28 : Bro...

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Authors Note
How awkward. It's been a long time since I update and even been on here. I apologise for the wait but I thank you for your patience. I know you all understand the stresses of the real world so do I have to waste our time telling you all this? No! Because we don't care, on with the story.

And also: 2020 is a fucking mess.


We are currently sitting in Marinette's room, trying to formulate a revenge plan on Lila while munching on some treats. To be honest, I'll never get tired of Mari's parents pasteries.


"Okay, now tell me what you want." Alya looked to Mari and I with an eager look.

"Um..." Mari and I looked at each other. I could see the look of hesitance on her face and I'm sure I had the same.

Don't get me wrong, I dislike Lila but it doesn't mean I want to hurt her.

"What you really, really want." Nino pushed on with that stupid grin on his face, proud of the little Spice Girls reference he made.

Mari sighed, staring at the cookie in her hand. "Honestly guys, I'm starting to rethink this. Maybe we should just ignore her." I nodded.

"Are you kidding?" Alya grimaced. "Mari, the whole school thinks you're a cheater because of her!"

"So? I can just tell them that it was all a hoax. You said you saw Luka leaving on Monday so Juleka can back me up on that."

"She does make a good point." I spoke up. Alya turned to me so fast I swear I heard her neck crack.and the look she gave me was menacing. "I mean, this is probably what Lila wants. To push us on edge and get us to do something crazy in order to get us in trouble."

"Why would she assume we'd do something crazy?" Nino scoffed, flicking off crumbs from his shirt. Mari took her pillow and slammed  it on his head, threatening him to pick up all the crumbs to whicj he obliged because an angry Mari is a scary Mari.

"Nino, did you or did you not put super glue on Kim's chair in third grade?" Alya snickered as she watched him pick up the microscopic crumbs from the floor.

Nino grunted, "It was with good reason."

"He called you a turtle." I recalled. It was during track and obviously Kim being the athletic one in our grade picked on anyone he thought was weak. Nino was one of them apparently.

"So? Have you ever heard of the saying what you say is what you are?"

"That's just a saying kids made up as a comeback because their dumb." Alya laughed.

Nino hummed in response, "Yeah well I took that to heart and stuck a chair on his ass to see how he liked it." He paused and stared up at us.

No amount holy water can account for the images that flashed though my head.

"Bro." I said, breaking the silence. Alya and Mari broke into laughter, throwing their heads back, collapsing to the floor. "You say the darnest things." I laughed,  shaking my head.

"OKAY, STOP LAUGHING!" Nino scoffed and watched we tried to calm ourselves from laughter. "Scheming! We're scheming! Back to scheming!" He protested.

"No we're not scheming Nino, there's nothing to scheme about." Mari rolled her eyes.

"What is this conversation then? A freaking circle!" Nino's voice could probably be heard a mile away.

Circle? How can you associate a conversation with shapes?

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