Chapter Forty eight

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I sat the bottom of the stairs for the last fifteen minutes watching Gale move about. All we've said to each other over the last few days apart from the small argument was hello. We had become complete strangers living together, sleeping separately. I was still up when she made it back late last night. She didn't say a word even then climbing the stairs heading to our room. Gale descended the stairs a second time with her large suitcase and disappeared again returning with her small bag and purse. If I remembered correctly, those except the other two that was lying near the door was actually what we moved here with.

"What's all this?"

"I'm leaving, I'm going home"


"What'd you mean? I've been here for a week, the nicest you've been to me is the first few minutes I stepped through that door" she said pointing at it. "You don't talk to me, you don't look at me, we're just existing and I can't do this anymore"

I chuckled leaning forward in the chair resting my elbows against my knees. "You disappeared, lied to me and didn't even think of coming home until I threatened our relationship, I'm not even going to mention your ex because you get defensive over him"
I said. "And you expected things to be normal? That I'd hug and kiss you, that we'd eat together like we usually do?"

"I'm expecting that you'll be understanding"

"About what exactly? because I'm confused. I'm confused worse now since you're telling me I shouldn't even have tried to process what I've heard I should've accepted this as being normal "

"He was sick!"

"So the f**** was I, so was I! I was worried about where the hell you could've been and what you were doing. I was scared"

Tears started to stream down her cheeks and I got up pacing around. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry that you're hurting Andrew but I don't regret what I did, I honestly don't and I know that's not what you want to hear"

I turned my back to her to keep her from seeing the annoyed expression on my face or the anger in my eyes. "I'm trying to keep us together Gale. Trying.

"Do you know how hard it has been accepting everything you did, yet reminding myself I promised you for better or worse? And you run away just because I did something to keep me sane"

I glanced at her from the sides of my eyes, my nail burrowing into my flesh to keep myself from knocking the wall out.

"I'm sorry, I've made mistakes, I can't correct and I've hurt you while you don't deserve it. We've grown apart Andrew"

"You're the one that's refusing to stay, you're the one that doesn't want to fix the problem that they caused in the first place"

"Maybe" she said nodding. "But your heart is somewhere else likewise and she doesn't want to admit it either"

"What are you talking about Gale?"

"I'm going home andrew because we can't fix this. I'm being honest with you now because there's no point in hiding it. I'm going back to help him"

I walked off heading to the kitchen to find anything that could literally not make me feel a damn thing right now. I walked back grabbing her suitcase and her bag heading out.

"What are you doing?" She asked as I placed everything on the back seat.

"I'm taking you home"

"There's no need t--" she paused as I turned glancing at her before taking another bag.


I never felt this angry in a long time, I was angry but I tried to remain calm. Deep down I almost knew this was going to happen. That she wouldn't stay, that she didn't want us anymore. I'd lie if I didn't say it hurt like hell, I'd lie if I'd say everything in me didn't tell me to yell at her and tell her she'd regret it and I'd be a bigger liar if I'd deny the little voice in my head that told me to crash the car with her. But I was taking her home, why? because I wanted her to see that nothing really changed, I loved her, at the moment I wished to heaven I didn't but I did and that made the pain in my heart dig a little bit deeper.

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