Chapter 3

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At the party :
When we came , the place was packed . It was like going to a concert, the only difference was that it was a party and there was a large group of people outside making out , partying , vomiting . You know the usual high school party you'd expect .

It was all good , Star and Marco separates as both of them had different people they wanted to talk too .

" Star ? Earth to Star !?" Janna said as she waved her hands in front of stars face to snap her to reality. " WHAT ?" Star says snapping back to the real world . " dude you ok ?" She asks " oh ya I'm cool just distracted..." Star said letting her finger glide around the rime of the cup she was drinking from .

" Star , I can tell your not ok . What's up ?" Janna asks .
" no Janna I'm totally fine , ACTUALLY IVE NEVER BEEN BETTER !" Star says quickly turning back to her bubbly self .
" if you say so ." Janna says as she was not convinced her friend was ok , but Janna gave up in defect and took a sip of her drink instead.

Back to marco :

Marco ,your average socially awkward teenager looking around for what seemed to be his date . "Where is she ?" He asked under his breathe upon entering the party house . " hey diaz !" A confident and happy girl said from behind Marco . Marco spun around in curiously and there he saw the girl of his dreams . Blonde short hair cut to neck length, with a streak of mint blue highlight , a short blue dress which displayed her body perfectly and a pair of sneakers to match her edge personality. Yes , it was Jackie Lynn Thomas , his long time crush .

" hi..." Marco said nervously.

Stars POV :
I left my conversation, I was too curious to see how Marco is doing . Over the packed crowd , under the disco light I could see Marco with Jackie next to him . As soon as Marco noticed me he gave me a concerned look , he seemed nervous and I knew why . I demonstrated with myself how to hold her and he nodded , meaning I gave him the right answer .

I watched as he placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer until their bodies pressed against each other . He made a quick move and kissed her.... but why do I feel different about this....

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