Chapter :11

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* Knock knock*
Was the sound coming from stars door . Star was inside her room , crying . It became something regular she did . She felt hopeless and lost , forgotten and unloved . She missed him , she missed her best friend and the way things used to be between them .
" come in ?" The blonde replied softly and sweetly . " hey..." a charming yet sweet voice would be heard from the slowly opening door . It was him . Marco diaz . As soon as he stepped into her room he immediately noticed her puffy and red eyes and her stained cheeks . " what's wrong ?" He asked concerned " it's nothing...." she said under her breath. She tired covering her face so he couldn't see . Marco stepped closer to her . " Star i know something is wrong , please tell me so I can help ?"
He said as he sat next to her on her bed. When Star heard these words, her mouth wanted to open up and speak the truth . The real truth , her painful feelings for him . But her mind and body refused it . The tears came back and she began crying again .
Marco was shocked , it wasn't like his best friend to cry . She was a strong and independent princess , she was brave and relentless. But even the toughest of people have their downs . Sometimes people hide what they really feel and pretend that everything is fine when clearly it isn't . Marco felt a huge wave of grief for her and took his chance and hugged her .
It had been a while since they hugged or even spoke with each other . But it was much needed , for both of them . They missed the feeling of each other's warm bodies pressed against one another , they missed the secure and safe feeling while they hugged .
Star cried onto his shoulder as she couldn't contain the tears . Marco squeezed her tightly and rocked her back and forth in an attempt to calm her down . He didn't know what was wrong with her but he didn't care . He wanted to be their for her more than anything . He wanted to be her rock , someone who she could come to and tell them anything and be their . He knew as her best friend it was his job .
" Star it ok , whatever your going through will pass . I promise you that . I'm always going to be there for you , I want to be there for you , Star ." These words the brunette spoke hit the spot .
Star felt safe and protected . She didn't let go of him . She didn't want to and her body refused . Marco didn't want to let go either . He missed her soft and comforting hugs , he forgot all about Jackie at that moment .
They hugged for so long it felt like forever , but they loved it . Every single second .
They soon closed their eyes in each other's arms and drifted off to sleep. And for the first time in a while , Star felt loved again .

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