Ch.27. The Life Of A Cat.

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{I Don't own BNHA or Reader}

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Even without the demon his eyes flickered from a glowing yellow back to his original purple as he walked, his emotions seemed to be tied to them now after so many centuries being forced to forget who he was, without emotion it did quite the toll on him, and if getting rid of the demon had a price of his eyes changing he didn't mind for he finally got his body back.

He was incredibly handsome as well, a curse from the family he was apart, he ignored the looks of the humans and the men and women drooling slightly over him, for everything was still blurry, without his glasses he had no clue where he was heading, his feathery fairy like wings trailing behind him, being half Sylph always had it's ups and downs.

The smells the air carried brought him to a bakery, all while a magic sense filled him, one he knew far to well, pushing the blurry doors open he heard the ring of a bell, catching the blurry sight of a black blob talking to a white blob.

"Giri is it truly you, last I saw you were taken by a dark force now look at you back to your normal self" The feline mewed and due to his magic he understood her clearly, stumbling he scooped her up in his arms.

"Indeed though that pest that had me under so long keeps longing to escape this glass jar I trapped it in" Kurogiri sighed stroking his cousins head "This form of yours is quite new, but I shall not complain seeing you are alive and well now"

"I'd say the same for you dear cousin my you look as stunning as ever"  she mewed to her half sylph cousin, "Giri this is Nezu my boyfriend as you could say"  her tail pointed to the white blob.

"It is interesting to see you dating someone as smart as you, than again I can't clearly see for this pest that had control didn't need my glasses" he sighed gently placing his cousin on the ground, and turning running a hand through his hair, he saw a shorter person come near him, before they placed something on his face, he could see clearly now.

"I had a pair left behind from an old friend of mine" The man child had drastically changed from the last time the older male had seen him, "I wonder how he's doing now?" the light blue haired male sighed.

"I'm doing quite well thank you for asking" {Y/N} made an odd sound and Nezu let out a chuckle both wishing they had a camera to capture the blue haired males look of shock, though neither probably had no clue how to work one, "Close your mouth young master you'll start catching flies"

The blue haired male did the one thing that seemed logical, he fainted for his old friend was hot as hell when not made of mist, and honestly if Kurogiri wasn't so old he'd date the younger man, but he still hated humans with a burning passion and was old enough to be Tenko's  , Great,Great, so many greats Grandfather.

"I quite like your cousin he's a riot"

"Indeed my dear

"Did I say something to make the human faint?"

"Your one dense Idiot"

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{I would rewrite this but it's kinda funny, anyway what would you lovely readers like to see next chapter? } 

The Life Of A Cat {BNHA x Cat Reader}  |DISCONTINUED|Where stories live. Discover now