Chapter 30

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P. O. V. Dipper

I awoke to swaying and the sound of the ocean groaning as I sat up holding my head, which was pounding with a headache when the door opened carefully, and Bill walked in. He seemed happy to see me awake as he said "Pinetree good to see you awake again!" As he tackled me in a hug
"What happened?" I asked hugging him back
"What's the last thing you remember?" He asked, sitting on the bed and pulling me onto his lap.
I laid my head on his chest as I said: "The last thing I remember is Kyrion trying to turn me into a demon, but Bill, how did I get here?"
He sighed loudly before saying, "We rescued you and Ella a week ago then killed Kyrion, you don't have to worry about anything else ever again."
And my mind was elsewhere as I said, "Bill?" And he hummed in response which I took as a sign to continue "Is it really possible for a human to become a demon?"
That seemed to catch him off guard as he turned me so that I was straddling him as he looked me in the eye and he said "yes it is possible, but it's excruciating for the human. it does things to a human body that are so horrific they can't be explained, so in short: yes it's possible, but it's painful."
I thought for a moment then said: "Demons are immortal right?"
"Yes," he said "but, only until a certain set of circumstances happens then it's possible for a demon to die but, it's not always fun being immortal; half the time your bored and the other half of the time you're killing or torturing. Half the time, that's why we do things we're bored, Why do you ask?"
"Well," I said sliding off of his lap and standing in front of him "I just know that humans aren't immortal," and I started pacing in front of him as my brain put two and two together "and if I'm your soulmate, then when I die your soul will be ripped in half, and it'll be my fault!"
He grabbed my shoulders as he stood up, stopping me in my tracks as he said: "Don't think that way Pinetree, that's not important right now."
"Yes, it is!" I said, pulling out of his grasp and pacing once more as I continued "This whole experience has me thinking about the future I could have died, Bill! Then what? your soul would be ripped apart and the way I've heard that described! It's horrible, and I don't want to do that to you, Bill!" I stopped pacing at that point, staring at a wall as I said: "I don't want to die."
There was silence at my statement then I heard Bill behind me say "I'll be right back, I'm gonna go ask Ella something, but I need you to stay here ok?" I nodded as he left the room, shutting the door behind him...

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