Chapter :23

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"Wait but how did you know ?" The blonde questioned . " Star , isn't it obvious ? The way you smile at him , the way you talk to him , the way you act around him . Also it's a mother instinct to know these things." Angie added with a giggle at the end.
The blondes blush grew deeper and deeper at her awkward conversation.
" you know , I'd think you and Marco would make a cute couple." Angie added while shooting a glance at the blonde to see her reaction .
" yeah..... to bad he has a girlfriend." Star said as her smile turned into a frown quickly.
Angie could see that the blonde was hurting on the inside " since We're being honest right now I might aswell say it . I don't like Marcos girlfriend either, she's very stuck up and Marco  just doesn't seem like the kind of guy to be with a girl like her ." Angie admitted . The blonde was surprised that even Marcos mom agreeed with her that Marcos girlfriend was a total bitch .
" wait really ?" Star responded surprised as her eyes widened.
"definitely, you see star as a mom I don't want to tell marco that he's dating a total bitch , but he's liked her ever since Kindergarten and telling him that would just hurt his feelings . Besides I can't tell who to date and who not to date , he's practically 18 and can makes these decisions by himself . Even tho I think In the end , Jackie's gonna break his heart..." While Angie spoke these words to star , it only made star feel bad for Marco and his mom . She had to deal with watching this toxic relationship unfold and her son getting hurt in the end and Marco... poor sweet and innocent Marco is gonna be heartbroken. Star glanced over at him . That happy person and that perfect smile, it was gonna to be ruined at some point , but what could anyone do ?
Star turned back around to Angie who too looked a bit sad . Star frowned even more before sighing which Angie responded too .
" Star , while we're still spilling secrets I ship team Starco ." Angie added with a wink which changed the princesses mood .
" what's starco ?" Star asked confused.
" oh that's a name Rafael and I created as a name for you and Marco .its called STARCO !!! *giggle* how cute !!!"
Star laughed a little at angies funny  yet charming comment . After Angie noticed stars mood change she too smiled again . " see,There's the happy and positive magical princess I know and love ."Angie said with a bright smile .
" aww ,thanks Angie !" Star said as she reached in for a hug which Angie returned .
While star hugged Angie she asked something .
" can you maybe not tell marco about this.... I don't want him knowing...." Star said before letting go of the hug.
" don't worry , I won't tell . Besides my son is as blind as bat . He definitely won't know anyways." Angie added with a smirk .
" thanks...." Star said awkwardly while putting hair behind her ear and looking away .

Shortly after the eggnog was made star went back to her room , but before she could go Angie stopped her . " Star , I know this maybe a lot to handle... the emotions and all but your gonna have to tell him at some point...."
as much as Star wanted to scream no and list all the reasons why she couldn't do that , Angie did however have a point and admitting defeat was the only option. Star was going to have to tell him one day.

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