Chapter 13

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P. O. V. Ella

I ran through the town trying to find Dipper who was missing, again man that kid sure liked to run off a lot did he not know where we were though this is Tads territory. That means he's in danger and could be recaptured and I yelled his name again as I ran when I heard voices down a nearby alley and one of them sounded familiar as he said "Well well look at what we have here. Dipper pines. The slave who ran away with pirates. You know we've been looking' everywhere for you little boy."
I heard a small voice answer back "Wait I'm not who you think my name is Pinetree not Dipper!"
I crept up behind the guards alerting the others that I found him as I saw Dipper notice me so I put a finger to my lips and he got the message as I tapped one of the two guards on the shoulder and he turned toward me and I said "Hey."
he nodded at me in greeting before turning back around as I stood there smiling then I saw recognition in his body language as he said "Wait a minute!" But before he could turn around again I slammed my elbow into the back of his head causing him to fall forward onto the ground and Dipper just stood there for a moment before I said "Come on! We gotta go, unless you want to be caught!"
Which shook him out off his stupor and he grabbed my outstretched hand as I pulled him over the guard and down the street as I said "What were you thinking? Running off like that, you could've been killed! Or worse!" I stopped before rounding a corner causing him to run into me as I peeked around the corner and I saw two more guards there and they were conversing with one another so I quickly pulled Dipper with me as I ran across the alleyway as he said "I'm sorry. I know it was stupid of me to run off like that, but I needed some space from all the demon stuff I wanted a moment of normalcy. Not that you would understand."
I heard footsteps behind me so I quickly pulled him down a side alley pressing us against the wall in an attempt to make us invisible and I waited there silently until a group of guards passed by the front of the alley and I waited until I was sure they were gone before I said "I do understand Dip. Why do you think I sometimes disappear for long periods of time? I need some space, but I always make sure at least one demon knows where I'm at, we all have to follow that rule. Especially you and especially here."
He nodded and mumbled "Sorry I made you and the others panic, I didn't mean to."
I stopped and looked him in the eyes as I said "Apology accepted just don't do it again, we're all getting attached to ya' and I'd hate to see you hurt." Then I continued pulling him along through the city stopping every once in a while to hide and ducking down alleyways to avoid the guards. When he asked a question that completely caught me off guard "Why don't you teleport us back to the ship like you did when we first met?"
I didn't even turn around as I said "Out of energy, and it takes a lot to teleport two people or demons accurately. At least for me it does, me being a category thirteen and all, but nonetheless I couldn't do it anyway Tads put up a magic shield preventing any demons except the most powerful from teleporting in or out of the city in a hopes of catching you again."
I heard him curse behind me before he said "Why is he after me?! It seems that while he had me all he ever did was hate me I don't understand!"
"Few do." I said as I continued to run "My best guess is you made him look a fool twice, and now he's trying to get revenge on you," and I shrugged "But that's just my opinion I could be really far off."
I could tell that he was thinking hard behind me as we lapsed into a comfortable silence.
We had been running and avoiding guards for a long time before I finally spotted the dock and I whispered "Almost there. Just a few more feet."
"I wouldn't celebrate yet." Dipper warned causing me to look behind us and I cursed as I saw the mass of guards behind us then I refocused ahead and cursed again as I saw we had been surrounded so I stopped breathing hard before attempting to summon my weapon and I cursed as I remembered the shield resorting to use my hands instead and I prepared for battle as the guards surrounded us their spears pointing at us as the commander said "Surrender! Or we'll be forced to kill you!"
I glared at him before saying "Then do it! Right now! Kill me! I dare you!" The commander hesitated for a long time before I said "Caught your bluff little man." I grabbed the nearest spear breaking off the tip and shoving it into the eye of the nearest soldier who screamed as I pulled the tip out his eye still attached then shoved it under his chin silencing his cries as the others attack I fought tooth and nail before I heard a small cry and I stopped one soldiers head in a headlock as the commander yelled "Stop now or I'll kill the boy!"
I dropped the soldier I had in a headlock as I slowly walked toward him seeing that he had Dipper with a knife to his neck and as I walked forward he said "Try and call my bluff I dare you."
I held my hands up in surrender and said "Ok. Ok relax. I surrender." the guards behind me grabbed my hands twisting them behind me and chaining them there as the commander threw Dipper over to two other guards behind him who chained his hands behind him. As the commander walked up to me and put his dagger to my chin speaking in a voice that was meant only for me "I don't bluff little girl. That's a cowardly move."
Even though I knew I shouldn't I couldn't prevent the next words from coming out of my mouth "Then it's perfect for you ain't it?"
I saw anger light his eyes as he drove his fist into my gut causing me to gasp for breath as the guards held me upright and he said "How's that for a coward?"
"Perfect." I wheezed grinning madly as he stalked away the guards forcing us to follow him as we were forced into the back of a wagon with one of the guards on either side of us as we rode back to the castle and I was beginning to wonder why I decided to stop fighting. Then I remembered the look on Dipper's face when the captain had him at knife point and how panicked he was as I realized that this was one situation I probably couldn't get out of at least not on my own. Then I felt Dipper shivering beside me and I pulled him protectively closer to me causing him to hug my waist for comfort which had it been anyone else I wouldn't have allowed that and eventually he calmed down as we entered the palace gates...

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