Chapter 7

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P. O. V. Ella

The first thing I saw when I left the captains cabin was Gregory standing by the rail of the ship with his arms crossed and looking at me. I knew he wanted something but I turned and smiled at the captain then walked away turning down toward the lower deck where I walked down the long hallway to the storage area then walked in and shut the door behind me and it locked behind me then I unlocked it to make sure I could get out again before I lit a small fire in my palm so I could see. Even though I knew there was nothing in here that could hurt me it still freaked me out being back here but one of the many chores I had to do was organize it so I was going to spend a lot of time back here and I whispered a spell causing the fireball to fly up to the ceiling where it hung out casting light over the entire room, and I groaned as I saw it. It was a mess, there were boxes everywhere and dust choked the air, then I heard a noise behind me and I turned quickly and came face to face with Gregory and I yelped jumping backward as I said "Gregory! You scared the crap out of me!"

he smiled grimly and said "That's the idea little girl." Then he whispered a spell and the fire on the ceiling went out

Suddenly I felt very afraid as I said worriedly "Gregory?"
his voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere as he said "You talked to the captain."

"I couldn't help it he pulled me in what was I supposed to do?" I said now fully terrified knowing exactly where this was going

"Anything but go in his cabin alone with him!" he said his temper growing more with each word.
"Nothing happened I swear!" I said now in flat out panic mode
I could feel his breath on my neck as he said quietly "Nothing?"
I started to turn but he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder, and a knife at my throat as I said "Nothing."
he seemed to relax at that as he loosened his hold on me saying "Then what did he want you for?"
"He wanted me to do some chores for him." I said quickly
he seemed to accept that answer as he muttered "Chores... of course." Then he whispered a spell again and the fire burst back to life blinding me as he grabbed my wrist twisting my arm behind me and said "So you didn't tell him?" I shook my head quickly not caring about the blade at my throat which nicked me slightly as his grip tightened and he said "Good I would hate to get my clothes dirty." Then he released me and said "Don't turn around until you count to ten got it?"
I rubbed my neck as I said "Yes."
Then I counted to ten in my head and when I had reached ten I turned but he was gone and I shook off the fear I had felt a moment ago and focused on the task at hand organizing the storage area.
I spent much of the day in the storage area organizing it and cleaning it up till it shone. When I finished I nodded in satisfaction then left the room grabbing the mop on the way out and moving onto the next chore mopping the upper deck which I finished in less than an hour then I only had one more chore to do which was clean the bathroom and I shuddered not wanting to go but doing so anyway. When I walked into the bathroom the first thing that hit me was the smell it reeked of rotting feces in here then I saw the utter disgusting mess that used to be a bathroom I had been putting this chore off for a while now but now I had no choice so I got started. Little over an hour later I left the bathroom having showered after I cleaned. I headed to my room where I promptly fell asleep.

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