Chapter :27

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But Marco wasn't interested , the thought and words star spoke to him earlier stayed with him and they didn't leave .
" Hey , hey , HEY !!!" Jackie tried getting Marcos attention because she noticed his disinterest in their conversation.
" yeah , yeah !!!" Marco snapped back into reality and immediately regretted it . The mean look of his girlfriend proved that he did something wrong .
" what's up ?" Marco pretended to be paying attention to her all along .
" what do you mean 'what's up ?' You  weren't paying attention to ME !!!" His girlfriend bluffed at him .
Marco knew she was about to cause a scene and that was the last thing he wanted . " babe , I'm sorry I was kinda distracted....." he admitted while looking away from her now angry face .
" is it star again ?" She questioned firmly and strictly , the face she was making could've scared even the bravest of solders .she was about to blow up and make a scene if she didn't get the drama she wanted and craved.
A sharp blush appeared on the brunettes face giving the witch the answer she knew that was coming all along .
" I KNEW IT !!!" She said before storming off to god knows where . Marco was about to stop her but he didn't , he was emotionally tired of running after her and tonight he decided to just leave her . There was no point in trying for the brunette, besides he had other things on his mind .

Stars POV :
I lay on my bed and decided to just close my eyes for a minute, just a minute is all she wanted . The tiring day made the blondes energy sink to the lowest . She took another sigh out and finally felt at peace. The last few weeks have really exhausted her , emotionally and physically. All the drama and heartbreak , all she really wanted was to stay in that room by herself and let the body rest .
*knock ,knock*
Sadly however, a simple knock from the door made the princess shot up from the bed to face the doorway. " come in !" she yelled with no idea who it was on the other end of the door .
" hey it's me marco !"
Oh shit !
The one person she was avoiding tonight . She realized that it was he had already seen her , so that meant their was no getting out of this . She couldn't hide or jump out of the window , she couldn't escape the awkward conversation that was about to come .
" soooooo....." Marco said with hands in his pocket and walking over trying to make it not seem to obvious. He wanted to finish the conversation that happened earlier. " you like Os-" the brunette was immediately cut off when the princess shoved passed him and out the door . She wanted to get out of the conversation and walked right passed him and almost out the door .
" hey !" He called out as he had had just enough time to grab her hand and pull her towards him . She slipped and fell into his arms . From another's person point of view it would've looked like Marco was dipping Star .  to star and Marco they both were breathing heavily because of the scare and nervousness of both the teens . Star and Marco stared into each other's eyes getting somehow deeper and deeper into each other's minds . They couldn't realize that it seemed their heads were moving closer to another another.
They didn't think about the surrounding they were in and the things that were happening around them . The moment seemed just perfect and their heads moved closer . Their eyes shut slowly and they pulled closer to another another until it happened. They kissed .

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