Chapter :34

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Back to marco :
Marco walked upstairs and into the hallway to reach his room . As he passed through the hallway he takes a look at this phone for a minute until he bumps into someone . Star takes a step back after she sees who it is . Marco goes wide eyed and so does Star . They didn't want to see each other after what happened. Star wanted to speak to him but when the opportunity came , words couldn't come out of her mouth like she had planned .
When Star got the courage to say someone Marco stopped her .
" look I gotta go." He walked passed her and into his room where he initially intended on going to.
However Star wasn't gonna let the opportunity to talk to him slip passed her that fast . Star took the initiative and followed him to his room . " hey !!" She said aggressively " look, we need to talk !" Star declared . Marco turned around not impressed by her courage . He didn't want to bring up the topic nor did he want to deal with drama .
" Star look I don't want to talk about this right now ." He confessed .
" no, Marco we've been avoiding each other and I don't want that... I want to be able to be how we used to be..."
these words triggered some anger in Marco . He knew damn right that Star was the one how caused this mess and he knew damn right she wasn't SORRY .
" NO , Star you wanted nothing of the sort . You kissed ME and there is no excuse for that . You have no idea the trouble you've cause me . You KNEW I was in a relationship with Jackie and you KNEW I don't want to cheat on my girlfriend !!!!"
With each sentence he took a step forward and pointed his finger at her aggressively.
Star has never been so afraid of her best friend in her life . She thought he was going to slap her or worse , she feared all the terrible things that could happen to her , yet she still felt some sort of sadness and guilt . His words made him believe that SHE did something wrong....
when Marco stopped he noticed the water glass of tears in her eyes . She was trying to keep it in but when she blinked it came out confirming it was tears .Star didn't even notice the tears forming in her eyes , she was more focused on the fact that he was mad at her .
Though Marco was extremely made at her , he felt some form of guilt pass over him . Maybe he shouldn't have yelled at her , at this point many things were fucked up for him right now and lid was playing games with him. It was emotionally draining to put up with all this drama and whatnot in life and sadly he took it out on the wrong person . His best friend .

Silence sat in between the pair as they just looked at each other . Star didn't know what or how to respond to that comment. She didn't know what was appropriate to say . She had never been in such an intense oral fight with Marco , she basically didn't know how to deal with it . Their fights were bad but they never got to this point .
"I-I..." we're all the words Star could make out while her words cracked at the tears she was holding back .
" you what ?"
" Star I can't believe that you had this idea to kiss me , You KNOW I have a girlfriend and I respect them enough not to cheat on them . Star you've made my life ALOT more harder , you've put pressure on my shoulders and you know me !!!! Your gonna break apart everything that Jackie and I had , your gonna break us up cause of your damn eagerness!!!" He said as he threw down the things on his desk .

I'm planning on writing even longer chapter because I don't want people to get bored of waiting and i don't want you guys to have to deal with my cliffhangers anymore .

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