Chapter 6

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P. O. V. Bill

I knew she was lying to me the moment she opened her mouth saying "Yes captain." I could tell from the way she stared at the ground. I decided to ask more privately so I went into her mind and the minute I touched her thoughts I felt overwhelming fear in her mind I wondered at that before I spoke to her and said 'Ella are you telling the truth?'
The minute I spoke I felt her try and hide her feelings but it was far too late for that as she said 'yes'
But I didn't believe her for a second so I decided to take matters into my own hands and I smiled saying, "Good then you won't mind me borrowing her for a moment."
I could tell the smile that Gregory had on his face was completely fake as he said "Not at all captain."
He stood aside as I hooked an arm around Ella's shoulders and led her toward my cabin.
When we finally reached my office I guided her inside the shut the door behind us and I saw her relax slightly as I sat her down in the armchair across the desk from my chair which I sat in as I said "So Ella care to explain what's going on?"
I saw hesitation in her before she said "It's like he said, he was only checking up on me."
I raised one eyebrow in disbelief as I said "Really? Well then can you tell me why I felt fear in your mind?" She hesitated and I sensed she was about to lie again so before she could say anything I said "Don't lie to me Ella."
I saw her careful disguise break at that point as she dropped her head into her hands saying "I can't tell you!"
I stood at that saying, "Tell me what?"
Which made her realize she had slipped as she took a deep breath twisting part of her hair around her finger nervously as she glanced back at the door before saying, "I'm not supposed to say anything. I can't!"
I walked over to her calmly placing a hand comfortingly on her shoulder as I spoke quietly, "Ella. What can't you tell me?"
She shook her head starting to tear up as she said, "I can't! I can't! If I say anything he'll hurt me again!"
I felt anger rush through my body at that someone was hurting her on my ship? She was curled in a little ball on the chair by now trying, and failing to stifle her tears and I recognized the fearful position and my anger quickly faded away to concern as I crouched down so I could see her face as I gently raised her head so she was looking at me as I said, "Nothing leaves this room Ella."
She looked up at me with tears in her eyes as she said "Promise?"
Then she told me everything, she told me how some of my crew members had been picking on her but it wasn't too bad from most of them excluding Gregory he was the worst he pushed her and threatened her with bodily harm if she didn't do exactly what he said, she told me that this had been going on since day one but she was too scared to tell me. As she spoke my anger returned tenfold and as she finished I stood and said "They know better than to mess with anyone on this ship I'm gonna kick them off right now!"
She grabbed my arm stopping me as she said "No! You can't tell anyone!" I started to speak but she cut me off with a simple "You promised."
I growled in frustration then an idea came to me and I smiled grimly as I said "Then I guess I'll have to catch them at it."
She let go of me shaking her head as she said "You'll never catch Gregory he's super sneaky about it. He makes sure no ones around before he starts."
I thought for a moment then said "Then I guess we'll just have to make sure your around someone else eh?"
I saw a small smile form on her face as she said "I guess so."
I held out my hand to help her up which she took and I pulled her up off the chair as I said "Now I just have one question that you didn't answer."
she said "What is it?"
I said "You never told me what he said to you."
She looked at the ground guiltily as she said "Oh," then she looked back up at me and said nonchalantly "He just threatened a little and told me which chores were due the usual."
I nodded then said "Well then you just keep acting the same and I'll put together a plan to catch him got it?"
She nodded as I opened the door and said "Now get." she left glancing back at me once and smiling before walking away and I shut the door after her as I muttered to myself "Now the only question is how to catch him." ...

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