Chapter :26

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Marcos question put Star in total shock . I mean total shock , she stood their motionless and wide eyed . A million thoughts were going through her head . Was now the time to confess ? How did he know ? Did he even know ? Did Angie tell him ?
" Star ?" Marcos asked as he snapped his best friend back into reality. "Uhhhh... yeah !! Ummm... my crush, yeah ,my crush is-is Oskar!!!" The blonde blurred out . She didn't exactly know what to answer at that point , that name just seemed to be the most convincing name she could think of at that moment .
Marco POV :
As soon as I heard that name I felt this emotion punch to the stomach hit me. It hard to explain because I've never felt like this before.....this is different for me and-and I'm not sure how to handle it or what to do .
The silence between the two could be heard from miles . Lucky a call from downstairs made the two teens leave the conversation.
" Star , Marco ! Come downstairs ! Guests are arriving !" Angie shouted from downstairs . oh yeah !!! The party !!! Both the blonde and brunette forgot about it .
They rushed downstairs in a flash to greet the guests that were coming .
Soon guests were coming and the place got packed , so packed it was difficulty to find your way around .
Star kept herself busy around janna and talking to her for most of the night , as enjoyable as it was talking to janna , Star couldn't shake the thought off her head. The awkward conversation with Marco was in the back of her head the hole night .
At some point Stars decision was to screw it . She didn't want to spend another minute downstairs socializing and communicating with these people . Star is a very social person but she at one point couldn't take it anymore and left to her room where it was quite and peaceful . She practically threw herself onto her bed and lay there silently as she let out a sigh of relief and relaxation.
Meanwhile :
" so then the she told me that the..." Jackie talked on and on about her day to marco , but he couldnt concentrate on her . He was in his own world , replying the events that took place a couple hours ago . He couldn't get it out of his head , that word 'Oskar' . Marco still wasn't sure about how he should feel or what he sould do, at this point he didn't care about what his girlfriend was saying . He wasn't even listening , he just nodded and smiled pretending to be interested .

Sorry this is a short and boring chapter . Currently 3:43 am here and I may just fall asleep while writing this . trust me it's gonna get better, drama and shits about to go DOWN , so don't leave my story just yet .But anyways .
Sorry if I'm late , with everything...but sometimes I'm like that so sorry .
So yeah , I wish 2020 a to be a good year for all of us and may we hope that this year brings many laughs and smiles .
Again I'm so sorry but that's my life , really really really really messy .
At this point idk what I'm writing....that's how tired I am.
BYE BYE !!!!♥️♥️♥️

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