The Meeting and Calypso

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Just so you all know updates usually will come on Friday and if I post two chapters it's usually because I won't be able post a new one the next Friday. I recently rewatched The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings and I still love them. Tell me of any mistakes and enjoy.

Hephaestus flashed to the meeting and found all the other gods waiting for him. He sat down in his throne and the meeting officially began. Zeus cleared his throat gaining the councils attention.

"I have noticed that there has been a disturbance on the island of Calypso and for some reason we are blocked from flashing on so I want you" he turned to Athena "to try and get us in."

After he finished that he turned towards the whole council "Now I want to inform those who don't know that my two newest children, Apollo and Artemis are going to get their domains tomorrow and will gain a place on the council."

Poseidon looked at his brother almost dangerously "I can tell by the look in your eyes that you are planning something, so come out with it brother what is your plan?" Zeus looked to Hades and spoke in a clear tone "You have served the council well but I fear that there can only be so many Olympian's which means that one of us must retire, I have chosen you."

Hades expression showed nothing while he slowly got up from his throne. As soon as he fully stood the throne crumbled and was replaced by a white chair waiting for its master to claim it as it would change to match its masters domain. He walked to the throne room doors till he finally stopped. Without turning around he spoke "When you need me the most I will not be there" and without another word he left.

The peace loving goddess Hestia spoke to her younger brother "Zeus that was foolish and you know it" Her words were spoken softly but her face showed only anger at her brother. She vanished in a flash of fire and the Olympians were all silent. Suddenly they all started to talk about what just happened or about the two new gods joining the council. Zeus tried to get the peace but no god or goddess was paying attention to him. His face turned red as he got angry till finally he raised his fist and slammed it on the arm of his throne. The sound resonated through the room as it went from loud to complete silence in less than a second.

He looked around his throne room with his face returning to its normal color. He nodded "Alright meeting dismissed" and with that he flashed away in a bolt of lightning. The other members all rolled their eyes before Athena too flashed away to research what was happening with Calypso's island which meant that she may need to see Hecate as Hecate was responsible for creating the barrier around the island. A few others flashed out like Hephaestus but others stayed and talked about it. Meanwhile Hestia appeared in the throne room of the underworld.

She found Hades sitting in his throne with a scowl on his face. She was approached him and that was when he finally took notice of her. "Sister, what is it you need." His voice seemed harsh even when spoken softly but his words only made her smile. "You know why I'm here brother" she told him grabbing his hand and sending some of her power into him. She was practically the goddess of hope so she was able to give people hope and she was hoping that it worked on her brother. It only worked somewhat as he only gained a small smile but it was small enough to easily miss. "It'll be alright dear brother" she said as he lowered his eyes. Hades was always alone and that took a toll on him and being off the council only made it worse as he had no real reason to go to the world above.

He hugged her in gratitude for always supporting him. She rubbed his back soothingly and it reminded her of when her mother, Rhea would take care of her. That only lasted a week of course as then her father, Kronos swallowed her.

With Perseus

Perseus immediately felt Calypso's hand on his arm trying to calm him down before he hurt innocents. He let himself calm down as getting angry would do nothing to help. Once he calmed down he grabbed her hand that lay on his arm. "Let me free you" he said gazing into her volcanic gray like eyes. She looked at him in shock but that quickly led way to a deep sadness. "You can't, Zeus has decreed that I will forever be trapped here." Her head lowered as she couldn't met Perseus' eyes.

"He holds no power of me" Perseus voice filled in the silence that had taken place after Calypso's words. "He is the king of the gods, how can he hold no power over you?" She asked still not meeting his eyes. Perseus' felt his hand tighten its hold on hers as he gently pushed her chin up so her eyes met his. "I'm a primordial, a third generation immortal has no power over me." When he said that her eyes grew with bewilderment "But the primordial are gone, faded from this realm." At that Perseus let out a laugh "no we are very much alive" Perseus said with a bit of laughter still in his voice.

"Can you really free me?" Her voice was small as if she were afraid that Perseus had been lying to her. He pulled her into his chest as she was quite a bit more shorter than him and he hugged her tightly. "I will free you, I swear this to Chaos." He whispered confidently into her ear causing a smile to stretch across her face. The oath was acknowledged by the flash of light that rolled across the room.

The next day

Perseus and Calypso stood in front of a small boat getting ready to the board as Calypso turned back to her island prison one last time. At least she hoped she would never come back her again. To anyone else this island would have been beautiful but as many people know beautiful things are often deadly. Perseus saw the look on her face and quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her to the small boat. Calypso and Perseus got in and Perseus grabbed the oars and pushed off the island. Perseus could feel the kraken move under them and he sent his power to the giant beast. He started to mutter under his breath "I, Perseus son of Chaos and primordial of the wind, air, sky, nature, and the sea herby release Kraken from the service of my domain." The reaction was instant as the sea around the island which originally was a greenish color turned into a beautiful greenish blue. "Thank you, Lord Perseus" the kraken said before Perseus felt it blast away from Ogygia. Perseus smiled to himself proud that now the kraken would be free to wander wherever it wanted.

The two immortals looked towards the rising sun and watched as the sea lit up as Helios rid his chariot into the sky. Calypso looked at the scene before her and she felt tears enter her eyes. Perseus seeing the tears stopped rowing for a minute and gently asked her what the problem was. She looked into the distance as she spoke her next words. "I have dreamed of this moment ever since those many years ago when the Titanomachy ended and because of you that dream has come true." That was when the biggest smile Perseus had ever seen on her appeared on her face. It caused Perseus to smile at her back as he grabbed the oars once more and starting to row forward. They both looked at the scene before them and just this once let their troubles leave them.

So when I finish I will probably heavily edit this but for now I hope you enjoyed.

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