Chapter 23

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P. O. V. Ella

Me and Jacob fought off the demons but no matter how many we fought more seemed to take their place. From my vantage spot on Jacob's shoulder I was able to see and estimate where a demon would next strike as Jacob fought demon after demon and I helped where I could but there wasn't much I could do considering where I was so mainly I transferred power from the demon into Jacob trying to keep him running and strong enough to continue the fight and as he locked swords with another demon he spoke through the mind and said 'Ella..... energy...... lacking..........need.........more.'
I nodded then reached forward grabbing the demon by the hair I pulled him closer as I drained every bit of power I could from him and I closed my eyes and pushed myself to absorb more energy than I ever had before and suddenly the hair I was grabbing dissolved. I opened my eyes only to see that the demon had disappeared and in its place was a pile of dust. I saw more demons who had been watching as I stole his power and they all looked horrified before turning tail and running in the opposite direction and I placed my hand on Jacob's head as I transferred the majority of the power into him. I felt him straighten up holding his sword up as he prepared for another charge and he ran toward a demon who seemed familiar to me before the demon suddenly turned invisible and Jacob was left running toward Dipper who was now surrounded by the dust of demons who had been killed by him and Jacob said "Nice Job Kid! You'll make demon material yet!"
Then I sensed the demon from before behind us and I said through the mind link 'Jacob behind you!'
he immediately turned blocking a sword stroke meant for his head then the two exchanged blows and I realized that he had met his match. When both demons were drenched in sweat they locked blades struggling for a while before with a massive push Jacob knocked the demon backward disarming him at the same time but before he could kill the demon I realized where I had seen the demon before as I quickly said through the mind link  'Jacob wait!' And he stopped as I grabbed the demons forehead and I heard him whimper as he whispered "Please don't turn me to dust I don't want to die like that."
I whispered back "Don't worry you won't."
Then I chanted a spell and watched as his eyes rolled back and he passed out and Jacob muttered "Great now I have to carry this one to?"
Before he picked the demon up throwing him over his other shoulder as I whispered "He could be useful."
Then I spotted Dipper close by and I smiled at him as I said "Have fun with your demons, and if you see Bill let him know that we'll be back in just a sec."
he nodded before turning to face a demon in his path drawing his dagger before charging the much bigger demon and I said to Jacob through his mind 'go to the shack I know what I'm doing.'
he said back 'you sure about this?'
I nodded and said 'Positive.'
Before I grabbed the top of his head to keep my balance as he ran toward the shack and when he opened the door Ford was standing there and he pointed a gun at Jacob's head causing him to stop in his tracks as Ford said "Halt demon!"
I rolled my eyes and said "We don't have time for this!"
Before summoning my weapon which was throwing stars I threw two landing one in his shoulder and the other in his wrist forcing him to drop the gun which Jacob kicked away then pushed passed Ford as he said through my mind 'Where now?'
I said 'The snack machine.'
he muttered under his breath before going to the snack machine and I said 'It's a door-' but before I could get any farther he growled and ripped the machine away from the wall taking the door with it as I said 'Down there hurry!'
he ran down the stairs taking them two at a time then he hesitated at the bottom till he saw the cage with the ripped off door and I cursed remembering that Bill had ripped the door off to get to me before I said out loud "Chain him up with those." As I pointed to the glowing blue chains that had once kept me prisoner.
He nodded then said "I have to put you down to do so though."
I said "Do what you must." So he found a chair for me and gently put me down in it before chaining the unconscious demon to the wall replacing the door to the cage and I heard the sounds of war above us as I said "That'll have to do for now we've got bigger problems to worry about."
Jacob nodded then moved to place me back on his shoulder but before he could I heard Ford say in a dangerous tone "Don't move or I'll shoot you both."
I saw Jacob stiffen at the sound of his voice as he slowly turned around and I saw Ford pointing the same gun he had earlier at us but I also noticed that his arm was dripping blood onto the floor and I started to say something but Ford cut me off saying "Hands where I can see them!"
I slowly raised my hands and spoke quietly in an attempt to calm him as I said "Ford Relax. We aren't here to hurt you we only needed to borrow your demon cage for a little bit is that ok?"
he said "Why on Earth would I ever allow you to do anything?"
I thought for a split second before remembering something that Dipper told me and I said "Because, Ford, you don't really want to hurt us the one you're after is Bill, and in reality you're not even really after him. All your life you've spent trying to keep your family safe but you've failed more times then you can count. Losing first your mother and father to a demonic overtaking then more recently your brother, and sister and niece and now your worried about losing the only family you have left your nephew. So am I." he lowered the gun at that as I continued "I care about the kid too, but in order to keep him safe I must use your demonic holding chamber. So I ask again, is it ok to use it?"
he thought for a moment before raising the gun and saying "I don't believe you."
I sighed in frustration as Jacob said "We don't have time to play your games old man! We're leaving to continue fighting. But if you release the demon we have here I can assure you with certainty that I will rip you limb from limb in the most painful way I can think of! Understood?"
Ford widened his stance and said "You move and I'll kill you!"
I said "Guys! If you keep fighting nothing will ever get done!"
Jacob said "Nothing will ever get done if we stay here either!"
I said 'relax Jacob I know your worried and angry but let me handle this ok?' he grunted as I spoke to Ford saying "Listen you want to know how to kill Cipher right?"
he seemed taken aback at my words as he hesitated unsure what to do before finally lowering the gun saying"You'd tell me what I want to know? Just to be able to use the cage?"
I nodded as he relaxed and said "Ok then shoot. How do I kill Bill?"
I tisked at him and said "Not yet old man." he opened his mouth to say something but I wasn't finished yet as I said "Before I tell you anything you have to promise to let us use the cage and go back to the fighting."
he said "Yeah, yeah I promise. Now tell me!"
I said "Not so fast I need a deal." As I held out my hand which burst into a jade flame as I saw fear flash in his eyes as he said "A..a deal?"
I nodded as he thought this over in his  head for a while and as he did Jacob said 'are you sure this is a good idea Ella?'
I said back 'Trust me Jacob I know what I'm doing.' Just as Ford said "Fine deal!" As he grabbed my hand sealing the deal and he quickly released my hand as he said "Now how do I kill Cipher?"
I smiled as Jacob put me back on his shoulder and I said "You have to kill Dipper first."
Then before he could do or say anything else Jacob ran up the stairs and out of the house. When we emerged I saw that the battle was over and the demons were in full retreat and the others were running after the demons and Jacob joined them catching up in a few seconds and chasing the demons as well. We chased them into the forest before I got a strange feeling that something wasn't right when suddenly arrows shot our way and one flew past my face grazing my cheek on the way and I gasped touching the wound feeling the warm blood soak my fingers then quickly stop as I held it watching the skin knit itself back together and I pulled my hand away looking at the black blood that was still wet on my fingers then I shrugged off the pain wiping my hand on my trousers as more arrows flew past us and we got separated from the rest of the group as demons jumped out from behind trees poofing into existence and I heard Bill yell “It's an ambush! Get to cover! Retreat and regroup at the ship!” as Jacob ducked to avoid another arrow and as he did so I locked eyes with one demon and time seemed to slow as he knocked his arrow and aimed for Dipper I knew I wouldn't be able to warn him in time as he ran beside us so as the demon released the arrow I jumped in its path pushing Dipper to the ground and feeling the arrow pierce my shoulder causing me to cry out as time sped back up and the shock from the arrow numbed me as I slid off of Dipper apologizing, but he brushed off my apology as Jacob ran toward us saying angrily, “Ella! What the hell was that! You-" then he saw the arrow and his tone turned from anger to worried in a split second as he said "Your shoulder." And he tentatively touched the area around the arrow causing shooting pain to go through my back and I stifled a groan not wishing to alarm him as Jacob turned to Dipper saying angrily "What happened?"
he sounded terrified as he replied "I don't know, one minute I was running the next she landed on top of me and I saw an arrow in her shoulder. She saved my life."
Before Jacob could respond to him I grabbed his arm and said "I'll be fine Jake just get it out of me."
I could tell he was still angry but he nodded and said "Ready?"
I said "No, but we don't really have a choice do we?"
he said "Here bite on this." And he handed me the sheath for his dagger which I shoved in my mouth then bit down on as I felt him grab the base of the arrow saying "One... two... three!" on three I felt him pull on the arrow and I bit down even harder on the sheath as pain ripped through my shoulder as I felt the arrow break but not slide free of my skin and Jacob cursed saying "Barbs. Blast those bastards!" he threw the broken shaft of th00e arrow but before he could do anything else I heard shouting and Jacob stood over me protectively as Dipper crouched over my head behind him. I saw Dipper draw his dagger and Jacob drew his sword as a demon said "Give in thou're surrounded!"
Jacob snarled at the demon and said "I'll surrender to you when my body rots in hell!"
As Dipper growled at the demon causing me to smile grimly as I recalled our first meeting when I had growled at him. I heard the telltale sound of hundreds of bows being drawn as the same demon said "Surrender! or we'll fill thy filthy hide withal arrows!"
Jacob paused for a moment then glanced at me, and I shook my head slightly then he looked back at the demons surrounding us, and Dipper looked to Jacob waiting for the order to attack but it never came, and I saw Jacob's shoulders slump forward with defeat as he lowered his sword and said "We surrender."
Dipper looked at him surprised but when Jacob threw down his sword he threw down his dagger landing it beside Jacob's sword and immediately they pinned Jacob to the forest ground chaining his hands behind him as at the same time another group pinned Dipper to the ground as well chaining his hands behind him but when they reached for me Jacob said "It's no use she's dead."
the demon scoffed at him and said "Like Hell she is!" Before forcing my arms behind me holding them in his grip and I winced as my shoulder cried out in agony at being forced to move. The guard then pulled me up by my arms and I gasped as the movement sent pain shooting down my back as he held me upright my legs still not working properly as the commander walked up to me saying, “Well, well. What doeth we hast hither?" As I struggled to get my shoulder in a position where it wasn't burning with pain all the time as the captain continued "Thy quite the pretty thing aren't thou?"
I spit at his feet and glared at him As he said "Oh feisty are we?" And the demon holding me pressed on my wounded shoulder causing me to cry out and Jacob lunged forward but the demon holding him kept him from killing the demon as he swore in demonic then said, “You hurt her and I swear you won't live to see the morning!"
the demon commander waved to the demon holding me who stopped pressing on my shoulder and responded in the same demonic language "He's trying to find the arrow head. An thou want her to live I suggest thou stay put!"
Then he spoke to the demon holding me and said "Put her on the ground it'll art easier to dig an she's flat."
the demon dropped me to the ground and pinned my arms to my sides as he said in demonic "I need someone to hold her down! I have to cut the wound to get the head out!" two demons came over one holding my arms and the other held my legs as the demon pulled out a dagger and I closed my eyes as he heated it in flame from his hand till it glowed white-hot then he plunged it into the wound and I screamed in agony as the wound burned and he continued cutting at the injury as I passed out my world fading into blackness, my last thought wondering whether I would ever be free again...

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