Chapter :9

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Marcos POV :
Star pushed me out of her room. It didn't seem like her , I could tell she wasn't the same . Something happened to her but I can't figure it out . As soon as she shoved me out of the room , I let out a sigh of defeat and made my way back downstairs .

Time passed as Marco and star hadn't seen each other much . Marco was busy spending time with his girlfriend and Star was trying to move on and forget her crush . It wasn't easy , anyone who has a crush knows that it can't be done with the snap of a finger . Star needed time and she distances herself from the brunette to avoid the feelings from coming back .
*Knock , knock *
A knock was heard from the blondes door . She called back " who is it ?"
" it's me , Marco ." The brunette said as he slowly opened the door to reveal his cute face with an oh so soothing smile that would melt anyone's heart . He was the definition of friendly.
"H-hey..." Star shuttered .
" so I just wanted to check up on you... so how are you ?" He asked scratching the back of his neck and looking down . Trying not to make it obvious he was moving towards her .
"Umm... I've been good I guess...and you?"
" uhh. I've been busy... you know trying to be a good boyfriend for Jackie..." he said awkwardly with a smile on his face . " yeah , yeah . Totally ! You know don't want to make Jackie unhappy..." Star said with a bit of sadness at the end of her sentence " but how is she... anyways.." The blonde questioned . "She good. I mean we're both happy to be in a relationship together and we're both enjoying it."
" that's great !" A fake smile is plastered onto stars mouth .
"star... are you ok ?" The brunette said as he had noticed in the corner of her eye a tear being to form.
" I'm fine , really ." She says as she again plastered on a face smile .
" Star I'm worried about you... things haven't been the same between us." He says as he places a hand on hers .
This touch , made every bone in stars body shiver . The feelings for her best friends returned , their was no ignoring them . A small blush appeared on stars face as she felt the contact between their skin .it felt incredible and her heart beat faster with every second .
"Look.... I-I" Star started but she couldn't comprehend any words to say after that . She wanted to pour her heart out to her best friend and tell him the truth . She was miserable, because of him .
" it's fine Star . You don't have to tell me , but if you ever do . I'm right here ." Marco said with half a smile .
Stars heart fluttered at this charming and striking smile .
He gently took his hand off of hers and make his way out of the room .

Star couldn't contain it , all the emotions. All the things she wanted to say to him . The chance was gone . Star had to face the fact , Marco loved Jackie and not her .
The blonde poured out all the feelings inside of her and took them all out on the pillow . Quite sobs could be heard from around the room , but not noticeable enough for Marco to hear.

The brunette stood behind stars door . He didn't remove his hand from the nob , he felt the urge to open the door and be there for her .
Even if she said she was fine , Marco knew she wasn't . Their friendship wasn't the same and Marco couldn't understand what was wrong . She looked miserable and tired . It wasn't like the Star he knew . Star was different, it wasn't a different he liked . He wanted The old star , whom would spend time with him and hang out with him .
He missed the laughs they shared and endless moments of pure happiness he felt around her . Their friendship wasn't the same , will it ever go back to normal ?
Marco let go of the nob on stars door and turned away disappointed and sad .

Christmas story (starco) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن