Blind and unhappy

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After I left my dungeon, I left everything in place. Besides, I decided that nothing was to be touched.

Typical of the blind to find their way around.

While we were busy, we didn't yet realize how serious the situation was.

I crashed with Ancalagon in the moat of the palace and we went to the court of miracles, to meet the guide of the blind.

We settled into straw. Against each other. We were afraid of getting lost.

Quiet. Quiet. I knew we weren't alone, but they were there... terrified... the other blind people.

I was in the dark. I was 14 years old but in my head I was 9 maybe 10.

I had lost all my bearings. Disoriented. Drunk with this unknown world in a hellish body.

I didn't know if I was crawling or stealing or falling. Everything was big, small...

I was afraid...




I was afraid of the dark.

In the throne room, I was just sleeping and so was she.

We had become part of the scenery and we were the pride of King Theodoric. Foreign nobles and rulers were fascinated by so much power and also amazed at our intelligence.

I loved the comings and goings and the reassuring presence of Theodoric and his new wife, Clovis' daughter.

I had once seen Clovis and his daughter, but now I had tears from not being able to see these famous people anymore.

Uther Pendragon.... Merlin.... Clovis... and to be able to see Charlemagne one day...

I cried all the time in silence. But Ancalagon suffered even more.....

The comings and goings were my only reference to know that we were in broad daylight...

At night, or when the king was not in his empty and sinister room, I went with Ancalagon to the court of miracles, a large pit at the foot of the ramparts, finally inside. We were covered by pieces of fabric stretched over ropes.

I was a nobleman and a duke, but the blind were all like a family. There were no longer any social classes in the face of disability. Yes, some of them had domestic helpers to help them but I had a big problem, I had to eat! I had to relearn everything. My magic was useless and I would no longer be able to read my grimoire and learn new spells. Moreover, braille did not exist at that time...

Then, suddenly Ancalagon jumped on me and bit me on the neck, mad with rage.

"This is all your fault! I can't take it anymore! Find a way to get us out of here!"

With your ideas for a portal... a future that changes all the time!

I trusted you! I gave you everything! My life, my love and

WOuaaaaaahhhhhh...... I'm afraid..........

Her bite loosened and she squeezed me between her legs.

- Amphisbaene, get a grip! Do something. You're so smart! Don't leave me like this! We're winged horses for the soldiers. They take advantage of our handicap and that we need them as common mounts... They're strutting around and I can't take it anymore. We're nobles, aren't we?

I wanted to be a knight with her, but the wall was impassable.

I crumbled and started whining like a child. I was a child after all. It was like a game Playing dragon and knight, playing ultra-realistic role-playing game...

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