Chapter 10

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P. O. V. Dipper

I was floating in a strange place full of rubble and clouds through which filtered white light. I felt like I shouldn't be there, but I put the fear behind me and pushed forward in the strange place. I heard a voice calling out to me, so I floated toward the sound. following it through the clouded ruble as I went, the light started getting brighter and brighter until I was forced to close my eyes as the light became unbearably bright. then suddenly it dulled back down I opened my eyes to a massive boom which shook the place I was in, and I suddenly realized I was falling. I fell for what felt like forever before I saw the ground. I closed my eyes in preparation for pain, but the pain never came; instead, I flipped over, landing gently on my feet. Just as another boom shook the ground, causing me to fall to my knees. As soon as the world stopped shaking, I got to my feet heading in the general direction of the boom. Determined to find the source of the sound, as I ran, I saw pieces of the rubble reconstructing itself. Each time one piece flew into place, a small boom would shake through the ground. I stopped running when I heard a voice in the distance say "... and then we'll have to start repairs on the memories before their all lost forever, plus we have to find the memories we have lost. man this is going to take a long time but hey who knows maybe we'll get some help in here we sure as heck could use it."
Then another voice said, "definitely but you know how risky it would be to drag another demon in here right now even if it is just for a couple of seconds they could easily-"
The first voice cut off the second one saying, "Shh! My brain senses are tingling."
The other voice sounded annoyed as he said, "No, duh! Everyone's are! The brain is broken!"
The first voice said, "I know I've gotten used to that feeling. This one's new though like something's wrong other than the broken brain. Except I  can't put my finger on what."
At this point, my heart was racing. Afraid that they would find me I quickly ducked behind a cement wall that was rebuilding before my eyes. my heart beating so fast I was surprised they didn't hear it when suddenly the first voice which was now just on the other side of the wall said: "I can smell a stranger here can't you?"
The other voice said, "Yeah! I can smell it too!"
Then the voices went silent until I felt a hand on my arm, which caused me to jump three feet in the air as the first voice said: "I got em!" And the side which I now saw was skeletal pulled me around the corner, and I yelped as they pulled me in front of them and I fell to my knees as I said: "Please don't kill me!" As I stared up at two black as night skeletons above me both of which were clothed in black robes and the one who had grabbed me laughed as he held my arm, halfway keeping me up, then the second one said "We ain't gonna kill ya'"
the first one continued the second one's sentence, "That ain't our job."
"and besides-"
"You're human-"
"You can't do no harm-"
" At least not any we can't fix-"
"But we still-"
"Have to take ya'-"
they spoke the last sentence in sync
"To the big boss."
Then the first one forced me to my feet as he twisted my arms behind me and the second one pointed a sword at my throat as he smiled and said: "You've probably never been in a brain before have ya'?"
I shook my head carefully as the first one tied my hands behind me and the second one got so close to my face that I could smell the rotting stench of his breath as he whispered "There's only one rule here. Don't touch the subconscious."
The first one whispered dangerously in my other ear his sword now at my neck as the second one lowered his to my chest "Because if you do. You. Will. die." as he said the last word, he pressed his sword into my neck just hard enough to draw a little blood which strangely enough I felt as he said, "Understood?"
I squeaked out a small "Yes." As he let me go saying still in that serious tone, "Good, then get going."
he pointed with his sword in front of me, and we started walking the second skeleton leading the way as the first skeleton kept me going with the point of his blade against my back.
We had been walking for a while before I decided to ask the question that had been bothering me for some time "If we're in a brain, then why can I feel pain?"
the skeleton behind me said, "Ever watch the matrix kid?"
I said, "No, I'm not old enough to."
The skeleton in front scoffed at that and said "Not old enough to! Can you believe that!"
the one behind me said, "Hush Ben, it's good that he follows the rules rule following will keep you alive."
The skeleton called Ben muttered something unintelligible under his breath as the first skeleton said, "Since you haven't watched the matrix I'll have to think of something else to explain this let's see... Oh, screw it I'll outright explain! Here in the brain, you are a literal representation of your brain, so if you die here, then your brain dies as well meaning that your body will also die because your body cannot live without your brain period. Now I know that some demons can die in someone else's brain but still be alive back at their brains, but those demons are usually mighty like category one and two or something like that, but as for humans I don't know I wasn't even aware that humans could get into other people's brains."
Then Ben said, "Well, he is Bill's soulmate, Fred, he might be different from other humans."
The skeleton called Fred said, "Well he has to be for him to be the captain's soulmate, after all, there's never been a case of human soulmates in the history of demons! Ever! He's rare to even for a human."
as we had been talking, we had been walking as well, and now I could see a small building coming up on the horizon as pieces of the brain flew over our heads and the ground continuously shook from the massive booms echoing all around us as I asked: "What's that building?"
Fred said, "That's the subconscious. The most important part of the brain she's lucky he didn't get in there."
Ben said "Yeah because if he had-"
they both shuddered at the thought as we got closer to the building and I stopped and said: "I thought you said not to go near that place, or you'd kill me!"
Fred shoved me forward with the flat of his blade and said, "Never go in there without us. Now keep moving!"
Which I did, not wanting to make him angry enough to kill me and we walked for a moment more before I spoke the next question I had "Why does the captain care about me so much? I mean I know I'm his soulmate and all but that still doesn't explain why he took me aboard the ship. I could've gone my whole life without meeting him and be fine, so why did he choose to bring me aboard?"
Ben glanced back at Fred before saying, "You're his soulmate he had to care about you somewhat, else he'd die."
"How?" I asked curiosity coursing through me.
"Let's just say-" and they started finishing each other's sentences again
"If your soulmate dies-"
"It tears a hole-"
"In your soul-"
"That makes you wish-"
"You were dead-"
"And most demons-"
"Can't handle that-"
"And kill themselves-"
"Another thing is-"
"The minute you first see your soulmate-"
"Your souls start to connect-"
"They start to become-"
"Which makes it so when-"
"You're apart from them-"
"You start to slowly-"
they finished the last word together as a headache began to brew near my temples "Die."
And Fred took over the conversation, "Which is probably the reason the captain chose to keep you aboard the ship, so he doesn't die."
Then Ben said, "We're here."
As he stopped in front of me and I looked up at the ginormous doors in front of us that towered over me, and Ben knocked on one, and a small peephole near the bottom opened up and said: "What's your business here?"
Ben said, "We have a human that needs to see the boss."
I heard a muffled conversation on the other side of the door before it opened, and we walked through the doors as I said: "Who's the boss?"
But Fred hushed me saying, "You'll find out soon enough."
As we continued down the short hallway at the end of which was a door which Ben knocked on and a female voice that I immediately recognized said, "Enter."
Which we did slowly and as soon as I was entirely in the room I saw Ella sitting on the floor her eyes closed and her legs crossed as she said without opening her eyes "This had better be important."
Fred said "It is ma'am-"
they were finishing sentences again "We found a human-"
"We thought you should know-"
"We don't know how he got here-"
"We think he's stuck-"
Ella cut them off, standing and rubbing her temples as she said, "Enough!" And they shut their mouths with a small click as she continued still rubbing her temples "Goodness you two give me a headache every time you do that." Then she looked at me and said, "Well, well. Dipper Pines. Never thought you'd be the first one in here."
I said, "I didn't mean to come here I fell asleep next to you and-"
"Ah!" She exclaimed suddenly startling me slightly "So that's how you got in! Well then," and she turned to the two skeletons saying, "He's a friend, don't worry about him, oh and tell the others as well will ya'?"
both of them moved in sync saluting then saying "Yes ma'am!" And disappearing in a puff of smoke as Ella turned back to me and said: "Well now since your here Dipper, how would you like to help me do some repairs?"
I was taken aback that she would trust me with such a task as I said "Me? But I'm human I don't know anything about repairing minds!"
She waved off my protests, saying, "Then I'll teach you. But that wasn't the question I asked if you would like to help."
I shook my head and said, "No, I just wanna go back!"
she looked slightly disappointed but said, "Alright then all ya' gotta do is sleep."
I said, "Sleep? Like sleep sleep?"
she said, "Yep as simple as that sleep."
But I didn't quite believe her I thought that it couldn't possibly be that simple and I was right well sorta "But, I do have to warn you. Right now with my brain such a mess and everything just outta wack if you try and get out now you may never wake up again."
I said, "What! What do you mean I'll never wake up again?!"
"I said, might!" She yelled at me, and I could tell her patience was wearing thin as she continued, "You think I want your help?! You think I want you in my brain! Your a human and humans are weak. They don't belong in a demon brain, and they sure as heck don't belong on a demon ship do you know how much danger you're in here?" I looked at her, blankly, "Exactly!" She yelled indignantly, "Kyrion showing up a few days ago just proved it! And if we lose you." And her voice lowered considerably as she whispered: "We lose the captain."
"How?" I asked my curiosity ruling out my fear of her "The captain is one of the strongest people I've met, I know I'm like his soulmate and stuff-"
She started laughing as she said, "And stuff? Ha! Having a soulmate is so much more than just stuff! It's when your souls bond together you cannot live without your soulmate. Even humans need some soulmate, but as far as I know, you're the first human ever to soulbond with a demon."
"How do you know I did?" I asked
She thought for a moment then shrugged and said: "It's easy to tell if you're looking for it, and we've been searching for his soulmate for over a hundred years now."
I rolled my eyes and said, "I'm aware of that, but that's not what I asked. I want to know-"
"Yeah, yeah. I know," she said with slight annoyance, "you want to know how you know you're a soulmate right?" I nodded as she said, "Alrighty, then how do I explain this?" Then she muttered to herself for a moment before she winced in pain then her face brightened "I'll tell you what Dipper."
"What?" I asked
"If you help me to rebuild my brain." She said gesturing to the room around her "Then I might be able to help you learn more about soulmates and stuff like that, you know." I nodded as she held out her hand a jade flame lighting her hand as she said, "Deal?"
I took her hand, shaking it as I said, "Deal."

A/n: So quick question... do you guys like having Elli in the story or would you prefer if it was like a (y/n) story?

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