Chapter 1

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It was about a month before Christmas, both Star and Marco were 17 and in their last year of high school together . They got Christmas break and they were excited , but they weren't expecting the events that are about to take place .

" fuck ya , SCHOOLS OUT !!!" Star yells from the top of the desk as she points it out from the top of her desk . " schools out suckers !!!" She says ecstatically. " PARTY AT MY HOUSE !!" Janna yells from the top of her lungs .

As everyone left there last class of the day , they were all excited about the fact that winter break was finally there . It was the last day of school and it wasn't uncommon for people to throw parties like these during this time .

Marco stayed behind because he was packing his stuff neatly in his bag . He was the only person in the class or so he thought . " hey..." a shy voice said as she approached the brunette.

Marco looked up to his his long time crush Jackie Lynn Thomas standing before him , looking nervous . This was uncommon seeing as Jackie Lynn Thomas was a rather confident and brave girl . " oh hey Jackie !" Marco said cheerfully as he was happy to speak to his crush .

" so Marco I was wondering if you'd like to come to the party with me... as like a date?..." Jackie said with a slight blush appearing on her cheeks and her pulling hair behind her ear in an nervous stance.

Marco who didn't see it coming at all and was surprised as ever that HIS CRUSH WAS ASKING HIM OUT . He mustered up the courage that he built up and responded trying to be as cool as possible " ya sure ! I'd love too !!" Marco said calmly to her but inside he was hiding a whole party of happiness.

" umm.... cool , I'll see you then!" Jackie said as she took some steps back awkwardly and left the brunette to have an outburst of happiness.

" hey buddy ! Whats up ?" Star said entering the classroom to get her textbook but saw her best friend having the biggest and happiest grin on his face .

" are you ok ?" She asked generally worried for the amount the brunette was smiling .

" what happened?"
"Oh... yay ! That's great Marco !" She said with a smile .

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