Peter!! Harley!!

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Harley is 5 and Peter is 3


The team was in the common room while Peter and Harley were doing whatever it is that toddlers do.

"Hey. I'mma go and check on the boys real quick." Natasha said.

"Alright." Came Tony's reply.

When Natasha left, she checked the boy's room first, but they weren't in there. She checked the play room next, but no sign of them. She then checked Pepper and Tony's room, and that's where they were, in the bathroom. Playing with something.

"Hey boys. Whatcha got th-" Natasha paused at what the boys had.

"Oh." Was what she said, before walking out to get Pepper.

"Hey Pep. Come get your children." She said.

They both left, back to the bathroom.

"What're you two do-" She stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of what her boys were playing with.

"Um." Was all she said before Tony came in. 

Tony had to do a double take before bursting out in laughter, while Pepper was just staring.

"Hey mommy. Hi daddy. Hi Auntie Nat." Harley said looking up.

"Hi guys." Peter said, too focused to look up.

"Boys why are you playing with those?" Pepper asked, picking up the boxes of condoms and pads scattered around the bathroom.

"We were bored." Came Harley's reply.

"Yea! But then we found stickers and balloons!!" Peter chimed in, holding the 'balloons and stickers'. 

Tony finally calmed down and said, "Wow. You boys went through all this trouble, looking for something to do?" He asked, gesturing to all the boxes and bags scattered around.


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