chapter thirty six

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Incapable:// lacking capacity, ability, or qualification for the purpose or end in view.

I didn't know what to think, feel or say. I paved around the waiting room, waiting, just waiting and I felt my uselessness return. Heather talked with the nurses that admitted him. I couldn't see him yet and that made me nervous. I couldn't live through this again, I just couldn't.

"You need to relax and sit. He'll be fine" said Heather returning to me.

" No, no" I responded to her. " Its better this way"

She glanced at me before taking her seat. I chewed my nails, I paced, ran my hand through my hair. I paced again. My stomach was knotted so much I didn't feel hungry but I was. I should be, but I didn't think I could keep anything down at the moment so eating was out of the picture. When the nurse finally let us in I rushed to his side noting that he was still unconscious. My heart raced and my fingers clutched the sides of his bed. I pleaded internally for him to wake up, to show some form of life. Momentarily Jesse's lifeless figure flashed before my eyes and I broke into tears. I tried my best not to make as much noise as possible but I felt like I was losing hope seeing him like that.

"Maybe you need some time on your own. The nurses need his information filled out. Think you could help with that?" Asked Heather looking slightly annoyed.

I nodded wiping my tears and went to the nurses station. I didn't know a lot about Andrew, the fact got reiterated in my mind attempting to fill out the form. Apart from his and not even his entire name because I didn't know the middle, the only thing I knew about him was where he worked and that was only because I could look up the address on google and his sex. I didn't know his address or age, not his next of kin or previous and present medical condition. Practically nothing. When I handed back the clipboard to the nurse she gave me an awful glance as if asking if I'd noticed that I hadn't filled out the form. Still after giving me a final glance she placed it along with the others.
I went back to my seat tying to keep myself together. Trying

He was going to make it.

He's going to make it

He's going to make it.

He has to make it.

I glanced up as Heather emerged from the door and sat up straight, realising she looked somewhat disturbed. Please tell me he's okay? My breathing increased in anticipation as her mouth parted to deliver her words.

"He's asking for you"

I gasped standing quickly, almost too quickly balancing myself from falling over and hurried inside to see him. His blue eyes met mine as I made it to his bed as he sat up. I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to restrain my joy at seeing him awake.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked scanning me.

"You scared me you idiot" my voice clouding cover from my impending tears.

He scratched his head. "You're too soft" he replied. "I'm sorry"

I smiled wiping away a tear. "Whatever"

"So andrew"

The door closed and a male doctor walked in looking amused but Heather was gone I noticed. "After having to fill out your information because your lady friend didn't know enough" he glanced at me and I shrugged. "Let's see what we can do about this problem your having"

"If you're thinking of writing me medication you can forget it. I'm not taking it"

I glanced over at the man who just recently came back to the world of the living flabbergasted.

"What'd you mean by that? " I asked irritated. "If you're sick you get help"

"Its fine" said the doctor holding up his hand for me to calm down. "Its just typical andrew. It's nice though that there's a voice of reason with him"

Andrew rolled his eyes. "You're both overreacting. I only fainted"

"Actually she has every reason to be concerned Mr. Steinman" said the doctor as he flipped through his papers. "I'm surprised your not in a coma or dead right now, your blood pressure was through the roof coming in"

I cringed and slowly sat into the chair beside his bed feeling the blood draining from my limbs. Dead, coma? My hands trembled in my lap and suddenly I felt hot and dizzy. I knew I was going into shock. I couldn't handle another life altering scenario. They'd be no adjusting to this one. Even if I didn't know enough about him to fill out his medical form, how I felt about him, how I felt inside at the moment; I'd be broken.

"You're scaring her Jason" said andrew.

" I'm serious Mr. Steinman " said jason. "You could've burst a blood vessel coming over here. Any stressful activity lately?"

"Somewhat, not more than usual"

"Well whatever your doing stop. I'm keeping you over night for observation"

"Hell no!"

"Just try to get out and see if you won't see me for a week " Jason responded laughing as he left.

"Great" said andrew. He glanced over at me. "You're pale ziploc, we're gonna switch places by the time I get out if you stay like that" I nodded not knowing what to say. He ran his fingers through the stands of my hair. "I'm fine. Stop worrying"

"How could you do that to me, you idiot! I was worried that I'd loose you just like jeese"

Andrew's eyes widened at my sudden outbust of my over flowing heart. I stared at him feeling hurt and anger and relief all at the same time.

"You're still grieving about the dog?" He finally asked.

" Dog? What'd you mean.....What dog? " I asked looking at him confused.


I stood up. "Jesse isn't a dog she was my daughter"

Author's notes: oh oh....... What do we have here? 💀

Thanks for reading guys
Charms 💕

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