your own family

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  *sorry for any grammar errors*


Lauren turned down the Snowfall deal and decided to go on with our baby. That made me realize what she believes in, She actually believes in and that's family. I wasn't going to pressure or force her, She actually been happy lately now that she got it through her head that she's pregnant. Today our first doctors appointment. We got there on time and early so I walked out making a call to Blacc Sam.  "Man Blacc guess what?" I had to call my brother finally about the news.
"What bro?"
"Lauren is pregnant"
"Nigga you lying!"
"Naw cuz and she 18 weeks now"
"Ayeeee if I can dap you up through the phone I could, I should've known tho from the other day"
"Man but she was crying and shit, and it wasn't tears of joy"
"I'll cry to if I wasn't ready" Blacc joked.
"Yea she okay now tho Blacc" I said laughing. This nigga cant take shit serious. I'm just telling Blacc, He the first person I told. I was gone tell my niggas Jroc them but I decided to wait until we get the gender which is today. Basically the same reason I called Sam.
"Aye Blacc ima call you back we bout to get the gender"
"Nigga We need a boy!!"
"Fasho Blacc , but ima fuck with ya lata" I walked back in. I sat in the chair next to the bed, Lauren was laying down about to get that Ultrasound shit so we could see the baby. "Boog you straight?" She shook her head yes. "Man talk with your mouth" I said.
"Ermias please shutup"
"You don't have to be rude"
"Then you should've took my head nod as a answer"
"But are you straight though?"
"YES IM FINE." She said with her voice getting high. She been mean as hell, When she wasn't pregnant she wasn't mean she just had a attitude. We waited for the ultra tech She had to get hella shit checked since she found out she was pregnant at 13 weeks. So we had to get caught up. To make up for the first appointment we had to get a ultrasound, The lady walked in the room finally and put some strap thing around Boog stomach and we got to hear it's heartbeat. Now we were finally to the part we was here for which is the gender. Our ultrasound tech said she'd take measurements for 25 minutes, then turn the monitor toward us, and showed off our baby to us. I asked if she'd search for the gender and she confirmed. So I sat staring at Lauren's face. She claim she ain't care if it was going to be a girl or boy she just wanted a healthy baby which I know is probably a lie, She probably want a mini her. Me on the other hand I wanted a healthy baby, But a nigga want a boy!  Then, as the technician rolled the wand across her belly, She asked Lauren to drink some water to get the baby to move, When Lauren did it she layed back down and She asked are we ready to know the gender and we both said "yes" in unison. She abruptly announced, "it's a boy". She turned the monitor in our direction and gave us a guided tour to our son's forming body. Our son is active. Strong heartbeat. Lil nigga had long fingers, itty bitty feet, brain, nose, between the legs. His belly is all swollen, He Opened his mouth. Pulled on his ears. Posed for a ultrasound pics, The whole thing was surreal, but we walked out with about 6 feet of pictures to prove we really are pregnant with a boy so that we can show everybody when we announce it.


My body tensed as the cold blue gel glazed the skin of my pregnant belly. I was nervous to be here, but mostly I was excited. Today would confirm that I will either have a mini me or a mini Hussle running around here one day. I told Hussle I just want a healthy baby but I mean anybody says that but I want a girl but I'm not going to be upset if it's not a girl. Before we got inside the place Hussle reminded me
"You know, realistically, we have a 50-50 chance of having either a boy or a girl." I wanted to say "back to you" because he swears its a boy. It's kinda crazy I could either have two boys or hussle could either have two girls. I ignored his forewarning, The ultrasound tech moved the wand over my belly. She had trouble finding a clear shot of the private parts at first because our baby was sleepy, so I drank some water and walked around. When I came back, the baby was moving enough and she had it almost figured out. She was ready to tell us. "You're having a boy!" she cheered. I cried when I found out but I held it together long enough to make it outside. But I know, As my pregnant belly grew, I will become more used to the idea of having another boy. Once he was born any feeling of wanting a girl will be right out the window as long as I got a healthy baby. I mean look at Kam, He is loving and full of joy, and I'm loving every minute of being his mom. We got our ultrasound pictures and left the appointment. We got in the car and he was staring at me.
"Can you come on?" I asked him.
"Damn you must Dont miss feeling on a nigga?"
"Of course I do! And That's what got me pregnant"
  I am five months pregnant and horny as fuck. Hussle happy as hell that I'm so turned on, but I'm getting stressed about sex, hurting the baby specially with how aggressive he is. There is no way I am going to make it through the next 4 months without some serious action. But the fact that I'm not getting any sort of sexual release with him is frustrating me to no end. He was hyped he was getting some cuddy after five weeks like a dog in heat. We got back to the house and he was ready! "Hussle you have to be gentle" I said to him. My belly wasn't a problem considering I'm not huge right now. It was just his aggressiveness with me being pregnant!
"Don't put so much pressure on my bladder Hussle"
"I got you, let me do my thing"
He tugged on my dress, "take this shit off baby" I took it off laying down on my back, He started kissing my lips, down to my breast then started sucking on my inner thighs. He was definitely gentle or atleast trying. He started licking and kissing on my pussy softly.
"fuckkk-" I moaned while it felt like he was eating my soul. He pushed his tongue in and out, I rubbed my hands through his hair. He stopped after a good 10 minutes and started unbuckling his pants. Now this is the part I'm worried about.

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