You have to be afraid of the dark

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Theodoric received the ambassador of the Holy Roman Empire of the East, the representative of Zenon.

A banquet was sumptuous, and behind the throne, 2, finally 3, dragons slept.

The next ones and the nobles paraded by and the dragon, probably bored, slept deeply and snorted slightly.

Praxiteles: "It was the famous dragon who helped you to crush Odoacre's armies. They were, however, elite soldiers and three times as many as you, if I remember the reports. In fact, the dragon scared them so much, that there were very few victims in that battle, more material damage."

Theodoric: "Yes, he is a dragon with a big heart and my friend. They speak like you and me and are Christians. They go to mass and I am so used to their presence that it is reassuring.

Their sharpened senses have saved me several times from poisoning."

Praxiteles: "Why do they stay here instead of a cave?

They have a castle and they have the title of Dukes. Their castle is an orphanage for the children of our soldiers and they have a small handicapped dragon that children call mom. She raised them, fed them and taught them to read and write."

They disappeared and human stupidity slaughtered them, but dragons could have been made citizens, wise men and super soldiers. A waste in the name of difference."

But the children devoured, the villages burned down?

I lost my parents to these monsters. "

Theodoric: "I'm sorry about that. But Marcus was born human. Time travelers came to save him, but nothing happened as it should."

- Ah, and what do they say about our empire?

-he said you have nothing to fear for 800 years. Beware of religious fanatics. Divine madness will provoke religious wars against a religion from the sands and ruins of the desert.

The greed, the rigour of the established order will make the little people suffer and from their misery a hero will emerge helped by the angel Gabriel who came to punish Christians for their arrogance and the gold of the church.

That is why I am fighting to keep religion spiritual and not political. You can't kill or record in the name of the lord. He will punish us for this insult.

Then all of a sudden


The dragon was having a nightmare... the room shut up. Then the laughter followed.

"Please. Please don't take the nails...... I don't want to be crucified! Naaannnn!"

Then Ancalagon began to moan. "Please don't nail him! Amphisbaene! Graoulle. Theodoric, help! Do something about it. Not the iron

red naaaaann..."

Then something happened in the room. The shadow began to wobble and the 3 dragons sank into the ground, like quicksand.

Half gone, Ancalagon opened her eyes. "Theodoric! Goodbye! We're sucked into the abyss, beware of the rat charmer... he's here and will release the great death. The great plague. The soap!.. Then her face disappeared, her eyes watering. Theodoric was holding her paw that was still emerging.

The ambassador pulled him back. "Do you want to go to hell?"

Theodoric fell backwards. The place where his dragon friends had disappeared left only cobblestones. It's like they never existed.

Procyon, who was clear that this was not a dream, arrived on the spot.

He used instruments such as a random value detector.

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