Chapter 6 - Mate?

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Oh, hell no! He can't be my mate. I don't want a mate, not now. I don't mind a mate. But, after I finish off the bastard. What am I going to do? Do I reject him? Do I let him know I can't be his mate until I finish what I do? Nah, he's not going to like that, not one single bit.

I sat in the deli for about an hour talking to myself. I really don't know what I said to myself. My mind was in so much turmoil. I don't know what to do...

"Hey," Matt said softly.

I looked up at him and sighed, putting my head on the table. "What am I going to do?"

"I'm not sure, but I did get a chance to talk to your mate and he's a really nice guy. He knows about the quest your on. He's been after the bastard for years. He wants to help. He wants revenge. The bastard killed his mother."

"Oh, Goddess. He's gone through the same thing I have. Poor guy."

"He's walking in the door to talk to you, okay?"

"What? Now? I look horrible. I have helmet hair. Oh, no," I quickly spat out.

Matt started laughing. He tried to quit, he really did. 

"What are you laughing about. I was serious," I groaned out.

"Look up. Your mate was standing there while you had your break down," Matt said still laughing.

I groaned. I didn't want to look up and see him. I made a complete fool of myself, worrying about my looks. I don't know why, it's not like I cared about my looks. I haven't cared for years. But, this is my mate and I wanted to look nice, so sue me.

My mate leaned over. "Hey," he said quietly.

I looked up at him. "Hey, your not the same guy from the motorcycle shop, are you?"

Another guy said, "Bro, she got us. No one has ever been able to figure out who is who."

"Oh goddess, twins. I have two mates? What did I ever do to you, moon goddess, to rate two mates?" I looked up at both of mates. "Oops, sorry forgot you could hear me."

My mates sat down at the table, one in the booth, another in a chair he grabbed from a table and moved to block me at the table so I couldn't get out. 


No one talked as we sat at the table. I was so observant I didn't even see Seaun sitting at the table. Yeah, I needed to start working on my observation skills, I was seriously lacking, which would get me dead fast.

We sat and looked at each other, well, the guys looked at each other, I was staring at my mates as they were staring at me. I made sure to look them over. And I loved what I saw. I didn't understand how I was going to survive two mates, especially with them looking so hot. I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to touch them so bad, so I did.

Goddess, the tingles were multiplied by two. I felt as if someone had taken a live wire and touched me and I could tell they felt the same thing. It was, well, electrifying and the best heart stopping feeling in the world.

Both of the twins were so good looking times two. They had to be at least six-four with blonde hair, both in pony tails, blue eyes, and sexy grins. They were what I always imagined my mate, but now it was times two. Never thought this would happen to me.

I shook my head of my dirty thoughts I was about to think. "Why do you want that bastard so much?"

"Do you mean the bastard Gharrett?"

"Most definitely. He was once my uncle, but I don't claim him anymore."

"He killed our mother, which in turn, killed our father. He was too heart broken to live any longer. Why do you want him dead?"

"He killed my mother, father, friends and pack. He's trying to kill me. I been tangling with rogues every time I turn around. Good enough reason for you?" I whisper yelled.

"Got it. That is definitely a reason," he turned to Matt and Seaun, "who are you two and why are you involved in this?"

Matt quickly piped up, "He has our wives, our children."

I cut in and said, "I've already tested them and they passed with flying colors. I have met the rogues in our jail the bastard put there. I fed them my food and got to know about them. The ones I talked to didn't have a mean bone in their body."

"Good to know you don't mind rogues. We both went rogue over staying with our Alpha. He was wrong and in bed with Gharrett. We didn't like it so we went to some neutral ground and opened the bike shop."

"Sounds like he needs killing too. But, I'm going for the bastard for right now. I do worry about who's working with him. I don't want them to get mad when I kill him. The bastard has at least six-hundred rogues with him. They are the nasty sort too. Well, except for Matt and Seaun, they're pretty good." I looked over at them and smiled really big. "hey, guys, what are your names. I'm pretty tired of calling you mate number one and mate number two."

One of the mates elbowed the other. "Hey, I'm the number one mate."

Before the other guy said anything, I jumped into the conversation to stop the arguing. "Let me change it to dickhead number one and dickhead number two. Does that help?" I said sweetly.

Our whole table busted out laughing. It felt so freeing to laugh.

"I'm Zane and my brothers name is--"

"-My name is Blaine."

"Okay," I said drawing it out.

Seaun was looking at all of us, shaking his head. He felt as if he was dropped on his head. His mother actually told him he was. Shaking those thought away, I asked, "Are all of you going on the road? I would love to be able to pick up my bike and ride."

"Sure," Blaine said, getting up from the booth. "Are we all going?"

Seaun, Matt, and I said, "Yes."

As we were walking I asked, "Do you have a place I could practice my skills around here? I need to get better, faster, stronger, and more cold hearted, at least, until I kill him, Blaine?"

Both Zane and Blaine said, "Yes."

"Everyone ready to ride?"

"Woo-hoo! Let's go," Seaun yelled out.

Of course, we got dirty looks from the patrons of the deli. I didn't care. I was feeling a lot better about having mates, even though I knew they would probably get on my last nerve before I killed the bastard. It didn't matter, I would weather through and keep to my plan.

"Don't worry, Summer, I'm sure you'll get a lot of training in with the rogue population that shows up every day," Justice, my wolf, said in a sing-song voice. "And, you need to kiss our mates. Please, Summer.

I didn't even think about answering her. I knew she was right and I couldn't wait to practice and get stronger. Although, she was always coming up with something to try and goad me or tick me off, but I liked her thoughts on kissing our mates.

We all got on our bikes and followed my mates to wherever we were going. I hoped we could get some rest before the whole rogue population decided to show up. I groaned. How stupid did I have to be? I not only threw those questions out to the Universe but also to the Fates.

The fates have not been that kind to me, not at all.

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