Chapter 22 - The elements

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A/N This is a filler chapter. It does give some more information and surprises. Please give it a read. Don't forget to vote and comment. The comments let me know you're interested in my book. I don't know any writer who doesn't feed off the excitement of whoever is reading, voting and commenting. 

Thank you for reading.

I turned towards my mates, looking them up and down, my brain turning to mush, and my body heating up.

"Pay attention, Summer, our mates asked a question and you're looking at them as if they were a side of beef, really?"

"Yeah, but it's not my fault they are so damn hot," I told Justice, still looking at our mates.

Joe cleared his throat loudly.

"Huh, what?" Was my idiotic reply.

"When are the idiots going to be here?" Zane said slowly.

"Oh, that question. Uh, I need to go outside and, yeah, commune with nature.

Everyone filed out of the house, while I went and stood in one of our walk-in freezers. I needed to get my mind out of the gutter and get the information we needed. But, please, please, Moon Goddess, let them be here later than expected. I need some time with my mates, before I humped them on the table.

"And, you wonder where I get it from, Summer," Justice purred out.

Well, didn't that just clear my head up. Justice was the good girl, then me, her again, and now we are both bad girls. 

Someone slap me now, please.

I headed outside to the group who were standing and waiting on me. I smiled nervously and walked over to the tree, I loved hanging things from.  I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and centered myself. I had to coax an answer from her. She was still mad about the damage to her trunk. I was telling her it would be worse when the foul rogues made it on her land. It wasn't long before I had her answer.

I decided to ask the earth for more assurances but I needed to know where the rogues were in regards to our land. I received the same answer as I had from the tree. I got the impression that she wasn't too happy with me but I couldn't worry about it. Not now.

My next question was to the air. I looked back over my shoulder, letting my mates know to make sure our people were grounded or sitting down. I wasn't sure if I could keep the wind in control.

I turned back around, calling the wind to me. If you've ever heard that answers are in the wind, it's true. Especially to the witches. It wasn't long before I received the answer to the most pressing questions. Where were the rogues positions, how many and how far the rogues were from us.

I stood back up and turned back around to check on everyone. They were a little windblown but not too bad considering it took me a little longer to get all the information I wanted and we needed.

"Let' head down to the bigger dining room. I want to make sure everyone hears what I've learned. It will affect us and the folks not fighting, then we can plan."

They all nodded, calling out names and making their way to the big dining room or what I like to call 'the bat cave.' Hey, don't judge me. It is either a bat cave or a spies paradise.

I walked into the bat cave and saw the ladies setting up the large urns for coffee and tea. I walked over to them. "When do you ladies have time for all of this? I have a hard time just waking up and doing what I have to do for the day."

"We made the tea earlier and the coffee was made a little later. The coffee is hot. We were trying to figure out a way to pour it the large urn," Lizzet explained.

"I have an idea. Take the lid off the coffee urns and I will float the coffee to the top, okay?" I asked, walking backwards a little.

Without answering, Lizzet jumped up on the counter and took the tops off the coffee urns. "I'm ready now," she chirped.

I tried hard not to roll my eyes outwardly but inwardly I was rolling my eyes like a crazy person.

I asked the air to please help me with the urns. The air was reluctant but they finally approved after I explained that we needed the coffee to make plans against the rogues. Of course, it would jump on helping when it dealt with fouling up its air.

I moved the air, picking up the hot coffee and pouring it into the coffee urns. While I was a roll, I got the tea in the urns too. I thanked the air for it's help in helping with our plans. The air cocoon me into a hug like feeling, finally releasing me after five minutes. I wasn't sure what the hug was for but I didn't mind, not really.

After all the people made it to the bat cave and got their coffee or tea, the bat cave became as quiet as a, well, a fucking bat before it dive bombs you. I can't stand bats. Why in the hell would I even think about them? I shivered a bit and threw the thought out of my head quickly.

The dining room went quiet, waiting on me to speak. "I talked to the earth, air and wind. They are going to be surrounding us from the east, west, north, and south. They are sleeping now, something about building up their strength and coming tomorrow night. So, I guess we need to gear up for then. What I'm worried about is where are we going to put the women, children and the elderly to keep them safe," I turned and looked at my mates, "Any ideas?"

They both laughed and Blaine answered. "We might have a space to accommodate them."

"Might?" I asked with a smile on my face. My mates were always prepared.

"Come on," Zane coaxed everyone to a wall on the North side of the dining room. He pushed a button cleverly hidden in the stucco finish. As soon as the wall slid open we all walked through. "This is a bomb shelter. It can withstand all bombs or bullets. It has its own water system, a different air system and an escape tunnel hidden in case anyone has to evacuate. Let me show you where it is." He walked over to an arched doorway, hitting a button hidden at the top. Somewhere a child couldn't reach. "If you hit the button like I just did, the tunnel will appear. He took us into the tunnel and gave a detailed rundown on where the tunnel lets out.

"Wow! You two have made another room for extra guests, with everything that would be needed to live," I breathed out. It was nothing short of spectacular.

Blaine asked, "Does anyone have any questions? If we are attacked this will be the place you come to immediately. I will add two more people to the bat cave as our fearless leader calls the dining room."

"What? Am I wrong? Everyone else knows I'm right on the dining room, right?" I asked, teasing my mates.

"Yes, ma'am," everyone said as if they rehearsed their answer.

I turned, giving my mates the evil eye. They immediately threw their hands in the air, making the universal sign for we surrender.

"We still need to talk with our warriors before they get here. We all need to know where we will be needed. I left something out about the witches and Garrett too." I had everyone's attention in a heartbeat. "It was on accident."

"Okay, time to go back to the dining room. We will only need the warriors with us for this part of the meeting. Afterwards everyone can let their mates know. It's not a secret," Zane stated firmly.

We made our way to the dining room, er, bat cave. The women went their way, children back to the rooms holding their toys and games. Now, it was only the warriors.

Blaine came back from making sure everyone made it up top. "What's the news on the witches and Garrett?"

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