The Final Act

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Perseus watched as the son of Zeus he had taken a liking too as well as shared a name with, stepped up in front of the Gods. "Perseus, my son, you fought bravely killing many enemies who wished harm upon the Gods, even going so far as killing a Giant. We Gods are generous so we have decided to grant you the greatest gift" Zeus paused for effect. "Godhood" every demigod looked at Zeus in wonder at the greatest gift the Gods could give. Percy for that matter looked at his father in shock, he turned his gaze to the floor as he thought about it.

He closed his eyes as he thought about it, then after a few seconds he looked up at the King of the Gods. "I decline" Perseus almost laughed at the expression on everybody's faces. The grin didn't leave his face even as Zeus tried to recover from his shock. "Perseus, are you sure?" he questioned with a tone of shock still layering his voice. Percy shook his head, "I have done no more than any other demigod therefore I cannot accept this gift."

Perseus let the grin stretched over his whole face at the humble sentence said by the boy named the same as him. Zeus looked towards the other Gods for help about what to say but they also still looked like they were in shock. None had ever said no to the offer of godhood and it caught many by surprise. Finally Zeus coughed into his face as everyone turned back to him. "I see, what is it that you want exactly?" Percy looked thoughtful for the second time that day as he thought seriously about what he wanted.

"I want a home for demigods like me where they will be thought how to fight, where they will have a sanctuary." He spoke with conviction and confidence that Perseus couldn't help but chuckle at. Even when he could ask for anything, he still wanted to just help people so they don't have to suffer. It was a good trait to have and Perseus admired it.

Zeus looked at his son for a minute till he spoke, "If that is your wish then it will be done" he turned to Athena, "Can you start to work on a sort of camp for any demigods to get too." Athena nodded as she was just happy to get back to something she enjoyed like planning and architecture. Zeus stood as he looked at all the demigods, "Today marks a victory for Olympus, for both Gods and Demigods together fighting side by side..." Perseus exited as Zeus began his rather long speech and even if others liked to sit through speeches, he did not so he left the throne room.

He flashed to Argos and smiled as he saw Calypso but he also unexpectedly saw Hera who had not been seen for quite some time. Hearing his footsteps, they turned to him and Hera looked at him with hesitation but Calypso walked over and pulled him into a hug without a word. "I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me but it appears that I was wrong." Her breath tickled his ears as he shuddered.

She stepped back and Perseus watched as she beckoned him to follow her over to Hera. Said person looked out of place when Perseus and Calypso sat down on the grass. Calypso raised an eyebrow when she saw Hera sitting there, "You don't have to stand, come and sit down." Hera sat down slowly still unsure if she should actually be here since she didn't actually know Perseus even if she had gotten to know Calypso.

Perseus looked over at Calypso and Hera as he asked, "So you and Hera are okay, no one attacked or anything." They both shook their head as Perseus let out a sigh of relief, "I guessed that they didn't based on no burnt down buildings but I had to be sure." Calypso nodded and smiled at him, "Glad we could help." Silence prevailed but it was a comfortable silence, at least for Perseus and calypso it was but Hera was still not sure what she was supposed to do.

Line Break

Perseus walked through the barren land where the mansion of Nyx lay on. He had none other than the sword Nyx with him as he planned to return it to its creator. He watched as the mansion appeared in view and paused as he looked around the area not sure why Nyx would ever want to live in a place like this. He continued on his way and saw Nyx standing by the door. She smiled when she saw him coming towards here and even though they hadn't been apart for that long, Perseus still missed her.

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