Chapter 9

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P. O. V. Dipper

It's been three days since the crazy attack by the demon Kyrion and things are beginning to go back to normal well at least as normal as they can be with a demon crew on a pirate ship. The only thing that is slightly worrisome is the fact that Ella still hasn't woken up yet, but the captain said its fine and perfectly normal for her to be out this long but I still worried about her and I could tell Jacob did too although I couldn't figure out why he cared for her so much and as I mopped the poop deck once more I decided to ask him about it and I spotted him near the steering wheel so once I finished mopping I put away the mop and walked up to him but before I could get to him the captain spotted me and he hooked an arm around my shoulders saying "Pinetree! Just in time I was just about to call you over. Look Jacob's worrying  himself sick about Ella so I've ordered him not to go near her today but she needs someone in there with her says it helps with the repairs so I was wondering if you'd be willing to sit in there with her for a few hours and just keep an eye on her throughout the day could ya' do that for me kid?"
I said "Yes but-"
but he cut me off "Great! Her room is just down the hall the only one that's closed ya' can't miss it!"
"Ok. But-"
"No time for butts except yours in her room!"
"Ok but can I-"
"But it's-"
"I need-"
"Nope! Now get your but moving before I make you regret it!"
I huffed in annoyance before going to Ella's room and I knocked on the door before entering and when I did I saw a figure in the bed that I had a hard time fitting with the previous image of the feisty demoness. Ella was paler than the moon and breathing shallowly as she laid on the bed her eyes closed and looking like death itself and I spotted a chair near her bed and moved to sit in it before saying, "Hey. Um. Not sure if you can hear me or not but I'm here." And I trailed off feeling a little bit silly talking to her when there was no chance of her responding but then I noticed that her breathing had become less shallow as I spoke and some of the color returned to her face so I said "Do you like me talking? Is that how this works?" more color was returning as I said "This feels weird talking to someone like this. I wonder though what's going on inside your head? Everyone keeps saying that you're making repairs but what the heck does that even mean? I hope you hear me and will tell me when you wake up but even if you don't I'm sure if I ask you'll tell me right?" I noticed her cheeks beginning to turn a light shade of red as I said "Are you hot or something hang on I'll pull some of the blankets off." I pulled a few of the blankets off of her body then felt her forehead which was hot to the touch and I started to panic not sure what to do as I said "I don't know what to do about this. I'm not a freaking doctor!"
the door opened as Jacob walked in and said calmly "For now you'll want to remove your hand and stand back."
I looked at him and said "Why what's going on?"
he said "Do as I say and remove your hand!"
I did so as Ella's face began to glow and I felt energy hit me like a wave and I was pushed back by it as she began to calm back down I readjusted myself saying "What was that?"
“A release of energy. It happens when demons repair their minds." He said not looking up from Ella
I said "How are you here I thought the captain said he gave you orders not to be here."
he shrugged and said "Captain said I could visit her for only an hour today I chose now to be that hour."
I could tell he was lying, but I didn’t dare question him instead changing the subject as I said "Oh, so why do you care so much for her? Captain said you've worried yourself sick about her."
Jacob sighed before saying "I guess you would've found this out sooner or later and it's better if I tell you then to have one of the others tell you,"  and he took a deep breath before looking directly at me and saying, "She's my soulmate."
I was extremely confused I didn't think soulmates existed and some of my confusion must have been showing on my face because Jacob said, "You don't know what that means do you?" I shook my head as he sighed then continued "A soulmate is well it's like a mate but you don't necessarily like each other you're just meant to be, your souls are fused together, well that is if you spend enough time with each other they do, but never mind that's a whole other ball game, anyway their souls are connected so if one of the pair gets hurt emotionally or physically it's felt by the other me and Ella found out we were soulmates the hard way,"  my head reeled with the new information I was receiving than a memory popped up playing in my mind it was my first time on a pirate ship of any kind but it wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be the pirates were all extremely kind to me well all except one whose name I couldn't remember he seemed to regard me with a certain air of superiority and he introduced himself stiffly then immediately left as the others discussed things with someone who appeared to be the captain whom I recognized as soon as I saw him and I said "You were the guy at the corner the one who held me!"
He chuckled and held out his hand saying "Captain Bill Cipher at your service! This here is my ship the White Mary and my crew this is my second in command Pyronica and that's Jane," a nice looking young woman with golden eyes, tan skin,and honey yellow hair, waved at me she was wearing a red shirt and long black skinny jeans and the captain moved on to another member of his crew as he continued to introduce the others "Kate, Rebecca, Moonstone, Fiona, and Gregory is the grumpy one who just went downstairs, and the temperamental demon behind you is Jacob! So now you know everyone... wait a minute!” And he turned on Jacob saying, "where's your little soulmate Jacob?"
Jacob said "She should be here soon sir!"
the captain looked him up and down before saying "Good in that case I'll wait here for her, Pinetree!" I thought he was talking to someone else so I didn't answer him till he tapped me on the head saying, "Hello in there can you hear me?"
I said "I can hear you just fine captain. But that's not my name."
"Really?” He said with mock surprise “Then tell me what it is."
I spoke calmly but firmly to him not letting him get to me as I said "Dipper Pines."
he thought for a moment before saying "Nah. Any soulmate of mine can't go around with a dopey human name like that I'm gonna keep calling you Pinetree! Now Pinetree I want you to go explore the deck now shoo!"
I left him... and the memory faded from my mind as I said "The captain called me his soulmate when I first boarded the ship, but what do you mean by the hard way?" Jacob gave me a funny look then he did something that completely surprised me he sniffed me! He took my head in his hands and smelled me. I pushed him off me and said "Dude! What the heck man!"
As he muttered "Human, but that doesn't make sense as far as I know it's a demon only thing but I don't know much about humans, Ella would've been the better one to ask, but she's out cold. Who else? Aha!"
Then he ran from the room and I tried to call him back but he ignored me and I was stuck with Ella who looked and acted more like a corpse than anything.
I sat there watching her as slowly my eyes began to close and I drifted off to sleep...

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