?" I said flashing him a knowing smile as I saw a flash in his eyes as he remembered what kind of demon I was, and that when I was in contact with other demons I immediately started to drain their powers for my own use because I was a category 12 meaning that I didn't produce power to use my own. Then Jacob said "Stay in contact as long as possible then."
"I will." I said before I turned back to the boy and I saw that he was looking at the ground as I switched back to English and said "Close your eyes again boy."
He looked up saying, "What?"
I rolled my eyes realizing that he hadn't been paying attention then said "Close your eyes boy! Now!"
he said "Again? why?"
I felt anger heat my blood but then I quickly calmed myself as I stepped forward saying, "So you don't see anything you don't need to."
he crossed his arms defiantly as he said "I can handle gore ya' know."
I felt my anger flare as I started to lose my patience and said through gritted teeth "Not this kind."
he stiffened and said back "I think I can."
I wanted to strangle the kid at that point but then remembered that the captain said 'unharmed.' I cooled then stepped forward intimidatingly and said in a dangerous tone "Either you close your eyes or I will."
he took a few steps back holding his hands out in a calming manner as he said "Ok, ok will do."
When he had closed his eyes and Jacob reached out and grabbed him and he panicked and I said "Relax boy it's just Jacob he's gonna carry you for a while."
he resisted saying "Wherever you plan to take me I can walk myself!"
I growled at him my anger rising once more before I said "If you want to keep your tongue I suggest you hold it, and do as I say!"
he made no more protests as Jacob picked him up slinging him over his shoulder before he said to me "Will you be ok?"

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