24 : Way To Ruin The Mood, Kitty

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Four o'clock. Mari should be back from her little date with Luka. I sighed and stood up from the couch. Plagg was on the floor playing on the Xbox but stopped when he saw me getting up. "Where you off to?" He asked.

I smiled weakly. "Off to break some hearts." I said.

"Oh..." he said. "You want me to drive you?" He offered.

"Sure. The sooner the better." I shrugged and watched as he scrambled off the floor and grabbed his keys before walking out with me.

"I can't believe it's going to be over soon..I'm gonna cry." Plagg pouted as he got in. I looked at him weirdly and shook my head with a chuckle. "It's better this way." I told him. He just sighed and began to drive.

The whole drive to Mari's was silent. I was thinking about how I would break the news to Mari. She'd probably be thankful that it's all over. Maybe throw a party to celebrate.

I texted Alya and Nino about the whole thing and their reactions were pretty much the same as Plagg's. I'm proud of them. They were handling things maturely, as they should.

"We're here." Plagg said and turned the engine off. "Go break some hearts...but go easy." He smiled weakly.

I chuckled and opened the door slowly. I looked up and saw Mari's light on. Yep, she's back. I sighed and closed the car door. I walked into Mari's house and slowly made my way to her room. I didn't see Tom and Sabine so I guessed they were down in the bakery.

I climbed Mari's stairs and knocked on her trapdoor, not wanting to walk in on her again.

"Who is it?" She called. She sounded happy.

"It's me." I replied. The door opened faster then expected. She definitely looked happy with that big grin on her face. Something must have happened with Luka.

"Adrien!" She said happily. I smiled back awkwardly and climbed into her room.

"Hey, Mari. I'm here to talk with you." I said, tucking my hands in my pocket.

She seemed to be in a really good mood as she smiled wider. "Right. I have to tell you something too!"

Great. She and Luka are together or something like that.

"Oh, okay." I said sadly. "Well, you go first." I told her. Make it easier for me.

But she shook her head and gestured me to talk. "You've kept it in since this morning so why don't you get it of your chest." She giggled. "Besides, I can wait."

I smiled at her. She looked so beautiful when she was happy.  "Well, okay." I agreed and took a deep breath. "I think we should stop." I said.

Her smiled dropped into a confused frown.

I continued. "I think that this," I pointed to the two of us. "Us, I can't do it anymore knowing that you don't want to. I know that you don't like me the way I like you and your happiness means more to me. You go be happy with Luka but just know that you'll always have me here...your best friend." I finished with a deep sigh.

Mari stared at me for a while before speaking. "So...we're breaking up?" She asked.

I nodded. "Yes. So you and Luka can get together since he makes you happy." I said.

She giggled. She damn giggled. What the hell was so funny?

"What if I don't want to break up?"

I looked at her, baffled by what she had said. "What?"

She began inching towards me with a smirk on her face. "I said, I'm not letting you break up with me."

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