Trouble in Sparta

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Just wanted to say thank you to dager40, Jamie_dw, Lux_Arcadio45 for adding my story to their reading list. Also thank you Wwasemkwij2wiwmxi8, rainbowpanda20, HebrewGangsta12, and TheRipper147 for voting. I must say that Wwasemkwij2wiwmxi8 is a rather long name. I changed the cover as I like this game one better. Anyway tell me of any mistakes and enjoy.

Perseus had quietly been trying to get the key from a spartan that held the keys so he can get Calypso and the rest out. He had long since decided to try and save everyone he could even if it condemned Sparta to ruins. He was in the form of a rat as much as he wished he wasn't as the animal was small enough not to be spotted. Calypso when he first saw her looked bad enough to almost send Perseus into a murderous rage but he knew that in the end it would solve nothing other than that the other kingdoms wouldn't have to worry about having to face the feared spartan warriors.

So with his heart heavy he scurried away so he could think and come up with a plan to break them out of their cells. Perseus sat at the water as he waited for night to fall, tonight was the night that Perseus was going to break the others out of their cells. Once the sun disappeared and the moon was up Perseus transformed into a raven and flew into where they held prisoners and he smiled fondly when he saw Calypso sleeping softly by an elderly woman with graying hair. Then he frowned when he realised that in a way he put her in this situation. No point in thinking about this now thought Percy.

He softly shook each of them awake and when they noticed him they just sat there in a defeated posture. "Look i'm not here to hurt you in fact i'm going to try and get you out" a younger boy looked at him in hope "really" he asked slowly as if not fully believing him and Perseus nodded which caused a smile to light up his entire face. Perseus closed his eyes as he focussed on his power, he called on it and as he opened his eyes they glowed slightly with said power. He muttered in a language lost to mortals and even most immortals, slowly everyone's bodies glowed and they gazed at him in wonder as he told them not to worry and to just stay calm.

They all slowly formed into birds as Perseus let a grin take his face as he was happy it worked. However they would only stay in that form for a time so he beckoned them to follow him as he went to each of their minds and told them how to fly as a bird. Then they all set out to escape with Perseus leading the way. Of course something had to go wrong as the young boy struggled to keep up and slowly he started to fall which caused some people to panic. Perseus called upon the wind to guide the boy as he floated up to Perseus who took the form of a larger bird so the boy could lay down and rest.

But then alarms blared as the spartans discovered their missing prisoners. Spartans saw a large group of birds and raised their bows as they were kinda desperate for food. Perseus saw this and had to think fast, he was alright with the villagers knowing he was an immortal but he wasn't sure about spartans. Perseus sighed as he agreed with himself that a secret wasn't worth a bunch of lives. He took control of the air currents and as the spartans released their arrows the wind would push them in random directions.

He commanded the sky to darken, to thunder in warning to the spartans. He led everyone up intending to lead them to above the clouds but they were clearly all exhausted. He was honestly starting to get annoyed at the spartans, 'just accept that you won't get the birds' Perseus thought to himself. He had decided that this was not working so he pulled at his power and entered everybody's minds. "sleep" he told them and they all felt their eyes growing heavy, until finally some fully fell asleep.

Before they could fall out of the sky the wind pushed them up till they were beyond the clouds. Perseus now needed to connect everyone, so he could flash them and even now it was a risk if someone's mind could be stronger than Perseus' power over their mind. Of course being an immortal certainly helped keep them asleep but Calypso was not. He had been avoiding talking to her as it could and most likely would distract him.

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